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emergency rescue for permed dreads!

11 years ago
32 posts

OK! so I have my lovely natural dreads, which added some permed extensions to cause i'm such a girl and wanted some uber long dreads for a while. I was well aware that they would probably become brittle and break (as permed dreads do) but they were only extensions, so no fuss for me.
However- I feel the heartbreak everytime someone was silly enough to believe a salon dresser and got their whole head permed into dreads, and are told to cut them off and start again when they ask for a solution-

Natural dreads are the way to go, You've all seen soaring eagle's locs, perfect example of why natural is the best best best! but if you're facing losing your whole head of hair and can't handle it, I have a possible save for you.

I tried a salon protein treatment on one of the permed extensions I had lying around, i was expecting it to not really work BUT: it has helped immensely. it might help save someones head of hair someday, i know a lot of people come here after they've made their big mistake so i felt it could help someone rescue their permed dreads so they can grow them out and continue in the natural way.

these extensions had textbook perm damage (once again, perms = evil). the hair was stretchy when wet, and when dry was brittle as shit, and had white dots all over it where the perm had fried hairs at every bend. if this was your whole head, you'd be crying at the thought of losing all your hair you took years to grow over an uninformed decision you made to get salon locs. I applied the treatment, and was sure to get it right into the 'dread'. i followed the instructions, and now those white dots are gone and it's 50% or so stronger when wet- enough for someone to be able to keep their hair and grow it out as natural dreads (you'd want to trim the ends as it grows to get rid of the damaged hair of course!)

I don;t want to name drop and mention the brand, but if you're reading this in tears because you made the silly decision to cook your hair (lets face it, there is so much info online and when you search, the commercial sites come up before any of the natural proper ones so i don;t blame anyone for taking a salons advice, after all, you don;t think at first that anyone would ruin your hair to make a buck (but god, they will!), leave a comment or message me and I'll tell you, just cause i'm not sure if all salon brands are going to work this well (though, everyone's hair is different, why not get some sample packets and test half a dread at a time to see how it goes).

Now I am all about natural dreads, and yes, honestly if your hair is fried from a dread perm, most people will say cut it off- as they're going to eventually snap in most cases, but i'm hoping this will help save someones head of hair one day, i first did my locs when i was 16 and thanks to knottyboy, was sure that dreads were started by wax (took me a week to comb them out because i realized something was wrong), luckily i found out real dreads needed no products etc and now know better- but i don;t think anyone deserves to lose all their hair thanks to bad info. we are all attached to our hair (literally and emotionally) and just because you fried it doesn't mean it's easy to lose it all, especially for girls. So, hopefully this info is enough to help someone keep their hair so they can continue their dread journey instead of cutting it all off and being to afraid to start again.

just remember the salon protein stuff is full of chemicals and residues so you don't want to use it regularly.

SO: in closing, had to share this for you out there who is a wreck because a hairdresser fried your head and you're facing baldness. it's no guarantee, and for gods sake, be sure to share your horror story with everyone you know so we can hep prevent more people doing the same. but hopefully this can help as a last resort.
be sure to trim as your locs grow, you don't want that damaged hair in forever.
make sure you subscribe and donate to this site, because this is where you'll find answers to any questions you have in future.

Oh- and get a bottle of protein teatment and do it yourself, DON;T go to a salon! everything they use there is loaded with conditioners and they won;t know what the hell to do with your dreads. your dreads are YOURS, you need to cre for them yourself, don;t go to salons (though you're probably terrified of salons if you just burnt your hair to a crisp)

Much love, dread natural, learn your lesson, and don;t give up.


updated by @beckbeck: 02/14/15 02:50:12AM
Jennifer Rose
11 years ago
59 posts
Could you please message me the name of the protein treatment? Thanks :+)
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

post the name here its ok to

if it helps it helps

really appreciate your trying to help others

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
32 posts

ok, It's called "ION reconstructor"
this is what the bottle looks like not sure if this sire is the best price, just adding it to show you what it looks like,default,pd.html#reviews

11 years ago
32 posts

just posted it in a comment on here love

Jennifer Rose said:

Could you please message me the name of the protein treatment? Thanks :+)
Ari Rudenko
11 years ago
2 posts

Hey thanks so much for the post! So heres my situation: I started my dreads natural, and they were really growing beautiful, but they had alot of loose hairs. About 8 months after i started my dreads I moved to Bali, Indonesia. I was looking for someone who could so some maintenance, and a friend hooked me up witha a guy who said he could, but when I got there, it turned out his plan was to perm me. I didn't really know what he was doing, until it was a little to late and I was to shy to say stop. Really stupid mistake I know.

Anyways, they aren't too bad, only a couple are breaking at the tips, and no white dots. Mostly, I hate that the whole power and character of the dreads were killed. They turned into floppy little things that all look the same. Its been about 9 months since then, and i have a couple inches of new growth. Im wondering, do you think that using this product plus conditioner might help undo them, then I could redo naturally? Is that a crazy plan? Or at least, if I use this stuff, will then not be so floppy and weak? Thanks so much

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

why would u get maintenance for loose hairs on natural dreads..especialy ones not fully mature>?

i hope this stuff helps you yea perms are 1 of the absolute worse things for dreads (feltings worse even crochets not as bad as a perm)

i hope that stuff does help you

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ari Rudenko
11 years ago
2 posts

I know it was really uninformed... i just wanted a little help really with loose hairs, and had no time to think once i got there. One of those things that happens in a moment and your regretting it every day since then. Ya hopefully this stuff will ship to indonesia

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

all ya had to do was wait a couple more months

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

In regards to your dreads being floppy little things: Mature dreads will become the thickness of where the section of hair meets the scalp. Once your dreads are allowed to do the journey of maturing they shrink up towards the scalp and become that thickness I mentioned. So right now they may be thin, but in time that will change, all on it's own too. I don't have any experience with permed dreads, so I am not sure how long this will take for you. ...peace

soaring eagle said:

all ya had to do was wait a couple more months

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