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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @soaring-eagle

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/17/24 12:19:09PM
29,641 posts

dreadlockssite universal app now available

General Talk

Honestly, have not used any of the universal apps since that time. I assume it’s still there

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/03/24 10:25:31AM
29,641 posts

Is picking out lint a problem, am I damaging my locs?

General Questions

Charcoal based shampoo

mold, lavender and clove oils, not sure what else

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/03/24 04:50:04AM
29,641 posts

Is picking out lint a problem, am I damaging my locs?

General Questions

Oil depends on race in a way. Just that African textured hair absorbs it like a sponge so could use more. Other textures you can use aloe, or oil, rarely as needed. I tend to use it rarely after washing, I add just a lil to a big pitcher of water pour it on, wait a few seconds then do a partial rinse, not to rinse it out, but spread it through and remove excess.

if I don’t use aloe I use jojoba or the scratch attack aunt vicki makes, but coconut, avocado, Moroccan, or africas best work too.

if African textured, just apply more often, and could be more directly (as apposed to in water) 

Other questions, mold, aunt vicki makes “rot knot” because my dreads are very long I use an entire bottle. But you should use enough to really get them so the rot knot penetrates to the core and are well saturated. Leave in 10 min, then rinse well, then wash as usual.

buildup and lint, she also makes a charcoal based “detox” (gritty slightly so keep eyes closed tightly)

this super cleans.

note- detox rot knot, and scratch attack might still not be on her website. You might need to special request them.

her website (Etsy)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/20/24 07:17:20AM
29,641 posts

Is picking out lint a problem, am I damaging my locs?

General Questions

I was told a soft bristled toothbrush might work

never tried it though

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
02/12/24 12:07:20PM
29,641 posts

Is picking out lint a problem, am I damaging my locs?

General Questions

Does it remove lint without hurting the dreads?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/03/24 09:43:49AM
29,641 posts

When are you coming to visit

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/03/24 09:43:24AM
29,641 posts

I’ll take them! if only you weren’t on the other side of the planet,…

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/03/24 08:57:52AM
29,641 posts

And I want you to realize something, and fully accept and internalize it.


I know you been through a lot, but you are beginning to really shine.

you say you want to come out of your shell, well, this is a shells optional site. No shells required. You are free to be your true beautiful self here.

everyone will love and support you here.. if they don’t.. they got to deal with me!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/03/24 08:29:55AM
29,641 posts

You are so sweet, so intelligent, so interesting, and truly open and honest

love you

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