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Forum Activity for @naturalwomyn

07/28/10 05:15:39PM
849 posts

hes said it and said it again and again.....

General Talk

ok just for the record not that i think what i said was wrong but when i replied to this post ALL he said was "quit quorrying so much about whats on your head"i listen less and less each time thou its true i dont wanna beleive that u can have nice locks the neglect way because all ive seen are thick ass locks made the neglect way" ~word for word. he edited the rest in after.Read more: hes said it and said it again and again..... - dreadlocks forums the best place for real dreadlocks no lies no products to buy just truth about healthy dreadsUnder Creative Commons License: Attribution Whales are super fly said:
Wow. Did you guys even read his post? And even if he did disagree with things (which he doesn't), what gives you the right to point fingers, LAUGH at his face and say, I quote: "i think he thinks those dreadheadhq wax messes are dreads"? Immature, uncalled for, sorry guys, but... wtf

I'm really sorry but this. This leaves me very dissappointed, no matter what you guys say
07/28/10 04:25:29PM
849 posts

hes said it and said it again and again.....

General Talk

I DO believe natural is the best but if he's not into it then he should do whatever he wants with his hair,it's just kinda getting old when these kids come round with no knowledge and try to act like they know everything. Especially when it's some weird new rant everyday. I suppose kids gotta learn the hard way sometimes. No disrespect gannon but sometimes i don't know what the hell you're thinkin! ;o) Good Luck with whatever you choose to do with your own hair but just remember some of the info you've been given here. Many Blessings
07/28/10 04:04:19PM
849 posts

hes said it and said it again and again.....

General Talk

WTF are you talking about????? I don't know how often you run into dreads but i do on a regular basis and i can tell you that natural locks can form small or large depending on how you separate them. It's NOT rocket science! But you don't have to believe anything. Go get em done at a salon and let us know how that works out for ya...or forget about them altogether because even the idea of dreadlocks seems to stress you out! Especially if your not willing to accept other peoples knowledge which on this topic does surpass your own.
07/28/10 06:06:46AM
849 posts

Dr.b's soap and oil

Introduce Yourself

Target, CVS, Stop & Shop and natural health food stores all sell Dr.B
07/28/10 06:04:24AM
849 posts

Give me some advice :D

General Questions

Don't crochet either. It's very damaging. Most of the info you need is located on the right side of the screen. Good Luck!
07/28/10 06:28:09AM
849 posts

dreadheadhq dread butta?

Dread Maintenance

This is taken directly from their website!! "Everybody loves how dreadwax helps locks come together faster and tighter but nobody wants to be a tacky wax-head. Butta is the answer. It slices through tackyness like knife! and it leaves your dreads feeling amazing. Its yet one more product we are thrilled to provide for your thriving dreadlocks." Don't people see how ridiculous this sounds!?? JC is trying to sell you a product to cover up the product he just sold you and another and another! He's a modern day snake oil salesman! How people fall for this is beyond me.
07/28/10 06:34:17AM
849 posts

Cons of washing every day?

Dread Maintenance

Great AdviceGolden Eagle & Knottysleeves!!
07/27/10 07:43:28PM
849 posts

Cons of washing every day?

Dread Maintenance

nah you're probably all good for now. I wash mine every 2-3 days. When they start to mature it's a whole different story though. Once mature they can take up 12 hours or more to dry fully so you might want to cut back to every other day by then.
07/27/10 03:42:07PM
849 posts

Hi, I'm new - just introducing myself

Introduce Yourself

Glad you found some helpful info! Try not to stress too much just continue along with wax removal methods even once you feel all the wax is out. Forget about your hair for a while, try not to look in the mirror too much and embrace your loose hair, all the bumps and loopies that's what makes them unique! Many Blessings
07/27/10 11:38:59AM
849 posts

Hi, I'm new - just introducing myself

Introduce Yourself

Welcome and I'm glad you found us! Please don't re-backcomb! That's severely damaging! The rest of your hair will lock up. Did they use wax? If so follow the guide for wax removal. wax will slow down the locking process as will palm rolling all the time. Just remove the wax if you used any and leave your hair alone. Separate if the try to congo (join together) at the roots. Good Luck
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