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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @jayah-o

Jayah O
10/05/09 07:51:35PM
38 posts

Check this out! Proof of our fruitarian nature.

Dreads and Diets

OH DEAR!...LMAO! well that gave my poor sick self a good giggle! thanks :) soaringeagle said:
well i can only guess what the 1st 1 tastes like
the 2nd 1 doesnt look like anything id
Jayah O
10/05/09 06:46:52PM
38 posts

Check this out! Proof of our fruitarian nature.

Dreads and Diets

This is what I get after dinner huh?..LOL Ok ok!But for real that fruit looks pretty cool..uhh wonder what it tastes like? ;) Wonder if I can find one around here? soaringeagle said:
what would be truly amazing is if the fruitgina was loaded with zync and had an aphrodesiac affect on the male human, and if the fruitenis had loads of iron and aphrodesiacs that affected the female human, so each gender would directly benifit from gobbling down lots of the oposite sex's fruititalia
Jayah O
10/03/09 01:19:31PM
38 posts

Play any instruments?

General Talk

I play Djembe, Ashika and Aboriginal drum with a beater. I sing too =D
Jayah O
10/02/09 04:00:18PM
38 posts


Dread Maintenance

"low and behold I feel these rough rigid ropey things all over my head. Hmm these feel alot like dreadlocks!" Does this mean you are going to post a new pic?.. *hint, hint*"PLus when people come here and freak out about how can they save their dreads from looking original, we can tell them to relax and their hair is perfect for them and maybe instead of thinking about their hair all day they should talk to us about teepees, drums, unicycles and fruit. lol" You forgot hula hoops! :)
Jayah O
10/01/09 09:21:45PM
38 posts

people judging me as a mother and my son

Dreads in the Family

Some people are simply miserable in thier life and feel the need to drag someone else down to feel better about themselves. I guess I am known for speaking my mind, sometimes I can even be a bit uncouth, but I would have been glad she left too. Feel sorry for her. She is a small person who can't see past her doorstep. Don't worry about the haters..they will always be around. Speak your peace when you feel the need, after that just be a good mommy and love your hubby! :)As the others said, a good giggle is a good defense as well. It makes people wonder why you are laughing. I know I have said stupid crap, been laughed at and felt like the BIGGEST IDIOT on the planet. I have since learned, but yeah I still say stupid stuff sometimes..I'm only human =PParenting is a tough thing sometimes. It's when you get to choose for somebody else..others feel judged when you choose differently than them. I get that all the time because I cloth diaper. I still stand by my choices and let others know if they ask. Just keep on keeping on! :)
Jayah O
09/29/09 01:44:41PM
38 posts

dreads in a relationship..

Life Issues Facing Dreads

I haven't dreaded up yet, but when I first told my hubby I wanted to, he kinda freaked out. He said "WHY? have such lovely hair. I love your hair!" I simply told him that it's my hair, I understand where you are coming from but can you please support me in this? He totally gets it!!! He is fine with it, now, plus he knows that I'm very stubborn and would be REALLY ticked if he put up a huge fuss. =) To me there is really no reason why I can't dread my hair. I am a stay home mom of the dog.I want to grow and change and be a better person. The dread journey is a means to an end for many people, I think. After 11yrs of marriage, I think we understand each other much better than when we first started dating :)
Jayah O
09/28/09 11:30:21PM
38 posts

Hello from Orlando

Introduce Yourself

I'm new here too and you are right, this is an awesome site! :)Welcome!!I love to travel, but my kids, dog and hubby are homebodies! If we travel in a motorhome/bus they are great! Camping is as good as it gets these days. Maybe when my kidlets are older, like Diamondskies said.
Jayah O
09/26/09 11:10:24AM
38 posts

As Requested, Here I Am

Introduce Yourself

Welcome welcome! I just got here too..but I have yet to "start" my dreads..Thanks to this place though, I can already see that my dread journey will be much less stressful and not "mainstream influenced":)Nice to meet ya!
Jayah O
09/26/09 01:38:09AM
38 posts

I got my first rude comment

General Questions

I would have just laughed hysterically and asked her if she bumped her head that morning. Then I would have laced into her asking how ofter she washed her hair and did her kids get bugs?..I mean come on..I'm sorry I have no time for ignorance like that. I would surely not apologise and I would still tell her what I thought..but that's just my way..LOL I would have said as a parting comment though, that dirty, oily hair doesn't dread..and to have a ______ that mean?... =P
Jayah O
09/24/09 11:00:07AM
38 posts

other language support (please translate if possible)

General Talk

Bravo Remi! Tu as bien fait! Mieux que moi j'aurai fait c'est sure :) Glad for Remi being here, I don't write so well in French
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