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Dreadlocks Forums

Here we go! *natural *

4 years ago
16 posts
Wow! In some of your pictures your hair looks so much like mine. But it seems to be going so much quicker! I wonder why that is.. hm. I guess that extra straightness really makes a difference.

I've been growing mine since December, but I was still brushing the top part..then I ended up combing out the tnr sections I had to start over for a full head of natural, so it's more like the middle of January.. Definitely need to get some more recent updated pictures. But yours seem to be loving their new style and getting right down to business!
Congratulations on such a beautiful start.

4 years ago
18 posts
Thank you both for your responses!! Yeah it's definitely new for me, they seem to be really taking off, but what a ratnest I've been using the avalon organics lemon clarifying shampoo twice a week and it tightens up like CRAZY after a wash. Even the little baby hairs at the base of my neck are matting up, and all of the underneath sections are now loops and zigzags. I worry sometimes it's going too fast.... but I also think because it was so damaged and dry from constant chemical processing, that helped it really knot up. I will have to grab a few new pics, I can't believe it's been over 5 weeks already.. I don't miss brushing at all everyone on here has such amazing dreads, I'm trying to go through pics and inspire myself, especially for when I have a rough day.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts

clarifying shampoos are very harsh and highly toxic only meant to be used 4 times a year to strip heavy buildup, if you dont have buildup dont use a buildup stripper. it will only damage your hair more

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
18 posts
Oof... remember when I said I wanted to see how messy things can get? Well holy crap. 2 months old today... and my length is GONE. The constant frizz is a pain, but I feel like this is going really fast... andcI'm not sure if that's good or bad . Was just playing with beads in the photo, I didn't leave them in. "Separating" has become my main hobby in life... and it's hit that I'm really doing this ....
4 years ago
233 posts
Cute! I’ve always been very grateful for quick progress!
dreadlock congo bongo i
4 years ago
1 posts

Is anyone on here?

Gazzunger the Grey
4 years ago
91 posts

just passing thru....  greetings to you

4 years ago
18 posts
I'm here 🙋‍♀️ lol
4 years ago
18 posts
4 and a half months.

Holy. Crap.
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4 years ago
233 posts
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