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the truth about crocheting dreadlocks

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts

crocheted dreads become weak and are much more high maintenance than any other dreads.every time you push a crochet hook through a dread to pull in 1 loose hair you break dozens maybe even hundreds of other hairs. this slowly weakens the dread, while the broken hairs then find theyre way back out requiring more crochet to pull in the hairs broken by fixing the damage caused by crochetingthis process never endsyear after year you continue dammage and dammage repair till the dreads are so weak they breakthe average crochet dread requirews 5-15 hours work a weekin addition, the dreads get a very woven look this looks very different from thre natural growth so crochetting must continue to keep that uniform woven lookif you crochet in the beginning a few times then stop you can recoverbut continued crocheting will become a lifelong habitits not worth itthe average crochet dreads take more work per week then i put into mine in 20 yearswhy make extra work for yourself?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 01/22/20 09:33:16AM
tha tron
15 years ago
147 posts
I don't think it's nearly as bad as you are making it man relax!
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
sure it iseveryone who crocheted to keep em neat in the beginning either still crochets 7-10 years later every week for 5 or more hours or..some end up cutting off the woven crocheted parts when the natural growth comes inof course if they only did it once or twice when they were very loose they can recoverbut ounce ya start doing it all the time you are only making your dreads very high maintanance

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
73 posts
Unfortunately, for many different reasons, some people are not able to go "the natural route" on their dreadlock journey and maintenance is required.People who crochet or sew in their loose hairs should not be frowned upon. Sure crocheting can be a little damaging - but its not that bad and there are alternatives to the good ole crochet hook.perhaps this forum could try to stop jamming the natural method down people's throats and maybe provide alternative suggestions for maintenance.Since joining this forum, I have noticed that not many people dont have the courage to get up and say - 'hey, i tried this way and for me it worked'. Are you all too scared to come out and tell it like it is?I know that deep down most people would jump at the chance to go natural, but it isnt always viable. And you still want to express who you are so you have to compromise a little and use different methods.And this whole forum needs to start looking at a new word too - "compromise". This forum is called dreadlock forums. Perhaps, this place needs a major overhaul and become a natural dreadlock forum, because lets face it - that is what it is all based on.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
well noone saying nobody should ever just saying they should be aware that ovnce ya start your in a never ending cycle u pull in 1 loose hair u create dozens more that will come out so your always repairing the dammage caused by repairing the dammage ..if u can never start your better offbest alternatives to crochetting..1 acceptence..leave em alone accept minor imperfections.. 2 aloe.. 3 step farther away from the mirror so every tiny invisible hair dont seem sso bad

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
it does weaken them...and you see..your still using it after 7 often do u use many hours a week..thats my point once yiou start your constantly in a battle to repair the dammage done..for life.. dreads should not need that much workcrochetting you only make more work for yourself...7 years and you cant stop.. Mustarov Bulzokin said:
I have use crochet for dreadlock over seven year. Must be small crochet but never hurt for lock.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
ok u were smart enough to barely do itthe problem is most ppl do it every week or every 2 weekseverytime u push any metal object through a dread u break hairsthe strength of a dread (or rope) comes from the length of the in tact fibers thats why hemp is so much stronger then cottonso every broken hair that shortens fibers (hairs) weakens them somewhatdreaking a few now and then wont be too badbutif u break hundreds a week every week year after year the average length of in tact hairs can be pretty short making the dread very weakyour use was smart..youd be better off never using it but at least you did minumal harmnot like those who for 14 hours a week every week crocheting

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
26 posts
Well This ia a matter for debate.. Crochet does work and maintenence does become less if you do it in moderation and allow your hair to work on it own for a while at least. I have a few dreads that are starting to dread at th root without any futher work, my paticular hair texture may have a hand in this as well
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
if u never did anythi8nhg to the root the root would dread on its own Thomas said:
Well This ia a matter for debate.. Crochet does work and maintenence does become less if you do it in moderation and allow your hair to work on it own for a while at least. I have a few dreads that are starting to dread at th root without any futher work, my paticular hair texture may have a hand in this as well

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
many use it the whole length of dread to pull in every tiny bit of fuzz on the outside of the dreadnoyt only the rootsif you put it thriugh loose roots you still catch hairs on the way back on the hook so vbreak them its not nearly as much as those who crochet the entire dread, but still you do break somebut its not neededthe loose hairs around the roots belong therethey protect the scalp from sunburn they also eventualy become new dreads if you leave them alonehoweverif you really must control the,. dread balling is a better idea, take the loose hairs ball them up and tuck them underr the rootsif you only do the roots, and re very careful, the dasmage will be minumalthats not how most people do it thoughthis threads for those who cfrochet the entire dread specificly..crochetting should be avoided for all if you can..but especialy by those who do the whole dread..the dammage then is massivein a tight dread theres not enough room for the hook to pass through between hairs without breaking many

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