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That's so GAY!!!

14 years ago
849 posts
yep mainstream media sucks. It categorizes people into neat little boxes that are rarely accurate. But we shouldn't be trying to change who we are to stop that. Ignore the media and live life!
updated by @naturalwomyn: 07/13/15 09:22:59AM
Joshua Boss
14 years ago
11 posts
I appreciate what you're trying to convey here but honestly. It's political correctness gone nuts.I'm just saying.
14 years ago
303 posts
Yeah, I'm not saying that anyone deserves to be treated poorly because of who they are, and there are all kinds of people that really aggravate me; i.e. people with god complexes, rude people, ignorant people, overly confident people who don't know what they're talking about, Mel Gibson, screaming babies on planes, ass holes, bible thumpers, ect....But honestly, I can easily see where the phrase came from years ago, but it's only a phrase. if you allow negative words like this to affect you so deeply then you must have some insecurity issues. I'm insecure with being gay, I've no problem being referred to as gay or as a homo, but it straight pisses me off to be called a fagot. I'm NOT a fagot, and I feel like if I'm called a fagot it means that I am. I understand how this is offensive, but I try to brush it off as ignorance bread from fear, and wish I were better at it, but if everyone could try that thought process then 'political correctness gone nuts' like this wouldn't be such an issue.
14 years ago
303 posts
nice, didn't think of that one.How bout "he's acting squirrely"? Wouldn't squirrels take exception to that phrase?And "smoke like a chimney" or "drink like a fish" or "the cat's outa the bag"? Maybe cats like being 'outa the bag'!!
Gary Charlesworth
14 years ago
50 posts
Ok... here goes...Gay meaning homosexual became established in the 1960s as the term preferred by homosexual men to describe themselves. It is now the standard accepted term throughout the English-speaking world. As a result, the centuries-old other senses of gay meaning either carefree or bright and showy have more or less dropped out of natural use. The word gay cannot be readily used today in these older senses without arousing a sense of double entendre, despite concerted attempts by some to keep them alive.Gay in its modern sense typically refers to men (lesbian being the standard term for homosexual women) but in some contexts it can be used of both men and women.The word gay can be used as an adjective to describe something. It has been for centuries. Did you know in the UK we eat faggots? Thats not to say we eat gay guys, it's meat balls in gravy. The word faggot was used up until about a hundred years ago as a name for bundles of fire wood, and the shorthand slang of faggot, "fag" is used as a slang term for cigarettes.My point here is that words change meaning. I remember when a dyke was a drainage system for agricultural areas.This is just one of those changes, just because someone who says "thats totally gay" doesn't mean they're being derogatory to homosexuals. The word gay just has a different meaning.I don't get what the big deal is, it's just a word.Isn't America meant to be a free country, with freedom of speach? Surley anyone is free to say whatever the hell they want.Apparently not, for example you can't say n***** unless you're black (I censored that cos it's not really a nice word no matter who says it!) , You can't say fag or queer unless you're gay. Now that doesn't scream out freedom of speach to me!As long as a word isn't being used as a deregatory slur against either an individual or group of people, then I don't see a problem.In this commercial the word gay is being used in a derogatory slur against a plastic/carbon fibre chef. This chef isn't living, and has no feelings. So this so called Wanda Sykes has no right to tell off this group of teens.You're being controlled America... "Don't do this..."; "Don't say that..." they tell you a word is banned, you don't use it. But you're allowed to say anything you like!That sounds like a hypocracy to me, and that IS totally gay!
14 years ago
303 posts
Wow Knotty, was that necessary?Kinda bitchy...But no, of course it's not, and yes, it is just a word.I agree with you that words do have meaning and power, but only if you put meaning into them or allow them to have that power. Which is how it can be seen as your problem if you're offended by it. Which is not to say that society isn't to blame, as well, for the creation of such words and the power given by those who speak it in hate. I also agree that anyone who uses profanity in their daily vocabulary does have an ignorant way of speech. Myself included, I cuss a lot, but don't have to.I agree with the word/concept association as well. To me, 'nigger' means ignorant, not black. Yet, I don't use this word (and many others) in inappropriate context as you never know who may be affected by it because they don't understand your exact thought and the meaning you are applying to the word. They will apply their meaning and their interpretation of power to the word.When I'm called a fagot, it makes me feel insecure because I know the power of that word and the meaning implied. But I try to remember that anyone who uses this word towards me is afraid of something about me because they don't understand something about me. Thus, the meaning and power of the word changes in my head from "I'm dumb, disgusting, nasty, forsaken" to "That person is ignorant, scared of something, and hateful".It's a bit hypocritical that you can twist the meaning of an entire paragraph and yet you criticize me for doing the same with a single word.
Gary Charlesworth
14 years ago
50 posts
I do try! Metalhead Fred said:
Nail on the head with that post Gary.
14 years ago
751 posts
I feel the same Mia...I don't like people using words that describe a group of people as calling things retarded...It kinda pisses me off
14 years ago
849 posts
you're absolutely right about freedom of speech. If you want to use the term gay to refer to something in a negative way go ahead! I reserve the right to tell you I think it's ignorant :o)
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
exactly you are free to prove your ignorance thats a protected righti wonder how much youd deffend it if dreadlocks or dreads became like saying stinks like eww something smells dreadlockedwould u say its just words and right to use em?.i notice the only ppl deffending using the term gay meanning stupid are all..not gayunaffected by the use of the wordbut at same time get all upset when a different word with same meanings used "fag" suddenly your offended because then its not used to imply your stupid or lame but actualy homosexualso its ok for gays to by synominouse woith stupid or lame but not ok for fag to be synonomouse with you..all speach is protected but some things u say just show how ignorant you are..nobody is saying u cant say it theyt are just pointing out its you who looks "gay" (in quotes to indicate being used to mean stupide or laME)

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