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Knotty John
14 years ago
78 posts
Ok so maybe I'm a little bit impatient but I can't seem to get my hair to start dreading. I'm thinking of doing the backcombing method, but I don't really understand how it's done exactly. Also, my hair is 6 inches long and curly so I don't understand why I'm not seeing more progress.
updated by @knotty-john: 02/14/15 09:43:53AM
Jake Holland
14 years ago
203 posts
So are you starting off with the natural/neglect method right now? How long have you been doing it? Are you washing with the right stuff (non-residue)? Patience goes a long way. If your doing the natural way right now and you want to jump start it I would suggest TnR over backcombing.
14 years ago
303 posts
yeah, I agree with Jake, especially if toy hair is 6 inches. Backcombing will really shorten your hair, but twist and rip will let you keep most of your length.
14 years ago
393 posts
Your problem is your impatience, not your hair.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
are u running fingers through is it oily?how longs it been?ive heard ppl after just 4 days wondering why they werent locking upstop looking for progresss stop looking all togetherevery 2 weeks ..feel for progress

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Alex Angam
14 years ago
47 posts
Patience is a virtue. All you need to know is in time it will happen, the more you try to force it the more you will find flaws. You just need to let it grow and embrace it as part of you.
14 years ago
165 posts
i agree, it's hard. maybe if you're having issues and you haven't already tried them: thyme tea, sea salt spray, peppermint oil. I've heard these all help really well with encouraging knotting. The only one I've actually tried is the sea salt, actually went to the beach yesterday and definitely would suggest that over spraying but still haha.but if these haven't worked and you really can't wait, I condone tnr as well. backcombing gunna come out and then you're gunna have the same feelings. really though, you don't wanna mess with your hair too much ya know? dreading's a natural thing, but like all things in nature, take time.I'm sure when so many trees were planted their owners wanted them ti be big and beautiful right away, but we have to let them do their own thing and be patient =]good luck!
Island Mamma
14 years ago
530 posts
I have been dreading since late March, my little locklings are still not "dreads".My hair has separated and is knotting but it's slow and thats okay.I have a few dreads but most of my hair is in baby lock stage still.I don't expect any real changes until around a year at this pace, if it happens earlier cool, if it happens later, cool.Patience method takes just that, patience.
14 years ago
95 posts
stop using conditioner if you havent alreadybut the keys to growing beautiful locks in any case is patience you MUST be patientthey wont lock up overnight, for now i think you should just let your hair grow more.and i would reccomend t&r over backcombing its wayyy more easier, less painful and they knott together better
Knotty John
14 years ago
78 posts
Yup that was the original plan but I don't see any progress to be honest. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. I'm not sure how to answer the second question, but if you mean by when was the last time I used a comb that would be about 9 years ago. But I've always had my hair short so that's why I've never had any locs in that time. All I have been washing with for the past 5 months is dr. Bronner's liquid soap with Rosemary and tea tree oils. I attempted t and r once before on a couple of dreads but they just came undone when I showered.

Jake Holland said:
So are you starting off with the natural/neglect method right now? How long have you been doing it? Are you washing with the right stuff (non-residue)? Patience goes a long way. If your doing the natural way right now and you want to jump start it I would suggest TnR over backcombing.
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