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dreadlocks shampoo


Lead to dread

By Owl Lady, 1999-11-30

For most people dreads mean you are a dirty hippie and for some people they consider dreads to be nothing more then a "hair style". Before I started this journey I admit I thought the same (well about it being a hairstyle). Here I am a month into dreading my hair, I knew this was going to be a journey as most people call it but I thought it was just going to be about my hair changing into dreads; well that is part of it but there is WAY more to it. As I started to dread I was filled withexcitementand was a bit impatient to start. I started with the no poo method and didn't brush my hair for a few months, as my hair started to section off I assisted it by twisting and ripping. During the process I started to mourn the death of my natural free -loose hair. I never thought that was going to happen. Part of me mourns for myself and part of me mourns for my family that I know are going to have a difficult time understanding why I decided to do this. I know in my heart this is what I need to do however. Letting go of what people think; because honestly I donot think to highly of some people's choices in hair care products esp. ones that test on animals. I have learned that patience and loosing control is a huge part of the dread journey as I try to control these nappy little brats that seem to have a mind of their own; I focus on letting go. I cannot control dreads; they are going to manifest into something I cannot form on my own but my energy each day is put into them and I begin to grow this sort of bond with them. The mourning then turns into a re-birth. I start to let go of the fear of being judged and instead I feel a sort of peace within myself.

This past year has been very difficult for me, I have suffered from chronic pain and have lost a huge part of myself only gaining what appears to be "more of myself" in the physical aspect of gaining weight. I have had to give up lots of physical activities that I have enjoyed my entire life and have replaced them with visits to doctors and specialists. I spenda lotof my time researching. I have grown to love nature even more then I have in my life if that is even possible. Living in the area that I live in has connected me with the earth in a way I never could have imagined. I feel like I am in a different world and at times I swear I am. The weather and climate in the town I live in is different due to the number of trees and natural plants. I am surrounded by trees that have been here long before the buildings the Shakers made. These trees have been around during the time of the Native Americans, a tribe even lived in these parts of the forest. The energy and feeling of life is very surreal here.

When we go into town it is like stepping intocivilization. It is daunting to say the least. I see generations of people who have a lack of respect for our planet, plants and native creatures. People are just consumers of products and things, always wanting more "things"! I am surrounded by a world of humans that are disconnected. They are consumed by their own lives; rude, on cell phonestextingand not making eye contact. Buying, buying, and more buying of crap. Slaves by the corporations around them. Products are filled with cancer causing chemicals, tested on animals and are in plastic bottles ready to pollute theenvironment.

A change within myself and my thinking began long before the dreads came to mind. I stopped buying into these corporate company's lies and started making my own products. I have since seen a huge change in my skin and the way I feel. It all started with cleaning products, then skin care products such as shampoo, facial wash anddeodorant. I recently have been called to change myfeminineproducts. I have realized that these out of all things a woman uses is the most harmful to herself and theenvironment. Tampons and pads have chemical additives and then after being used they end up in land fills and in sewers. This is terrible. Most people don't even give it a second thought. However, once your trash is out of your house you rarely think about it...right?. You may have gotten rid of your trash from your house but it is still in your home. "Home" meaning our planet Earth. Earth is our home.

You maybe thinking what does all this have to do with having dreads? Well, I feel like I am a different person. Different from other people and different from the person I once was. I am born again threw my dreads. They will bring me places with in my soul and I will and have already met very interesting deep people. Someone said in their youtube video quote " Dreads keep small minded people away". I believe this to be true. This is my testimony, and this is just the intro to a novel much bigger.


For all the feathers

Owl Lady

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“Ignorance Is Bliss (As Far As I Know)” -Canon Parker-

By Canon P, 1979-01-07

heavy footfalls shatter my ivory daydream

oh what unmistakeable bliss forgotten and unseen

your cracked and bleeding lips tell a tale fare more beautiful than words.

this is the philosophy we feared:

the truth not whimsical as it appeared.

make your minds narrow as they should be;

there is nothing more than the truth we know!

there is nothing more than the here and now!

I returned a blank stare to the imposing enabler

held at highest esteem is this shallow minded babbler

the idea you label as fact is only valid in one dimension.

this is the philosophy we feared:

the truth not whimsical as it appeared.

make your minds narrow as they should be;

there is nothing more than the truth we know!

there is nothing more than the here and now!

the sun revolves around the earth,

the earth around your mind.

weve been dying since our birth.

oh! the folly of mankind.

Posted in: default | 3 comments

Thoughts at 1.5 months of freeform

By rays of the sun, 2022-02-28

It’s strange to me that it’s only been 1.5 months into my freeform journey; it feels like so much longer. I definitely didn’t imagine, when I started out, that almost all my hair would be sectioned and dreaded to varying degrees by 1.5 months. I have some loose hair around the ears and nape and a bit at the temples (I love my baby hairs <3), and a frizz halo of course (I’ve always had frizz), but everything else has found a home, and has some dreaded-ness to the body of each section. There are a handful of dreads that hang straight-ish, but most of ‘em have moderate to wild loopiness! I was loop-a-phobic starting out, but I’m really learning to love my special little loops. They are so unique and nature-inspired. They are my own nature. 💚

I’ve received some less-than-understanding comments from family: one person said that one of my crazy loops reminded them of a stray cat who didn’t take care of itself, then proceeded to tell me that “real dreads” were made by rolling hair back and forth between the palms. Yeah.... I had t’n’r dreads 10 years ago, and I can tell you that, at least for a white person, you don’t get dreads just by rolling some hair in between your palms. 😂 Unless you just let your hair be after that. Then you get freeform dreads! \o/

I think freeform dreads are so incredible because any hair type can have them. With so little effort and money spent! I wish 17-year-old me, who was trying to call salons to find out if anyone could dread white people hair, knew that. And I’m glad I never found a salon to do it! If anyone is like I was a month and a half ago, tired of ripping out tangles with a hair brush and having frizzed-out texture-less hair after, then freeform is definitely something to consider.

I think the freeform journey is infinitely more rewarding if one has a spiritual and/or deeply held reason for going on the journey. You let go of control (controlling variables associated with starter methods like sectioning, how tight you’re making the dreads, etc.), step out of the way, and let Mother Nature do her thing. The result is a beautiful unique creation that no salon or “loctician” could ever create. It’s a product of your body’s own divine intelligence. It’s magickal <3

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64 beautiful dreadlings ❤️

By rays of the sun, 2022-02-13

I’m a couple days short of my one month freeform anniversary, so I got comfortable in front of a mirror and spent some time admiring my dreadlings (seriously such a relaxing and enjoyable activity for me after a tiring day). Then I counted them— 64! I thought there would be more. There is loose hair around my ears and at my nape, so I imagine some are yet to be born.

i have loved this journey, it is incredibly spiritual, much more so than when I had TnR dreadlocks 10 years ago. This freeform natural dreadlock experience is such a testament to the animating intelligence of our bodies which I believe in so deeply. We are fragments of universal consciousness poured into bodily vessels. The consciousness which animates our bodies is so wise, so infinite, and it’s my belief that this wisdom is best expressed when we interfere as little as possible with our bodies’ natural processes. Well, this freeform journey is about as non-interfering as it gets. And I find it so delightful to watch my body’s natural expression manifest through my beautiful hair’s metamorphosis. My husband gave me a lovely compliment the other day when he said, “This is your natural hair, this is how your hair is meant to look.” I couldn’t agree more. ❤️

I must admit: I have been a bit loop-a-phobic from the start of this process.... I’ve done a few wraps to bring in some loops that I thought were crazy. But look at this!! This loop is a work of art. It reminds me of ornate Celtic and Viking knots. I have no desire to wrap in this little beauty, she’s staying. I will allow her to become just what she wants to be.

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Diet and Cancer Incidence

By KLandy, 2021-10-07

Proper balanced diets are one of the key factors to healthy living. That is why, some individuals who do not take balanced diets are prone to serious health conditions such as cancer. To understand this issue it is necessary to discuss the dietary factors in cancer incidence as well as examples of carcinogenic and anticarcinogenic compounds. The paper also explains what antioxidants are and their role in fighting cancer.

Studies have been conducted that have shown that some following dietary constituents such as the consumption of alcohol, artificial sweeteners, processed and red meat, and caffeinated drinks can lead to cancer (Nix, 2013). Intake of too much alcohol may cause different types of cancers such as oral cavity, liver, colon, esophagus, and rectum. Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, cyclamate, neotame, and others have been found out to cause cancer to persons who consume too much added sweeteners (Nix, 2013). Processed and red meat such as beef, ham, sausages, and other similar products also lead to cancer. Lastly, caffeinated drinks comprise of numerous mutagenic elements that cause cancer to human beings such as pancreatic cancer (Nix, 2013).

Carcinogenic foods are foods that are believed to contain some elements that cause cancer. These products encompass processed meats, soda, canned tomatoes, salted fish, non-organic fruits and vegetables, and alcoholic beverages (Nix, 2013). However, there are other foods known as anticarcinogenic that help in reducing the risk of developing cancer. These products include the following; leafy green vegetables, fresh herbs, and spices such as garlic and turmeric, sweet potatoes, and berries (Nix, 2013).

Antioxidants are the components that safeguard cells from destruction that is instigated by free radicals that cause cancer (Nix, 2013). These particles shield the body cells via intermingling with and alleviating the free radicals. Antioxidants include lycopene, vitamin A, C, and E, beta-carotene, and consumption of fruits and vegetables (Nix, 2013).

In conclusion, practicing a balanced diet saves one from contracting various diseases such as cancer. Dietary factors such as consuming cancerogenic foods like processed meats, caffeinated beverages, and other similar products can lead to cancer. Anticarcinogenic foods and antioxidants help in the reduction of cancer incidences.

About the author: Kira Landy is a young and dreamy girl, with many hobbies. Her favorite hobby is her work. She is a freelance writer at It is the best writing service with whom she worked. From childhood she like writing, researching and help other people. Maybe, this traits decided her choice in work. Also, Kira loves animals, she has a dog Lami, which is family for her.

Posted in: medicine | 0 comments

Bleach,crochete,interlocking,what's next

By TallyMan771, 2020-09-30
Bleach,crochete,interlocking,what's next

After Starting my hair with coils, I craved a more neat look so I started interlocking crocheting always paying people so that it would look good after bleaching and all of that damage, I'm wondering what is next my hair seems healthy although I'm inexperienced. I have to make sure I take care of these properly. I wash 2 times a week depending on sweat but never more than 3 I usually don't ever becouse it takes a while to dry them. I know the manic panic bleach damaged my hair so what's next will the bleach ever fully come out I died them back black a while ago an vouched never to die them again, but I want this to also be a topic of treating them right even after abuse it's worth it isn't it?

New Natural Dreads

By Skylor Rose, 2020-01-08
New Natural Dreads

Hello, my name is Skylor! I just began my dread journey a couple days ago. I am going the path of natural dreads. I had a few questions if anyone could help me out. (:

Pictures of my hair are attached to this forum. I have very thin strait hair with no insight on how it will react to this natural dreading. I was wondering if anyone had any tips concerning my hair type.

How do I influence more knotting?

How often should I wash with water and how often should I wash with Shampoo?

And above all; Tips for separating my hair as it begins to dread. I have no idea how big the sections of my dreads should be which is why I attached the pictures. I want as many dreads as I can get 1-1&1/2 inches thick. Please help(: 

Thank you!

Having issues with my hair type

By rissa, 2019-11-30

I have very thick and very oily hair. I am wanting to freeform when my hair grows out to about 6-8 inches of hair. But my hair is super oily and thick so it doesn’t tangle easy at all... I need help understanding what my best options are that aren’t unnatural.. I haven’t used harsh chemicals in my hair for over 8-9 months now. I wash my hair with only dr bronners Castile soap hemp rose scented. I’m very natural now. But my hair is still oily most days. I also get bad dandruff too so any advice on that will also help loads! Thanks y’all!  

Posted in: Hair type | 1 comments


By bryan 809, 2019-08-30

Hi i started my dreadlocks 3 moths ago. I got my dreadlocks done with the crochet hook metod. I actually do maintenance on my dreadlocks 1 time every 3/4 weeks. Lately i actually stopped doing maintenance at the roots and just do it at the "body" and the top of the dreadlock. Now that's a pic of my head now. I see that little "empty" spot on my sculp, I'm scared of that being traction alopecia or balding coming form over tension on the roots even tho i'm not touching them. Can you guys tell me if that's just normal coming from the hair there being inside dreadlock roots all around that spot or if i'm balding or damaging too much or having traction alopecia. Thanks in advance plese HELP !!!

Haircare in a nutshell

By JulieCat, 2019-03-30

2.5 years in and I can finally say that the initial, waiting for mature locks to form phase is over and I'm finally able to just watch them grow! It's a milestone.

I remember starting my commitment to dreadlocks and wanting to read and see everything I could get my hands on to make sure I was making the right decision (hence this account). So I'll share my haircare here in case there's anyone out there who was like me.

SPOILER: The only real secret is PATIENCE


I gave up using all soaps on my hair 2 years before even thinking about wanting dreadlocks again ("again" because I had a set when I was younger that were terrible). I chose to wash with water only. There's a whole bunch of other people who have terrific websites dedicated to water-only washing transitions; I highly recommend them!

Basically shampoo strips the natural oils and the conditioner puts them back with artificial ones. These chemicals anger our scalp into producing too much natural oil to flush them away, which is why we get greasy hair after not washing it for a few days. Naturally our hair can go weeks before getting too greasy.

Starting to wash with just water (I did a regimen of literally only wetting my hair once a week; that was the washing) the scalp gets REALLY greasy for a while. Mine was 6 months. For my entire 3rd year of university I wore a hat. It was bad, but I knew it would get better (gotta love the internet for people putting up every random detail about their lives, cheers). I brushed it with a natural bristle brush and scratched the scalp to preen the oils through the hair, yes like a bird.

Eventually it got better, my hair was able to go an entire week or two without getting greasy. This was the hair I started working with. Not everyone wants to be able to do that before dreads but I'm thankful that I happened to.

* I live in an area with hard water so sometimes I used an apple cider vinegar rinse after washing with water. 4tbsp or so of ACV in water in one of those excessively large 1L Gatorade bottles that are sold in America, plus essential oils if you don't want to smell like a foot.


The preamble above was to just say that I had no scalp issues and why.

I went on a long-distance hike for 3 months during the first year, during the messiest time. I continued to wash with only-water once a week while in trail towns and did a deep clean when I got back.


I continued to wash with just water until just over 1.5 years. I worked in a restaurant with a VERY STRONG onion and curry smell. I'm talking bad. People visiting stores next door to it would leave with the signature scent on their clothes.

I needed something stronger than water because my hair smelled BAD. But I refused to think that I needed any sorts of soaps on my hair. I tried apple cider vinegar rinses more frequently but it didn't get rid of the smell. Deep cleans weren't feasible because doing them every week is damaging.

So I admitted that my lifestyle and hairstyle changed since I first decided to wash with water, and I needed something new. But I refused to use many of the soaps and shampoos that many people recommended. I know that many "natural" things aren't actually natural so you have to be careful. It also had to work in hard water.

Dr Bronner's bar soap: I've heard that people don't recommend it. But I was caught up with the romantic vision it has: "It says all-one!" I'm stubborn and can't make a decision unless I've learned a mistake for myself. I used it properly, not directly applying the bar to my dreads, but this stuff literally just puts residue into dreadlocks and the hard water made it worse. End of trial, and back to water-only until I found something better.

Alaffia Authentic African Black Soap (liquid): After a lot of research I decided on this one. I tried it, and it completely washed out, as if I was washing with water-only. Not that Dr Bronner's junk. This left no residue and has proven to be great for the second year of dread growth.


While working my restaurant job, I washed once a week, in the mornings on a day off to let them dry completely. Now that I don't work there anymore, I still use Alaffia soap, but I wash my dreadlocks every 2 weeks now. On the weeks that I don't wash, I still separate and use a bit of oil to moisturize. That's also what I do after washing them. I find that going over once a week without separating is too long for me, even now, and important now that they're finally starting to grow.

Hope this was informative!

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