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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @brandy

Brandy :]
09/25/11 04:09:57PM
106 posts

IM PREGNANT!!! but..

Dreads in the Family

Im not a mother so cant give you any advice, but jade has it right :) and juast wanted to saycongratulations!

Brandy :]
10/17/11 12:18:41AM
106 posts


General Talk

its allhappening! occupy Peoria started last saturday. oh the love! its so beautiful and im so glad its finally happening, lets all do our parts and stand up for what we believe in! we are the 99%!

Brandy :]
09/11/11 11:57:46AM
106 posts

New Shampooos, some questions, and blahblahblah.

General Talk

thankyou! i shall do that :) and that burts bees shampoo was wonderful the smell is AMAZINGGG, kinda reminds me a bit of

Brandy :]
09/10/11 05:08:29PM
106 posts

New Shampooos, some questions, and blahblahblah.

General Talk

Hey everyone! just got some new shampoos, and funny story, about a month before I TnR'd I couldnt find anywhere that had organic shampoo products or oils to make the BS wash, when i finally found the oils they were a little pricey for my liking at the time i didnt have a job, so i settled for dr.bronners liquid soap and mixed it with water and baking soda to avoid residue, although it worked i just wanted somethin a little easier. after I TnR'd i found some stuff called Giovannis Tea Tree Triple Treat Shampoo, it worked really nicely. But that bottle just ran out and I DESPERATELY wanted a new shampoo that wasnt peppermint scented (both the dr.bronners i had and the giovannis was peppermint scented). So again I began a search for a place with a tad more variety of organic shampoos and hygene&beauty products in general, well i forst stopped to get cigarettes at walgreens, and even though i had had no luck there before, decided i should look, and found a HUGE section of organic hygene and beauty products! I got very happy and decided to buy two types :} I got Dr. Bronners bar soap in Lavender, so i wouldnt have to dilute it, used it today and it is amazzzzzing, i love it, it noticably helped with my dandruff after just one use (i think thats the lavender) and my dreads smell and feel great, no residue at all! I also bought Burts Bees pomegranite and soy shampoo, it smells wonderful but i have yet to use it.

As for my dreads, they have progressed SOOOO much within that past few weeks, so many loops and shrinkage and getting so thick, and the ones im congoing pushing the beads off as if they are telling me "let us free so we may grow wild!" so i took off all my other beads that hadnt already fell off (i lost my favorite one it was wooden and orange with little yellow flowers and vines on it :( tis okay though im sure ill have many more favorites) Im continuing to love them unconditionally, put out positivity so they will hold em in and recieve so much wonderful energy. and i again, as i will a million more times, thankyou ALL you have helped me so much through my journey and sometimesdiscouragement.

As for my question, I would like to say all this and do updates in videos, but when i upload them they are more than there anyway i can change the mb so im able to upload it? my webcam is very very poor, so id like to use my Nikon. if anyone has suggestion let me know :)



PS-im starting to workout and a healthy diet next week on my journey to weight loss and just a want to have my body feel as good as my mind and thoughts. im thinking this will help my dreads out too, not that they need it, but maybe theyll feel more perky if i do too, ya know?:)

&& kudos to you SE, all the changesyou'vemade to the site (even little ones) are great and i thank you for continuing doing what your doing :)

updated by @brandy: 01/13/15 09:09:46PM
Brandy :]
08/15/11 09:58:01PM
106 posts

my first comment and it wasn't nice:(

General Talk

most people i have gotten ask questions, and are just purely interested and i give them my spiritual reasoning, tell them its not good to use products or toolsetc. but one woman the other day, and im sure she was just trying to be mean, but anyways, anAfricanAmerican woman and her two friends came up to the register and cut in front of people ( i work at JCPenney) and i calmly stated "mam the line starts over there and ill call you over to get checked out in just a moment" with a smile also... and she says "i just had a question" with a whole lot of attitude. and i said "oh im sorry, no problem whats your question?" and then asked where the panty hose were, i told her and her one friend left to go to the panty hose and socks section, while the woman and her other friend stayed there, let the people that were in line get checked out, but stayed on the side of the register, and in a very mono-toned voice but loud enough for me to hear it, called me every name in the book (no joke) told me i was fat, ugly, you name it she said it to me. and then proceeds to say "tellin me to get in line i just had a mutha fuckin question! what are them thangs in your hair, looks like a matted dog, them supposed to be dreads? looks like shit..." and just went ON and ON about how i was a "dumb white bitch with shitlocks" this whole time im just standing there ringing up customers and once looked over at her right in the eye with a "not so amused" face, just to show that i wasnt being affected by her negativity. finally, my supervisor comes over and asked her to leave. after she left i wasappalledthat ANYONE would justblatantlysay that about someone? so so so so strange that someone would act that way, andrepresentthemselves as that type of person. i wasnt even mad or upset (well just a tiny tad), but more shocked that someone would act in such a way. just brush it off heather, people arent happy with something so they need to make fun of everyone else. or are just cold hearted and enjoy it, even if the things they are saying arent true. my grandpa says, "there is no shortage of idiots in the world".

your beautiful :D

Brandy :]
06/14/11 10:24:20AM
106 posts

How to Convince Parents to allow Dreads? Any Ideas?

Life Issues Facing Dreads

I completely agree with Chels! I did this with my parents....first i told them i was doing it, (because we decided long ago when i gauged my ears and peirced my lip that it was my body and i do with my body what i please) but i didnt want my parents completely resenting me because i had em and they had the same mindset as your parents, So i made a collage on my computerof BEAUTIFUL dreadlocks and then explained to my mamma how UNdirty they are and read her a lil bit of the dreaducation page, and then shared with her my spiritual reasoning for getting dreads. She was still a little iffy about em but agreed to stop making rude remarks and blabbing to my family like it was a big deal. I got em and she and the rest of my family absolutely love em! I told them they would :)
Brandy :]
06/14/11 10:42:05AM
106 posts

beeping noise.

General Talk

you can just click on the little guy with the green dot next to it and then it turns to a guy with a red dot next to it and then it wont beep and signs you outta chat, that way yo dont have to turn your sound off and can listen to music and stuff :)
Brandy :]
06/14/11 10:15:03AM
106 posts

thinner dreads

Dread Maintenance

Also, your section size at the root looks nice, i think your dreads will be garrgous matie!
updated by @brandy: 07/23/15 07:56:38AM
Brandy :]
06/14/11 10:12:57AM
106 posts

thinner dreads

Dread Maintenance

i agree with lunn! :) but are you asking what else there is besides crochet hook to start your dreads? or what else is there to maintain your dreads? because if its the first one, there are many methods. Natural/Neglect and TnR are the best, because they are much less damaging and hold a dread better, Crochet and backcomb are VERY harmful. you should read the whole dreaducation page. And if the second question is the one your asking, they maintain themselves! every loose hair you have or loops/bumps and anythingthat comes un-done will over time dread itself into a new dread or combine with an existing dread. throw away that crochet hook! unless your going to make a tam :)
Brandy :]
06/11/11 05:24:36PM
106 posts

what's up with all these bumps?!

Dread Maintenance

YEAH! what he said! :)
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