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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @z2

04/13/11 02:35:56PM
34 posts

should i increase my washing?

Dread Maintenance

Local grocey store. Get the fine sea salt, as it mixes up better than the coarse stuff...

pokolo said:
k where is a good place to find sea salt? a natural food store or just a grocery store even?
04/11/11 04:00:49PM
34 posts

starting over

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

Sounds like you have hard water. If that's the case, I've found bar soap and Dr. Bronner's to leave residue behind. Baking soda has been perfect for me, though.
04/13/11 04:05:35PM
34 posts

2 months photo, neglect

Dread Maintenance

Good, crochet it so your hair has a lil' room to move inside the wool...too tight and they won't get enough movement.

Kare T said:

Notmuch of a wool tam guy, i have a couple beanies that are somewhat loose crotcheted.

ill have to go buy some wool and crotchet a tam then perhaps.

04/13/11 02:34:36PM
34 posts

2 months photo, neglect

Dread Maintenance

Yeah, I found after I increased from 1 tbsp to 3 tbsps, that my hair is matting up faster and congoing like crazy. Combined with the wool tam while sleeping and you can't go wrong ...Best advice I can give...
04/12/11 10:19:52AM
34 posts

2 months photo, neglect

Dread Maintenance

I found using more than 1 tbsp of salt helps...When you use the ACV, make sure you wash it out immediately after it has been dumped on your head and follow that with a cold rinse to close your scalp pores and cuticles. Sleep with a wool tam that allows some movement. I have similar, curly hair and the problem most likely is either softness (not enough texture) or oiliness...if you say you don't touch your sections.
04/05/11 02:03:10PM
34 posts

getting frustrated - losing hope

Dread Maintenance

To the OP: I have hard water and I can tell you that any bar soap or Dr. Bronner's/castile soap will leave a residue. BS/essential oils/sea salt and an ACV rinse followed by a cold water rinse is pretty much the only thing that works well for me.

Are you washing the ACV off immediately after your head has been soaked with it? The longer you let it sit, the softer it will make your hair. All you need to do is alter the pH of your hair and you can do that on contact with the ACV. The sea salt in the baking soda does a good job of roughing up your hair, too.

04/05/11 01:03:29PM
34 posts

getting frustrated - losing hope

Dread Maintenance

Most tams that I see are 100% cotton. Would cotton work to encourage locking?
03/29/11 03:11:45PM
34 posts

Wool pillow case for my impatient head

Introduce Yourself

Yeah, I use the same - cashmere sweater. I wonder if a less-soft wool would be better?

shannan atreides said:
i have this lovely soft cashmere sweater that I have been using as a pillow case all winter, we cosleep too, I just tied the arms together, no problem :) It's soooo soft, I love it. probably not the best wool for dreading though
03/23/11 02:30:25PM
34 posts

What do you think i should do?(starting dreads again)

Dreading Methods

Well, no matter method you choose, it's going to look messy for about a year or so. Unless you crochet, which is disastrous - does a lot of damage and requires a ton of maintenance. I think you're going to be tying back your locks no matter what method you choose for that interview...I'd recommend going natural...I had a couple backcombed sets and natural looks way better to me. Not even close...
03/21/11 04:17:03PM
34 posts

Need help ! Q on washing hair w ,..

Dread Maintenance

Ah, I see. Woops, I've been doing 3 minutes...hopefully didn't ruin any progress...

soaringeagle said:

can be right aweay as long as ut rinx=ces through it restores ph the longer it sites the softer it makes em so pour on rinse out

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