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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @heather

04/03/11 01:34:09AM
1,291 posts

What shampoo/wash do YOU use?? :O

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

i looked online for the shampoo and can't seem to find it. anyway you can put up a link to it?

tha tron said:
Try gnc, apple a day.. If you dont have any natural shops you'll have to buy online

Aaron"TheLegend" said:

Yeah I'm looking for Dr.Bonners, but I haven't found it anywhere :/

I gotta check target next.

But....I think the Baking Soda is giving me dandruff as well....sometimes I wash with other things and I don't get any for like a day or two. I rinse my hair well too.

Lex said:

this might sound gross, but not washing your hair for a bit is a great moisturizer. I'm not saying don't shower, just instead of washing ever other day wash once, rinse the next time, then wash the time after that. I sometimes blend some pure shea butter into a cup of water and put that on my scalp.

I also don't use baking soda/ACV because it gives me crazy dandruff. You might want to consider a natural oil based handmade shampoo.

12/20/10 06:15:22PM
1,291 posts

What shampoo/wash do YOU use?? :O

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

yeah, me too.

Z said:

:( bummer...such a pain to wash ...I even feel baking soda leaves some residue behind no matter how long I rinse....
12/20/10 04:42:03PM
1,291 posts

What shampoo/wash do YOU use?? :O

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

i tried doing acv after maylee's and it didn't work for me. still had a yucky residue. hard water sucks:(

Z said:

I suppose I could do a rinse with ACV after washing with Maylee's, right? That should get rid of any leftover residue, right? How about Neutrogena T-Sal? I've heard good things about that...

12/12/10 03:26:40AM
1,291 posts

What shampoo/wash do YOU use?? :O

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

yah, target has dr. bronners. it's over near the cosmetics not the shampoo isle. my target also carries burt bees shampoo and giovanni's tea tree shampoo.

Aaron"TheLegend" said:

Yeah I'm looking for Dr.Bonners, but I haven't found it anywhere :/

I gotta check target next.

But....I think the Baking Soda is giving me dandruff as well....sometimes I wash with other things and I don't get any for like a day or two. I rinse my hair well too.

Lex said:

this might sound gross, but not washing your hair for a bit is a great moisturizer. I'm not saying don't shower, just instead of washing ever other day wash once, rinse the next time, then wash the time after that. I sometimes blend some pure shea butter into a cup of water and put that on my scalp.

I also don't use baking soda/ACV because it gives me crazy dandruff. You might want to consider a natural oil based handmade shampoo.

12/05/10 12:59:44AM
1,291 posts

Two months in and loving the loopiness!

Introduce Yourself

wow! i wish i had all that hair. really amazing.
03/25/11 04:53:47PM
1,291 posts

What method is this?

Dreading Methods

i guess this discussion isn't over since my forum post...

11/26/10 11:15:57PM
1,291 posts

definitely go for san diego. stay away from orange county. i've lived here all my life and i hate it. it's the land of rude, fake people. if i ever get out of here i'm going to move up north. oregon or washington preferably but northern california would even be better than here. just my opinion.
11/23/10 08:04:28PM
1,291 posts

family says ill have to take dreads out sometime...

General Talk

i get the same thing from my daughter. every time she sees me she says the natural thing isn't working and to just get them done. frustrating but its not her hair. i'm not doing it for anyone else but me so you just have to ignore the comments and prove them wrong when they look beautiful a year from now:)
updated by @heather: 07/13/15 09:18:16AM
11/22/10 09:20:50PM
1,291 posts

lice in dreads, help!!!

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

i don't know why i read these post! now my head itches. hoping the best for you and your dreads:)
11/20/10 12:35:05AM
1,291 posts

Progress after shrinkage, and loose hair

General Questions

how much sea salt do you add to your bs wash?

soaringeagle said:
well let me say this
i had been using alotta conditioning oilde for a couple months
last week i stopped and added some sea salt to me baking soda
a week 2 sea salt soaks and bamn
im finding at least a dozen lil baby dreads all over

wait more
seems like a new dreads in between everry 1 i did any seperating on in the lasy t year

i got new dreads everywhere

so add sea salt to the baking sodas wait a few weeks and see if u dont get new dreads
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