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Forum Activity for @lexi

09/09/11 06:06:21PM
20 posts


Introduce Yourself

Good luck!

09/09/11 09:14:27AM
20 posts

One month in concerns and questions

Dread Maintenance

I got some really good "real" salt, and I have a couple knots, like three. I think my biggest problem was tyin it up tight everyday, although I'm a little worried because around the knotted area, I have a lot of hair trying to come out but it's still knotted in it's just not attached to my head, is this a good thing?

besides that it's going well, thanks for the advice


09/03/11 05:06:14PM
20 posts

One month in concerns and questions

Dread Maintenance

Hey so,

It's been about a month

I wash my hair every other day with 1 cup water/1tbsp baking soda/ 5-6 drops lavender (I have really thin hair)

I don't really have much progress. It's looking a little nappier but, nothing is really forming

except I have one knot? in the bottom of one small section , but it's kind of separated from like the main in I could probably pull it out if I wanted and mainly the problem that I have is that there seems to be some white fuzzies in my hair, no clue where they came from but theres just little white fuzz where my hair has barely started knotting...I already deknotted one to remove the fuzz so now i'm wonder maybe I should just leave it or... idk

also, i'm wondering if there's something I can do to speed up the process, I tie my hair up with a hair tie semi-tightly pretty regularly so I'm wondering if that's inhibiting it?

any other tips are so greatly appreciated it.

updated by @lexi: 01/13/15 09:09:29PM
08/08/11 08:55:16PM
20 posts

1 month tomorrow

Introduce Yourself

yes, love character, great dreads
10/11/10 12:16:07AM
20 posts

In search for an american dream...

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Yes, Great info!! I have never heard of this, but have been dreaming of such a thing every night for a year. Thanks for sharing island mama :D

Island Mamma said:
Hey natty Ben, not sure if it's been mentioned yet (i haven't time to read all responses)but a great way to travel the world is through wwoofing (yes two w's). ( world wide opportunities in organic farming)

You sign up, pay your fee, about 20-60 depending on your local, and apply to different organic farms wherever you are interested in travelling to and volunteer a set amount of hours per week, usually part time hours for your room and board. You can go pretty much anywhere, Canada, US, Hawaii, Mexico, Italy etc.

Its a very interesting way to travel and you gain eco friendly perma culture education. Tip don't tell borders you are wwoofing, you are a traveler is all. It is not illegal but many (especially US) border guys have hatred toward foreign workers, even though you are volunteering, they see it as job robbing.
10/07/10 02:30:03PM
20 posts

In search for an american dream...

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Yeah, I do watch some movies, but never t.v.I like a lot of music, but mostly underground or thing that are not on the radioariel pink is a good artist, so is animal collective...they are...experimental?for food, I try to eat as organic as possible (it's really hard, sometimes I still eat bad stuff just because theres nothing else) even organic stuff is still sometimes bad with "flavoring" made of chemicals, even if it says "natural flavors"and yeah, U.S. companies get almost all their goods (clothes, ipods, dvds, packaging, foods) from sweatshops, and the U.S. companies only pay those people in other countries 43 cents an it's bad in places like mexico because of places like the united states.

ben said:
That's a good point.
Lexi, don't you ever watch some tv, movies, listen music or buy a mp3 player? Do you really think all this stuff is bad?
Oh that sounds so bad about the genetically modified food. But it's so tasty...
What kinds of diseases the modified corn can lead?
What type of food do you customly eat since you're knowing that?
10/05/10 09:27:14PM
20 posts

In search for an american dream...

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I just want the freedom to vote on whether or not I think my country should be invading many other countries across the world and exporting arms to terrible dictators, but I have no say in such matters, I am not represented in my government and my opinion hardly matters

ben said:

You cannot reduce America as a polluter without which the world would be a quiet beautiful place. Could you define the freedom and lifestyle you aspire to which your system not allows you to realize?

You are not in weapons exports only...All the stuff people live with / live for in Europe come from US
Millions europeans would suicide if you take away their Ipod / food /video games / movies / TV shows / music / internet networks blablabla...
There are negatives actions in any countries, France government collaborated with nazis during 39-45 and was responsible for the death of thousands of jews, is that better than selling weapons?

Lexi said:
weapons exports only...
I don't like to be pessimistic, I like to be realistic.
we are negatively affecting the world, like a disease.

ben said:
what a pessimist scheme...I know you're in a bad economic situation but it affect all the world and especially Europe. Sure the american way of life from nothing to rich is far away on the backside but it cannot be zero opportunity. You're still the first country in science and innovations, and especially in exportations.
10/05/10 09:25:55PM
20 posts

In search for an american dream...

Introduce Yourself

it is unfortunate that any person would "commit suicide" for ipods music movies television and internet, all of these things are negative influences on the people and their minds

ben said:

You cannot reduce America as a polluter without which the world would be a quiet beautiful place. Could you define the freedom and lifestyle you aspire to which your system not allows you to realize?

You are not in weapons exports only...All the stuff people live with / live for in Europe come from US
Millions europeans would suicide if you take away their Ipod / food /video games / movies / TV shows / music / internet networks blablabla...
There are negatives actions in any countries, France government collaborated with nazis during 39-45 and was responsible for the death of thousands of jews, is that better than selling weapons?

Lexi said:
weapons exports only...
I don't like to be pessimistic, I like to be realistic.
we are negatively affecting the world, like a disease.

ben said:
what a pessimist scheme...I know you're in a bad economic situation but it affect all the world and especially Europe. Sure the american way of life from nothing to rich is far away on the backside but it cannot be zero opportunity. You're still the first country in science and innovations, and especially in exportations.
10/05/10 03:23:04PM
20 posts

In search for an american dream...

Introduce Yourself

weapons exports only...I don't like to be pessimistic, I like to be realistic.we are negatively affecting the world, like a disease.

ben said:
what a pessimist scheme...I know you're in a bad economic situation but it affect all the world and especially Europe. Sure the american way of life from nothing to rich is far away on the backside but it cannot be zero opportunity. You're still the first country in science and innovations, and especially in exportations.
10/05/10 03:03:09PM
20 posts

In search for an american dream...

Introduce Yourself

Well, there are documents stating that during the attacks on 9/11 the bush family was having a friendly meeting with the wealthy bin laden familyI don't believe in all u.s. conspiracy theories, nobut I do believe in the legitimate resources that I use and the uncovering of previous classified documentsIt's understandable that you find it hard to believe that America is so badbut an example of how bad it is, is that the united states gave funding to hitler and saddam husseinwe suffer from what is known as a military industrial complex, our country is surviving only on the sale of weapons to other nations, who in turn brutalize their citizens. The only reason that our country is so pivotal in the world economy is because we have effectively globalized, or "westernized" half the globe, we have struck fear into the hearts of those who want an alternative way of life, we are a dominant military power that is the only reason. because we have big huge weapons.remember what happened to japan?to brandon: you're probably wrong, the only freedom you have is between pepsi and coke and what color shirt you're going to buy. what you don't have control over is that the shirt you buy is made by a poor girl in a sweatshop who gets paid 15 cents a day. the media makes things seem different than they are.For instance, did you read the headline yesterday that documents were uncovered proving that the United States infected up to 100 individuals in Guatemala with Syphilis? What do you say about that? We live in a country willing to purposefully infect other people with sexually transmitted diseases.

ben said:
The world now see America as the symbol of oppressive and non ethical capitalism, which create artificially pretexts to go invade countries for their ressources. But I can't believe all is said about conspiracy theories.
Of course government act in a part secretly and medias manipulate the truth as their will, but it's the same in all countries. In Somalia, the dictatorship kills entire families cause they're not muslims.
Do you agree with the theory that the US government mask OVNIs and outerspace creature in a secret military base (area 51)?
And that Ben Laden is in fact a CIA agent friend of bush which is the only investigator of the 9/11?
I can't believe that the only american goal is money despite of all pollution issues and despite of all the world's issues. It would be so idiot and it would cannot works.
America is the first world power, high mediated and all this in a vast brand new land which has no more than 2 centuries of history. All american decisions has a bigger impact in the world than any other country.
I think that's why everybody stigmatize and condamn every bad american action.
Easier to condamn the scientist who experiment something than all who stand and just do nothing.

To Lynzie, I did not found that necessities were overpriced in the US. Actually life is more expensive in France due to the establishment of the Euro devise which ruined the french economy.

mmmh after all these posts I forgot to ask: is my english comprehensible and a little correct?
I know I have to make huge progress if I want to come here and especially as a journalist.
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