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Forum Activity for @alex-angam

Alex Angam
07/13/10 10:04:43AM
47 posts

Plea for HELP!

Introduce Yourself

This kind of maintenance will lead to the premature death of your dreadies. That crochet hook is ripping them apart, and making them seem mature. Can I make a suggestion? Stop doing anything except washing and separating. dreadymom marla said:
i would not mind having someone help me once in a while with maintenance. i have loose hairs all over the place, and they are so small, and i have no idea how to use a crochet hook to put them back in, but they do drive me nuts. unfortunately Delci, i am across the country in delaware. lol. if you ever come over this way, i would be glad to help!
Alex Angam
07/12/10 11:44:13AM
47 posts


General Questions

Your dreadies should be stress free. Just take the rubber bands out, and go with the flow. They will fall out, dread up, and do more crazy things then you could have ever imagined. It is all in good time though, there is no reason to stress, or hurry the process.
Alex Angam
07/12/10 11:46:34AM
47 posts

My dog totally just ran his nails thru my dreads!!!

Dread Maintenance

It happens, it has happened to me a couple of times. Sometimes cats too! And even the hooks for whatever inside of cars! You will notice your dreads getting caught on a lot of things in days to come.
Alex Angam
07/07/10 12:52:40AM
47 posts

Dread wax good for other things?

Dread Products

So I just found the old jar of wax yesterday after using it only a few times before I knew. But I got to thinking it could be used for something else? Has anyone done anything? Today at a smoke shop they had some hemp twine wrapped up in some wax so they burn longer and offer a better alternative to using butane to burn bowls. I thought of rubbing some of the nasty goo on there, but then realized what it does to dreads.
updated by @alex-angam: 08/22/21 07:51:34AM
Alex Angam
07/01/10 01:44:35AM
47 posts

Twist and Rip Method? Maintain?

Dread Maintenance

Just leave 'em. They will lock up on there own with enough time. If you have 1-2 inch sections they are probably going to be pretty thick no matter what, even if those separate into one or 2 more dreads. Happy dreading, and remember, love and patience is the best maintenance.
Alex Angam
06/29/10 12:13:21AM
47 posts

Tips of my dreads, i got some questions

Dreading Methods

The loose tips are great! It is just another natural thing of beauty.
Alex Angam
06/26/10 01:17:34AM
47 posts

seperated a dread

General Talk

Hopefully it will be great! I separated a few of mine but they were starting to get mature and it was quite a bit of work. I have a few more that seem like the would be good separate, but I'm not sure I want to deal with it. I'll accept them just the way they are I guess :)
Alex Angam
06/25/10 06:00:05PM
47 posts

Om Namah Shiva-YAY!!!

Introduce Yourself

Welcome to a very great community. You are one of the lucky ones that figured it out before the waxy disasters. You will have a great time here.
Alex Angam
06/24/10 02:49:40PM
47 posts

What do you use to pull back your dreads?????

General Questions

I use a buff or a t-shirt sleeve, or fabric sewn into something like that, and to other dreads, or a nice tam. Occasionally I will use a hairband, but not very often.
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