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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @akal-sahai

Akal Sahai
06/15/10 06:46:42PM
39 posts

Sea water

Dread Maintenance

I can't stand how my hair feels after the sea salt mixture is sprayed into it... I just use it a few hours before I know I want to wash it and then not until before I wash again (if I remember, I don't do it regularly).
Akal Sahai
06/15/10 07:25:48PM
39 posts

How to talk to you boss when they are making your job more difficult...

General Talk

Would it work to attempt at meeting her outside the office? That way the typical interruptions do not exist and there is nothing to do but discuss this?
Akal Sahai
06/15/10 07:01:12PM
39 posts

How to talk to you boss when they are making your job more difficult...

General Talk

Your boss seems to be so convinced the world will fall apart if she's not there, she's obsessed with controlling every little detail and has no trust that anyone else (in this case, you) can be competent enough to manage without her micro-managing the entire business.Also, she's so trying to please everyone, and not let anyone down, that she's ending up letting everyone down by over-booking her appointments, discounting everyone's fees and not taking care of things because she moves onto taking care of something else and in the process something has to be let go of.You could try to sit down and talk with her regarding how you're feeling, and where you feel like you are at, with the stresses and what she's doing that *is* working, and what she's doing that's *not*. I think stressing both good points with the negative will reinforce that you are not attacking her, but more so this is about how this is all affecting you. There's no telling that will be effective, but it's the start. She may not even realize how you feel about this.If you're planning on your own business, is there a way you can work on this in your time off? or when you're sitting around the office and there's nothing going on? Don't know what you want to do so I don't know how you need to be doing it :) Sometimes just talking with everyone else about it lets your own brain find the path it knows it needs to follow.
Akal Sahai
06/15/10 06:55:45PM
39 posts

How to talk to you boss when they are making your job more difficult...

General Talk

That pregnancy issue, there was a law enacted years ago that specifically makes it against the law for a boss to not hire or promote you because you are pregnant. That just annoys the crap out of me that people still act so freakin' bigoted. I don't know your state or I'd send more specific info. Here's some basic info on that: Lisa McRae said:
I would just tell her straight out.
I had a huge boss problem at my last job too. I worked at a Subway (I've worked for lots of subways for a total of 5 years) and she was really pushy and confusing. She would be telling me to do one thing, and as soon as I started it she'd tell me to do another thing then complain that the first thing wasn't done. She would literally grab us and push us to where she wanted us to stand, and bark orders as if we didn't know that microwave went off or what this guys change was. She would make us work so fast that we'd have to yell at costumers at the end of the line to ask them what they wanted, she wouldn't let wait for the line to thin out, we had to take orders from 10 feet away. It was really embarrassing too because that really pisses off the costumers. She almost let rotting lettuce be served until I told her you can't freaking do that and I refuse.
Then she comes up to me one day and days these exact words "I was going to promote you, because your better (than the other choices) but then you said you were pregnant" She gave it to the other guy.
I wish I had told her off, I really do. I feel horrible for the people working with her now and you don't want others to get the crap you do. I'd say take her aside and explain yourself calmly and clearly why you don't like what she's doing. I'm sure she doesn't even realize it's bugging you and thinks she's helping you. because her way works for her why wouldn't it work for you? Just tell her that you need or do things your way or not at all. You can't possibly do everything the way someone else does, you'd have to think exactly like them for it to work.
Akal Sahai
06/15/10 01:44:37PM
39 posts

Mourning The Loss...

General Talk

Has anyone on here combed out crocheted ones?I found this site before I ended up with crocheted dreads myself... the cost turned me off, so I started researching soaringeagle said:
its a common dilemna

im not sure how easy crochet would come out so i would just let em go natural from here a year from now u may not notice they were manufactured
Akal Sahai
06/15/10 01:40:25PM
39 posts

Mourning The Loss...

General Talk

What is your heart telling you to do? Maybe let it swirl a little while in your head and see what answer comes to you. Your path should be whatever feels right to you. If it's going to drive you insane that they aren't formed naturally, then take them out and go down that road. If you honestly feel like you are at peace with them being crocheted, then let go of the past, and enjoy your current path you're on.I think it just really depends on what you keep feeling like inside, nothing should stress you out. It should be a fun and happy journey. Especially with little ones to keep you busy :)
Akal Sahai
06/21/10 03:07:14PM
39 posts

Summer solstice.

General Talk

Just my own family enjoying the solstice in our own way due to how our schedules are at the moment.... nothing specific really. My house is finally quiet at the moment (always rare) so I'm going to do some yoga and have some peaceful moments to reflect on the earth and the new season. the rain cleared up today and I take that as a good sign for solstice in my opinion.Sorry you didn't get to visit Stonehenge today. I'm sure it'll all happen at the just right time in your life, seems like things always go that way to me.
Akal Sahai
06/07/10 08:55:29PM
39 posts

Beach Dreads

Dreading Methods

Hi and welcome :) As for what to do with hair in the process, I can tell you what I've been doing.... if I'm going out to the store, I pull the top separated "dreadlings" into a loose ponytail so it looks sort of messy, yet like a style. Or, just pull them all back loosely. If it's not too hot, I can put on my slouchy llama (or wool) beret which rubs against my hair and likes to make my hair tangle up a little more it seems on my crown. I do have some 'do rags, but I try not to use them too much since I've learned they can get in the way of the progress since they're tighter. If it's for a little while, it's not too bad really and I can find any fabric I like and whip up a new one in a few minutes on the machine.the other thing I like to do for a short while out is to pull my hair back loosely in a high-ish pony and loosely wrap colorful printed scarves around my head.When at home, I just leave it be, and tend to feel and separate anything that seems to need it at the end of the day as I unwind, absentmindedly. You were mentioning how your husband and kids feel about it; My oldest boys think the whole dreading thing is a little odd, but whatever, they're fine with whatever I'm doing. My daughter loves it. My husband seems to love my fluffy, wild, wavy, matted hair so that's a plus. Everyone else's reactions to it are less pleasant, but it doesn't seem to phase me any because I think it looks really cool. It definitely grows on me more and more each day. I'm into my second month of letting it dread.I believe there's some tips for styling dreads on here, but don't know if it covers what to do while you're in the baby stages. Peace :)
Akal Sahai
06/06/10 05:33:11PM
39 posts

how to have beautiful perfect dreads

Dreading Methods

Wonderfully put! I've been thinking about these things so much lately. Everyone I know can't figure out what I'm doing with my hair because they heard I was "doing dreads". Once I explain the natural process, they first ask "Ok, so what do you do? You don't wash your hair?", then after that, "Oh, I don't have the patience for that!". Enlightenment is about realizing you have to just let go of certain ideals based upon conformity mostly.
Akal Sahai
06/15/10 01:56:56PM
39 posts

residue free dreadlocks shampoo bar all natural vegan biodegradable review

Dread Products

Alright, so I got my stuff last Friday, and I'm very pleased :)I got the Hippie mama shampoo bar and it smells amazing, also I got the Sands of Morocco shampoo bar and it also smells fabulous. They work really well, lather up like crazy, rinse easily, and honestly they leave my hair really really soft, this I wasn't expecting from only shampoo.It smells/works great on my non-dready childrens hair also :)I got some tea tree oil/orange laundry soap, plus a sample of rock star soap. Both smell great! Very impressed with how well it cleans, and how it leaves the clothes soft without any residues.Laundry soap works great on the cloth diapers too. It's so important to have a non-residue detergent for them so that it won't affect absorbency, as well as no residues to leave funky smell buildups and cause rashes on the skin. All in all, great soaps because they work excellent and smell excellent too.
updated by @akal-sahai: 07/18/15 02:40:24PM
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