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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @christina-popejoy

christina popejoy
01/03/13 03:36:43PM
91 posts

PHOTO UPDATE!! 8MONTHS!! Pg. 1 Miracle grow! Their Multiplying- Backcombe

Member Journals and Timelines

how do i get this to update in the timelines forum page. I think I edit it wrong as the updates never show??

christina popejoy
10/18/12 04:41:26PM
91 posts

PHOTO UPDATE!! 8MONTHS!! Pg. 1 Miracle grow! Their Multiplying- Backcombe

Member Journals and Timelines

6 months has gone pretty quick! I graduate University next year and my dreadies will be over a year! Cant wait to be stood in my gown and gap! With my dreads flowing out :P

christina popejoy
09/06/12 06:40:27PM
91 posts

PHOTO UPDATE!! 8MONTHS!! Pg. 1 Miracle grow! Their Multiplying- Backcombe

Member Journals and Timelines

Thankyou so much for your encouraging comment :D

Claire Wilson said:

Looking great! Your hair seems really similar to mine, I hope I have baby dreads like that at four months :)

christina popejoy
07/30/12 05:16:10AM
91 posts

PHOTO UPDATE!! 8MONTHS!! Pg. 1 Miracle grow! Their Multiplying- Backcombe

Member Journals and Timelines

Thanks for your comments guys! Hope you like the pics sorry its taken me sooooo long to add them.

christina popejoy
07/21/12 11:13:39AM
91 posts

PHOTO UPDATE!! 8MONTHS!! Pg. 1 Miracle grow! Their Multiplying- Backcombe

Member Journals and Timelines

Basically I just wanted to share this because im blumin today (29/07) is the 4mth mark

I started with a little bacombing (only ever doneonce)and had 27 sections. I counted today and I have 45 dreads!! There is still alot of loose hair but only a couple of sections have only a couple of knots holding them together. The others are doing really well. I am still completley fasinated that hair does this like it just knows how to go into locks on its own. people I chat to are fascinated also and many ask how my hair is doing.

I have been washing with BS/ ACV but am thinking about changing to Dr Bronners soon as I find the BS iritates my skin.

So finally here is some pics 1st 3 pics are from the 1st day the rest are from now.

Day 1


little natural dread oh so squiggly :D

Messy Nestie!

Lots of loose hairs flying around, i need toseparateoften.

Back shot not as much going on as the front and sides.

some of myfavourites!

5 months update 02/09/12

Going good so far, front and side shots

This one is the Problem fattie dread root

**6 Month Update** 30/09/12

finally got this up. :) My dreads are coming along, definitely in the messy stage! Love it!! And love that all I have to do is wash and separate. Added some more beads in the back today. Its difficult to sometimes see others on here and in like a 5 months they seem to have progressed tons, but my journey is special as I is my own. And I love it that the niggly thoughts about combing have loooooong gone! Im in this for the long haul now. So anyhow here's a few pics to show what my dreads are upto. took out the previous wrap too, it'd been there a while and was not dreaded in except for the top, definatley made that strand pretty thin, im hoping it fattens up a little bit. :D

8 month update 03/01/13- stopped the BS/ACV wash for a couple of months due to scalp issues and hard water, so switched to faith in nature liquid tea tree shampoo. progress seems to still be happening, although a lot slower that it used too with BS wash. so heres a few pic. camera quality not great.

im gonna have ear length dreads i reckon after all the shrinkage.

I have quite a few dreads that are like this at the ends.

getting alot more progress at the back now!

updated by @christina-popejoy: 02/14/15 08:50:07AM
christina popejoy
07/14/12 02:14:46PM
91 posts


General Questions

love this diagram haha. made me smile :) my hairs are totally going through this stage now too. It looks like I have flat sguiggly paddles attached to my head.i'm guessing they flatten when they shrink then get fatter and rounder as they tighten up.

christina popejoy
07/13/12 06:15:27PM
91 posts


General Questions

Hi Luis, Welcome.

This is my personal opinion. If you want dreads that will last a lifetime this site has the people,dread- education, know-how, mistakes made and in-turn the lessons learned, success stories and beautiful inspiration of healthy locks and also saved dreads from some of the most harmful methods. I mean I started with bacombing, alot of people start with the tear and rid method. But I believe the vast majority do go the natural way, and to be honest with now usinghindsightit makes alot of sense, as it costs practically nothing, you have to do barley nothing except wash andseparate. And it just happens. The starter methods tend to look more like dreads on the first day then they all unravel and loosen yet remain sectioned for the best part then begin to slowly knot back up. People talk with experience on the damage of some methods and have proof with their own personal journeys of methods gone wrong. You dont get hounded if you use a method yet some come strongly un-recommended. As does the use of wax the devistating effects of its usage are in fully backed up with proof too (ITS AN ABSOLUTE NO NO!) , only good advice out of the love of sharing the dreadlockjourneyand one that lasts is what you will find here.

christina popejoy
07/12/12 03:57:55PM
91 posts

two tailed dread?

Dread Maintenance

Awesome!! Thanks for your replies. I'm just gonna leave it do its thing! I take that as a super compliment SE as only been dreading just over 3 mnths. I've noticed some mad progress in the last week or so. Your definitely right though its pretty solid up there, I mean I was worried if I did have to separate as o knew that would hurt a heck of lot!
christina popejoy
07/12/12 11:00:41AM
91 posts

two tailed dread?

Dread Maintenance

Hi all

So i have this dread. its one of my fav's as it is chunky compared to some of my others. up near the root its knotted real good. but from the tip upwards its started to obviously separate.

my questions are:

is this due to the fact i used a little backcombing to start out?

Is it advisable to just whack a bead on it and hope they grow back together or is my hair saying it wants to do something else?

Thanks :D

oh heres a pic so you can see what i mean.

updated by @christina-popejoy: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
christina popejoy
01/03/13 02:31:38PM
91 posts

Ixchel- Journey to Natural Locks 2 years 9 months!

Member Journals and Timelines

Ixchel!! Looking great! loving the colour fade too it looks awesome. Pretty lady and great progress

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