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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @ixchel

04/09/13 12:41:48AM
597 posts

Greasy hair after baking soda wash.

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is the lavender oil pure essential oil? how much of it did you use? how much acv did you use? i have normally oily hair & had to skip the acv at first & then gradually add very little back into my washing routine so you may have to tweak your recipe slightly.

04/06/13 04:13:00PM
597 posts

tnr is just a starting method. do it once & leave it be. if they come undone let them go, throw some beads or wraps on them if you are fretting too much about it. if you keep doing tnr all you are doing is undoing anything that has happened but isn't noticeable. you are setting yourself back to day one.

if it feels like residue is being left in your hair from the bs/acv you may have hard water. you can boil your water, get a hard water filter for your shower head or use distilled water to wash. if you don't want to have to deal with that get some shampoo from it works great in hard water. if your hair seems greasy use less acv or none at all for a little bit, then add very little back into your wash routine.

are you able to wear a headwrap or tam for school or work? no matter what method they are going to be messy looking for a while. you may need to just let them be until your hair gets longer. give it plenty of time.

Olivia Sadowski said:

Thank you for your fast reply. I agree with you and I would go neglect, but the problem is I can't do that because of my school and work. I have to keep them in shape (sort of) and if I'd stop doing that I'd have dreads everywhere BUT at the back of my head... And that would look pretty silly. I would neglect them though, but only after they got long enough not to undo themselves because I have pretty short hair at the moment...

However my biggest problem is not the undoing part, but the washing... :(

Brianna Elizabeth said:

stop tnr'ing your hair keeps undoing it because not all hair can hold the artificial knotts in, all my back combed dreads fell out too so i know what your feeling lol. your gonna want to leave them alone 100% if you want nice dreads neglect is probably the only way your hair will dread, and thats the BEST way. anything to "start" dreads isnt needed. ALL hair dreads on its own the only thing you need to do is wash and seperate your hair will actually section itself no matter what you do. hope I helped a little(:

04/05/13 04:30:17PM
597 posts

A strange worry

General Talk

mine aren't anywhere near maturity so i can't help you on that, but i do hope the keep some of the fun funkiness & loops, because i love it & will miss it so! I've actually thought that if i get bored with them & they are too straight I'd brush them out just to experience the fun messy looping again...despite my journey being so slow & long (yes, slightly crazy :P). but maybe i'll become too attached & love them just how they are even without the looping, we'll see.

those are two great loops! they look fun ;) i haven't named any of mine yet (a lot of people do tho!), but many of them still are gaining personality, i'm sure a few of my favorites will get a name sooner or later, it's not crazy at all just fun!

04/05/13 03:28:08PM
597 posts

Is this knot good?..

General Questions

all knots are good knots! the loopiest one i have has a knot tied around it, similar to this. it's still been changing even tho the knot around it seems tight, somewhere hairs are still able to move & do what they need to :)

04/05/13 06:37:08PM
597 posts


Dreadlock Styles and Dread Styling

it's best if you wear them down most the time so they can move & do what they need to to knot up. & wearing them up or in styles you may need to separate more often. but even if you wear them up often they will knot up eventually ;)

04/03/13 03:22:37PM
597 posts

Need guidance....

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if you "made" your dreads with a method loosening at first is normal & has to happen anyways. so don't panic ;) but a clean head = happy dreads! normal shampoo is generally too conditioning & will leave residues that coat your hair & will make it hard for the knots to form. good luck with the baking soda wash!

Lauren said:

I thought if I washed the knots would come out... Lol but I've been using normal shampoo so I'll do some baking soda tonight :) thank you!!
04/03/13 11:58:37AM
597 posts

Need guidance....

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how are you washing? & sticking up all over = being messy = knots that's a good thing! it gets more messy before it settles at all, so it will be wild ;)

04/02/13 05:43:51PM
597 posts

I need some help and advice please!

General Questions

i have very oily silky straight hair as well. skipping the acv at first helped get me going, when i noticed it was getting a bit dry I slowly added very little acv back into my washing routine every once in a while. I also skipped my powerful shower head & poured water over my head to wash or "mermaided" in the tub instead, & just air dried.

updated by @ixchel: 07/16/15 09:59:00PM
03/27/13 01:20:41PM
597 posts

dread newbie please help

Introduce Yourself

wash, separate & live. it will take care of the rest

DaThrill Helton said:

I have gotten some tips on my page. I need to know more abt the natural process. Do i just let my hair do its thing and it will dtead automatically or will some twisting be involved eventually. sorty i don't want to do anything else wrong!! Also is it ok to sleep on it uncovered.
03/26/13 10:19:01PM
597 posts

Is my hair just dreading slow?

General Questions

some just takes a bit more time than others & your hair may have had to grow a bit before it got into the swing of things. i think it's looking great! mine took a long while to get moving, & it still has a lot of undready look to it, but it will get there & be well worth the wait.

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