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Purkurr´s neglect method

12 years ago
44 posts

Thank you Baba Fats!

It's going fiiine, summer is here! <3

I have basically quit worrying about my hair, it just ... is. :) A lot of shrinkage has happened, especially in the nape of my neck. There are quite a few little fellows growing there beneath.. Then again, I still have some fine straight hair, especially on the right side of my head. But maybe I just sleep more on my left side?

updated by @purkurr: 07/19/15 09:46:39AM
12 years ago
597 posts

love the progress you've made! & all those beads look so pretty!

Purkurr said:

Wow, it's been ages since I last visited this forum. Here's a little update on my hair (3 months down):

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Yeah, how you sleep usually has a lot to do with it. Sleeping is great for forming new locks. People who sleep on their back find more growth and change on the back of their head. same with each side. maybe try sleeping on the other side (if you can) to even it out. I know it can be hard. I personally, can't sleep on my right side. Makes me kind of nauseous. That could have something to do with why my most mature ones are on my left and why they seem thicker there, too

12 years ago
44 posts

Thank you so much Ixchel. <3

Wow, I feel so ... touched by all your comments. It's like coming home after a journey. :)

Ixchel said:

love the progress you've made! & all those beads look so pretty!

Purkurr said:

Wow, it's been ages since I last visited this forum. Here's a little update on my hair (3 months down):

12 years ago
539 posts

They look really good! I love all the little beads you have going on in there. :)

Sweet Sid
12 years ago
14 posts
Lookin' great!! That is a ton of progress! Beautiful!
kris acosta
12 years ago
7 posts

hey i had the same issue, but if you're going neglect that's bound to happen. i redid mine in the back....simple sectioning and was the greatest help. i have 2 months in and im glad i sectioned the back, mine morphed into 2 huge dreads lol. just make sure you use an herbal based moisturizer for your scalp to prevent dandruff and you should be good in no time.

12 years ago
44 posts

I just tear the dreads apart from each other a couple of times a day to prevent them from congoing too much. I actually have two dreads which have already formed into one from the root. Like they're two separate dreads but have the same root and I can't separate them anymore. Maybe I'll cut it or something.. if it gets too huge.

I actually now wash with a lovely organic soap bar and for rinsing I use nettle water. I picked up some nettles a couple weeks ago, cooked them a bit and put the leaves into the freezer. The leftover water from boiling the leaves I cooled down and now use for rinsing. Nettle water is great for dark hair!

kris acosta
12 years ago
7 posts

nice, i ought to try that nettle method sometime. i started making my own organic/herbal rinse at home, along with a baking soda/cool water wonders i tell you...well good to know your dreads are looking up.

12 years ago
44 posts

Wow.. this has been like the worst week for medread wise. Ireally feel like combing everything out. I hate this. I hate how these thoughts take up so much of my mind, they almost literally make me cry and go crazy. Why does this happen, why can't I never be satisfied with what I've got?

4 months down and I feel myself so ugly, with the shrunken dreads and everything..

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