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the spirituality of dreading (regardless of religion or lack of)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts

today in america when you thing dreadlocks rastas pop into mind, in india though sadhus and meditating gurus are the 1st thougt.
perhaps in vatican city its samson, john the baptist joseph and jesus whos locks cross minds.

but is there an underlying connection throughout the dreaded world?
clearly theres devotion, to the most high (whether that be named or unamed, the purest of the pure) as well as a quest for enlightenment, and a longing for a more natural existance according to natures (and/or gods) laws not mans
theres also a dedication to self, to be true to te self, not a mindless conformist or trend follower, but instead marching along following ones own convictions.

theres a longing for a better world as well, peaceful, tranquil..a heaven on earth and/or beyond
theres also love, love for all brothers and sisters of our
human race
theres a rejection as well, of all things unworthy of a pure spiritual being (these vary widely based on personal beliefs)

many also believe dreads deliver us and seperate us from a world of curruption (often called babylon) to a higher place, both in this life and beyond.

theres also the concept of dreads as spiritual antenea, that draw spiritual energy to you, guiding and protecting you, as well as them being roots, roots that connect you to the earth and all living things in creation.
the bible says only the nazarites can speak directly to god and entehe kingdom of heaven, te nazarites (wo dreaded according to a vow)diidnt need a preacher to tell them stories, tey didnt need confessions to cleanse the soul, trough walking a higher pat, te path of devotion and love tey ad direct access to the devine

beyond that theres another concept, , everything we do in life is recorded in your hair, every drug yiu do every food you eat and every lesson or experience you go through is recorded, this is why many cultures shave heads for mourning cerimonies, or to signify a drastic life change, seperation from the past experiences is accomplished by sepertion from the records in the hair, when we dread we cary all our life experiences bound tigtly together, each experience touching all oters creatting a web of interconnectivity, we see our life as a wole, good and bad all leading towards something. it gives a sence of purpose even to random coincidences
causing a profound sence of purpose.

often we feel we must dread, we are drawn or guided to do so.

yes, dreads look some, to many others they do not so could our desire to dread really be just about looks (for those who believe they have noi reason but loooks) if so many feelk they look bad?
isnt it more likely we are drawn to dread and convieniently like te look?
to dread is to face discrimination, even invite it
it takes strength courage and a conviction that its whats right to do for you..

maybe we just always knew its what we are meant to do
become our natural selves..

peace love unity understanding

written without thought, forgive typos, in fact, forget words, read with your h

we are all one

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 01/22/20 09:33:16AM
kayla barker
14 years ago
7 posts
i couldnt agree more. my dreads were by far the most spiritual thing ive ever done in my life. when i had to shave them i cried for hours. they impacted me in a way i thought nothing & lightroxie
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
roxie i know when i cut my 1st set i felt like an empty shell for a year..hollow.. like id found a paradise ten lost my way and couldnt get back

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
brooke blinebry
14 years ago
13 posts
Beautiful and Inspiring! This is what I was looking for on this page...and in life! The understanding that whatever path we choose to walk, we are conscious of our step.That we are a part of the natural beauty around us; and that discovering "self" is our purpose. I am greatly looking forward to the discussion that will come from your post...thankyou for sharing your heart.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
i had no clue what i was going to write when the ispiration hit, luckily my mind shut down due to lack of sleep and i could just let it write itself

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
203 posts
great post se! very deep stuff and all true. i never knew quite what to say when people asked why i dreaded, cuz i didnt really know lol! i simply had to, and you just made me realize that, thanks.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
emmy u always had it in youdreads should grow onj the inside before growing on the outside

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Stephanie Saunders
14 years ago
19 posts
That is so beautiful and I relate to every single thing you have said on a deep level. Thank you so much for sharing pure beauty in truth. Bless bless bless
Stephanie Saunders
14 years ago
19 posts
As far as intenaes (sp?) go yes yes and yes yess. I have always been so sensitive to energy and such but NOW whoo its on a whole nother level. Pretty interesting. I dreaded to connect to my truth, remind myself of my strength, as a renouncement from conventionality, as a homage to my own roots and my spirituality and nature oh so many things. Its like I have always had dreads in me! Just not on my head haha
L-ray Sepulvado
14 years ago
25 posts
cool post man!
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