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I want to appreciate you all

Baba Fats
11 years ago
2,702 posts

So for a long time, Eagle was the only member who made it a point to welcome every new member. It was very nice of him to look through all of the posts and see when new people joined the forums and take a few minutes to say something to everyone.

When I started taking a more active roll here, I started to try and get to everyone too.

Now, it seems like a number of members are coming out to great new people.

I just want to say thank you all for being so warm and welcoming. That's what makes this site great. It's not just a forums for theanonymous. We really show ho much we care for each other and how warm we are towards people who just show up and we don't even know yet

updated by @baba-fats: 02/14/15 04:44:52AM
Castaway J
11 years ago
585 posts

Baba this is a pleasure to read first thing in the morn! :) and the reason why this site is literally a second home for me.

Joey mipanyarack
11 years ago
80 posts
Awesome post. I also love the fact that even when people don't agree on things here for the most part everyone is still caring and there's not the "flaming" that goes on on the rest of the internet
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

thnx baba ive norticed this too thnx everybuddy

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Arlequine Mardoll
11 years ago
11 posts

I agree so much to this ! I really love the people here. Wish I would be less shy sometimes and also greet newcomers and answer questions when I think I can.

11 years ago
67 posts

I Agree! I love all people here, best community ever. Thanks SE and all :)

11 years ago
333 posts

The way I see it, this site saved me from waxing up. I'd have missed out on everything that I've come to love.The least I can do is take a few minutes to pay it forward. If we can build a core of people who have the knowledge to pass on, it will lighten the load on you, Baba, and SE. I'm sure you will still give the advise, but it gives you theopportunityto pass on it. Like I said, pay it forward.

So.. Thanks to you guys for making it all possible in the first place. Your dedication is much appreciated.

11 years ago
23 posts

AWWW!! OH MY GOSH! Me too! So grateful for yall/these friends. <3

11 years ago
359 posts

I love coming here, thankyou everyone for being so loving, it is a pleasure to be part of this community. I just wish we all lived in the same town, I want to give you all a great big hug. Thanks SE and Baba, and everyone at dreadlockssite.

peace and blessings

11 years ago
70 posts

Totally agree it what makes me love this site soo much is the love I get from all the people. This site has taught me lots of amazing things.

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