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Best compliment you've received on your dreads?

Stephanie Krespach
13 years ago
23 posts
I just think its fun to share dread compliments. Recently an older lady (about 70) wanted her picture taken with me at work stating that she wished she's done her hair like mine when she was younger. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...what about you?
updated by @stephanie-krespach: 02/14/15 01:27:55PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

ive had alottas like 70 year old ladies tell me they never saw haor more beautiful the best complimentsd are the least expected the super conservative types

strangest 1 was a lady in a supermarket said i looked like jesus then got on her knees in the frozen food isle and started praying to me haha it was weeeeeeeiiiiird

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Stephanie Krespach
13 years ago
23 posts
Yeah. That is strange..the Jesus thing...but yeah...I was feeling really down that day for other reasons, and that made my day!
dreaded delusion
13 years ago
84 posts
Mine happened the other day at work. I was ringing up this lady and her little girl who could barely reach the counter was peeking up and smiling at me so I smiled at her and she said in a tiny shy voice "I like your hair." and I said "why thank you!" and then she smiled and said shyly in that little voice "I like the way it was designed. " haha. That was the cutest thing I've ever heard. :) My favorite dread compliments always come from the little kids cos they are always amazed and in awe and it's so cute!! :) hehe
Canon P
13 years ago
50 posts
haha same here about little kids.. one of my friends little brothers snuck up behind me to examine, and when he touched one of mine he's like "it feels like meat!" lol. children FTW
dreaded delusion
13 years ago
84 posts
Haha! That's awesome!! :) When I read this I was at a resturant and I giggled loudly. :p I love things little kids say! :)

Canon P said:
haha same here about little kids.. one of my friends little brothers snuck up behind me to examine, and when he touched one of mine he's like "it feels like meat!" lol. children FTW
13 years ago
235 posts
My dreads are still babiesand not that long but..i was in Maverik one day and some dude was like "Hey i like ya hair, keep rocking it". It felt different because most people i know tend to have little good things to say about dreads, or the fact that i am growing them. I am curious to see peoples variousreactions when they are long and matured.
13 years ago
849 posts
pretty much everywhere we go someone stops my hubby and tells him how much they love his dreads. People want to know how he did them, how long he's been growing them etc...Even in our small town where there's a total of 5 dreadies(including us!) Lots of teenagers complement him and all the adults want to tell him that they know someone with dreads somewhere so he must know that person too!?! lol! Usually next to him people don't even notice that I have dreads which is ok I don't mind he's a daily living inspiration for me. One time a woman stopped me on the street, she was an artist, and told me she wanted to paint me because I looked like a mermaid and she thought my hair was pretty! When my "dreads" were maybe 5 weeks old someone stopped me in the store and told me they loved my dreads. I looked around foolishly to see who they were talking to and realized it was me! Definitely got the warm fuzzies from that one though! ;o)
13 years ago
2 posts

I was snowboarding the other day and was wearing a beanie an older man came up to me and asked where to get the hats with dreadlocks i took off my hat and he realized it was my actual hair he was like oh man thats crazy i got a good laugh out of it

Stephanie Krespach
13 years ago
23 posts
Thanks guys!!! My unruly dreads are misbehaving, and I had one really good day...then it was washing time and since that washing i've come up with loops, zig zags and all kinds if craziness. I know this just means that they are knotting and that they are doing EXACTLY what they are supposed to do...but sometimes the processsolicits a lot pf advice from the ill informed...especially where crochet hooks and felting needles are concerned. Usually i'm polite and tell them that these are not methods i'm using - and that my hair will eventually become exactly perfect no matter what it is...and they come back with "all dreads need some kind of help"..blah blah blah *insert harmfulpropagatedmisinformation here* and when I posted this I was looking to raise some positive energy because my dreads were being such rebellious little butt heads that day. It pushed me over the edge when some chick I DON'T EVEN KNOW TOLD me (not asked) that she was going to sit me down and "fix" my dreads with a crochet hook...because i was "neglecting them and they were becoming ugly and it was driving her insane"...she's one of those who knows everything because she USED to have a set of waxy crocheted locs for less than a year. I told her that I appreciated her concern, but that if she touched me at all without my permission that she would find herself dealing with the consequences...and that my hair was doing exactly what it was supposed to do and I was opting to leave it alone. It was like she'd never heard that from anyone before. Thank you for making me smile guys...i love this place for that. Keep the positive flowing!
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