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stretching ears, help for a nub plz =)

Blonde Dready
15 years ago
84 posts
I got my ears pierced a few days ago 16 gauge but i had to put in 18 gauge(my bad it turns out it wassmaller then 18, like a 20 or somethin) earings. My friends told me i only had to wait like a week or so before stretching them if i wanted. The lady at the place where ima buy my tapers also said my ears were healthy and healed enough to stretch. They arent swollen and dont hurt to move and rotate around. Should i start now? or give more tim to heal? And i do i was told i could stretch directly to 10 gauge, is this tru or is the lady at the place full of shit?
updated by @blonde-dready: 02/05/18 09:52:25PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
i dunno butmaybe we should have a body modification group?i know ya wont get an imediate answer if u create 1 but i think its a good idea..not gonna close this but i will suggest ya make a bodty mod groupnever get stuck in a redneck town with a guy who wears car batteries and skateboards for earings

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Blonde Dready
15 years ago
84 posts
haha thx, how do i make a group? soaringeagle said:
i dunno but
maybe we should have a body modification group?
i know ya wont get an imediate answer if u create 1 but i think its a good idea..
not gonna close this but i will suggest ya make a bodty mod group

never get stuck in a redneck town with a guy who wears car batteries and skateboards for earings
15 years ago
176 posts
well I have my ears stretched to a half inch, beyond the gauges LoL.But anyways, Stretch size by size, maybe skip one size, but I stretched my ears from a 6 to a 2 all at once and they ripped. The idea of stretching is that your skin will go relatively back to the way it was, but once they rip. It's nasty. The holes in my ears are more slits than stretched holes.And if you just pierced your ears, I'd wait maybe another week. If you stretch too soon you will just make a bunch of scar tissue and it will rip later. A friend of mine had his ears stretched to an inch and a half and he stretched them too quick (going size to size too quickley) and now one of his ears is torn, as in there is no longer a hole there, it's two pieces of dangling skin. Kinda yucky.Take it slow, dont rush, once your ears feel healed, wait another week to be sure before you go up a size. It's like dreads, if you try and rush em it doesnt do em any good
15 years ago
109 posts
Well if you JUST pierced them, you SHOULD, I emphasize on "should" wait about 6 weeks before gauging up. My friend started sizing up the day after he got them pierced. Now his are all weird looking. Not circular at all. More like ovals. I'm currently at 00g, and plan on going up soon, maybe. Not too sure yet. Anyway, the lady at the place where your getting your tapers from, is full of shit. She didn't physically take out your freshly pierced ear stud, and examine how healthy it was, did she? No, because that would have closed it. :| Wait at least 3 weeks before stretching, just as a precaution. You can stretch from 18g, to any gauge, if you want loads of pain involved. It's better if you skip straight to 12g, then work your way up. Or, if you want to be completely safe, and have money to spend, buy each size. (: Hope that helps.
Blonde Dready
15 years ago
84 posts
thx man, i just stretched to 16 gauge from 20 (turns out they were 20 or something, relly small) they burnt a bit, but feel fine now. I just had the person who pierced them shove some 16 gauge earings in. Im broke so i cant buy each size, i have a lil infection in my ears. I went a professional place and he told me what to do =D, ima stretch with earrings until 12 gauges then ima buy tapers to go to ten. Ima wait like 2 weeks before i stretch again tho or if they arent healed completely ill wait longer. Matthew said:
Well if you JUST pierced them, you SHOULD, I emphasize on "should" wait about 6 weeks before gauging up. My friend started sizing up the day after he got them pierced. Now his are all weird looking. Not circular at all. More like ovals. I'm currently at 00g, and plan on going up soon, maybe. Not too sure yet. Anyway, the lady at the place where your getting your tapers from, is full of shit. She didn't physically take out your freshly pierced ear stud, and examine how healthy it was, did she? No, because that would have closed it. :| Wait at least 3 weeks before stretching, just as a precaution. You can stretch from 18g, to any gauge, if you want loads of pain involved. It's better if you skip straight to 12g, then work your way up. Or, if you want to be completely safe, and have money to spend, buy each size. (: Hope that helps.
15 years ago
16 posts
You should put the 16 back on, and then pass the 10... or if you wanna stretch them fast, use a 6g, it should pass through a 16 nicely
Blonde Dready
15 years ago
84 posts
I have the 16 in, are u sure i should stretch that much lawl? i was thinkin using tape, but how would i sterilize it? Jose Gutierrez said:
You should put the 16 back on, and then pass the 10... or if you wanna stretch them fast, use a 6g, it should pass through a 16 nicely
does it matter
15 years ago
31 posts
no you could prolly go up to a ten right away, one time i pierced my righ ear, cuz my left was at a zero right, well i had it up to a ten like a couple days after piercing it, then a couple more days late,r went to a 4..not too good of an idea, it hurt like hell and was my only tear, tiny one, in my right ear only, but anywho, yeah you can, id say go up to tens in both, wait a little bit, then go up a guage every couple weeks or with comfort, don't rush it as much as you'd liek to and prolly would save money like skippin sizes, jsut go with the flow and be nice to your ears, and they'll turn out nice :D ask me anything i knwo a lot about that stuff, peace, oh and btw, im zak :D nemaste~
15 years ago
3 posts
I had my ears done for a long time I just took them out about 2 months ago.when you strech them they should not hurt for very long at all.and you will know it you have streched them to fast cause they will get hard.I took a piercing class and once a piercing get hard you should take out the jerwerlly right away!hope this helps,and the taper and tape way works the best!
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