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Out of curosity which is worse?....crotchet VS. Backcomb

13 years ago
81 posts
Ummm......Thanks for the help guys =]
updated by @supp: 07/16/15 08:58:19AM
13 years ago
81 posts
The whole thing was that when I went to bali I saw most peeps with crotchet or backcombed, it was just that crotched looked alot neater (Though didn't really look like locks, but did look neater)So thanksMike
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

how do you know they are healthy and strong? ppl ive seen with crochet dreads that have been through years of crochet say a lil pulling on them and u can hear a ripping sound

so i wonder how you know how healthy and strong they are? with crochet they could have fallen off manmy times and been reattached without any visual signs they had

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

give me a break ppl lie all the time whats proper technizue how do you poke holes in dreeads without poking holes in dreads? crochhett is dammaging to an extreme or why would she have to keep foing it for 8 years?

let me guess shes a loctician right? ofcourse they lie

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
849 posts
oh man that vid was sketchy! That guy actually said it broke because he didn't crochet that one area! lols! Knotty her dreads sound awesome. Regardless if we would use the same method they sound cool, red dreads are awesome, I almost never see really long red dreads, definitly a rarity! :o)
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts
rawsum said some pretty insulting thingsto natural woman then was silly

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
217 posts
most of my friends have crochet dreads and I can pull on them without them breaking off. Most of the people I know crochet them fairly regularly, and still have perfectly strong dreads. Maybe not as strong as natural ones, but they don't need to pull a bus with them so they don't care. Thay just like how it looks better.
13 years ago
15 posts

I know a guy that has to croche his dreads for about 12 houres a week (not even a year old yet) and all the dreads around the side are about 1/4 the size they were because the hair has become so damaged and brittle. all thats holding his dreads together is the shitty wax hes been covering them with.

never use a hook for a few reasons

1 - dreads become extremely weak in spots that yoy croche

2 - it can cause your dreads to be holding on by strands of hair and the gunk that you have to stick in it to make them not fall out as much

3 - you need to keep crocheing or the hairs keep falling out making an even bigger mess than they were last time you croched them

4 - cavemen didnt use croche hooks

im also not a fan of back combing either

1 - friction damages your hair

2 - they look too puffy for a long time (not good if you need to look semi respectable at work etc)

3 - most people today associate back combing with waxing/crocheing due to johny clean (who shal now be known as wank stain) to make the new dreads look maturer

4 - cavemen didnt use combs

yeah, basicly if cavemen didnt need to use hooks or combs for kickassed dreads why do we? just use ur hands some patience and some sea water :)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

or..dont use youyr hands dont do nothing :)

wank stain haha

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
849 posts
I heard someone say on klocks that they used to crochet for 8-12 hours a day!! It can become an addiction for some people, constantly maintaining which causes more loose hairs leading to more crochet maintenance. I'm sure that was an extreme case but you can easily see how you could go around in circles with it if it's done all the time...
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