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African Black soap and Shea butter.. yaay or naay?

Ayeshat Tolu Ibitoye
12 years ago
9 posts

I recently got back from a 2 month stint in Nigeria and managed to get myself about a years supply of black soap and shea butter (for dirt cheap!) i use them both for my body and hair but once i start dreading i'm wondering how drastically i would need to change my products/ routine?.. i was already on the curly girl hype so no SLS, silicones, combing etc but i just wanted to know if anybody has/ is using either successfully and how they used it?

thanks in advance :-D

updated by @ayeshat-tolu-ibitoye: 01/13/15 09:41:57PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

For African here it's probably really good healthwise, but I don't know whether it would build up or not

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Eddy St. King
11 years ago
50 posts

yes yes yes use the shea butter i have it as well and i'm just starting my hair is about 6-7 inches maybe didn't measure. but just don't overdo it just on the tips to help them form the shea butter is perfect for our hair type especially Nigerians not sure if that's where you're from but just saying. don't use the black soap in your hair though too often maybe just once a month at the max if you really have to.

11 years ago
20 posts

i swear by African Black soap! i use no other shampoo on my scalp and locs. i use this once a week on locs & body and rinse with water throughout the week. i use the shea butter mixed with vegetable glycerin, coconut oil & sweet almond oil. Only a little of each and only used as a moisturizer as needed.

Eddy St. King
11 years ago
50 posts

okay yeah that sounds great as long as you rinse rinse rinse. the only thing is the glycerin you wanna go all pure the coconut oil and almond oil will suffice.

sugaplum said:

i swear by African Black soap! i use no other shampoo on my scalp and locs. i use this once a week on locs & body and rinse with water throughout the week. i use the shea butter mixed with vegetable glycerin, coconut oil & sweet almond oil. Only a little of each and only used as a moisturizer as needed.

11 years ago
20 posts
OK thank you eddy I will keep this in mind:) but this combo moisturizes my locs like no other!
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