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Super Itchy Scalp!! *UPDATE: help!*

11 years ago
96 posts

I used clarifying shampoo and it seemed to help, but i was itchy again the next day. I have used rosemary oil in water and sprayed it on my head. I've used peppermint oil and tea tree oil. i even tried conditioner on my scalp yesterday. i keep checking it almost obsessively and having my husband check it and there are no eggs or bugs! i don't get it! why is my scalp so itchy? it kind of burns and every so often i get this creepy crawling sensation. i'm seriously about to go to the doctor, I have no idea what is going on and nothing seems to help!

updated by @justsomechick: 07/23/15 05:17:44PM
Kelsey Cliche!
11 years ago
122 posts
Could you be having an allergic reaction to anything new? Oils, shampoo, the hair dye, etc?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

could be alergy could be bugs u might not see eggs rigyt away in fact might not at all iof u have only males..or for that matter only females that are still virgins (once a females mated though she will lay eggs forever they have super sperm that keeps her fertile for life after just mating once she can have hundreds even thousands of babys)

u could have dozens that are hard to spot untill they start layin eggs and youd have to have hundreds or thousdands of eggs to spot them easily

the creepy crawly feeling makes me think it might be

in the members click hair and scalp health experts theres only 4 in there panterra stephani and mind went blank on other 2 the 1 thats name is like..ellen or elien or i cant remember send her a message shes an expert on lice

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

My daughter came home from school with lice 4 years ago. We did not know she had it and it was transferred to me predreads as we used to share hair brushes, never again I might add. I had it for 3 weeks before I knew I did, and yes, I felt the itch and burning sensations first. Went to the doctors and they did not see lice, I guess before eggs hatched?, and gave me other medicine to treat the scalp. Anyways soon after the crawling sensation, I realized it was lice. Unfortunantly I did not know about home remedies which are found on this site, I used the toxic medicine shampoo which damages the scalp and it took a long time to recover from the harshness. It will not harm your scalp to try the alcohol method find on this site, try it just in case and good luck, recover soon.

11 years ago
96 posts

I really can't imagine that it is bugs. i have gone through my hair thoroughly multiple times, and so has my husband. i had him even go through and spread apart my loose roots and look in. i also had my mom check. i haven't been around any children other than my own recently and i don't share hair products with anyone...

my mom actually said that my scalp was so ridiculously clean that she thought i had just dried my scalp out by washing too much.

but i will do the alcohol thing just in case. does the alcohol thing kill eggs??

11 years ago
333 posts

I don't think anybody suggested a freezing cold rinse yet.. Try that.

11 years ago
518 posts
Where do you live? Is the air cold and dry? Are you running the heater a lot? It could just be dry skin from the weather. You should see my sons head, it's bright red and covered in flakes. He doesn't normally have scalp issues, but we've had a couple weeks of cold, dry weather. Now he's a mess.
11 years ago
96 posts

Adam, I'll try that.

Mons, I live in south Florida, so no cold weather issues here. super hot 90% of the year lol.

SE, I tried the alcohol soak. I used 32 oz of isopropyl (70%) alcohol. soaked my dreads in it, then tied them up. I wrapped that in saran wrap, then put a towel over that. the smell was choking me without the towel. I left it on for 45 min. when i rinsed, there were absolutely no bugs in my sink. However, there was a crap load of purple water. My hair has been running clear during shampoos for like 2 weeks so I guess alcohol just pulls the dye out? or maybe there was residual dye irritating my scalp? not sure. but definitely no bugs.

11 years ago
321 posts
I've had a flea infestation and they got into my dreads. Even after bombing the house twice and giving my dogs a thorough flea bath I still had them. Ever day I'd get my bath I'd soak my head by laying down in the tub for 5mins to try to drown them. Id still feel a few in my scalp crawling around. They all finally disappeared but not until the cold weather hit. I've seen 3 or 4 in the house in the past month but none in my dreads.
11 years ago
96 posts


ick. but when you had the fleas, you could see them, right? at least when you soaked, you'd see some in the water? i don't think any bugs could have tolerated the alcohol. i actually had to put the towel over the saran wrap because i couldn't tolerate the fumes at all.

also, when you say they got in your dreads, you mean on your scalp and not IN your dreadlocks, right?

Doogie said:

I've had a flea infestation and they got into my dreads. Even after bombing the house twice and giving my dogs a thorough flea bath I still had them. Ever day I'd get my bath I'd soak my head by laying down in the tub for 5mins to try to drown them. Id still feel a few in my scalp crawling around. They all finally disappeared but not until the cold weather hit. I've seen 3 or 4 in the house in the past month but none in my dreads.
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