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By Sonja-Skye, 2011-10-12


so what does change mean, something good or something bad???
most of the time I find this concept difficult to deal with as I touched on in my "introduce yourself" blog and I often find myself wishing to revert back to childhood, when change meant little more then clean clothes, or more commonly a term my parents would use for the weather, or as I remember telling them many times growing older....CHANGE THE CHANNEL, I HATE THE NEWS!!!

Now this was a big topic of discussion for my father, he loved watching the news, just to keep up with current affairs, now I'm not sure of his standing but being old, senile, and set in his ways I'd say nothing's changed, although now he complains about the news as much as me!
I've found over the years, the news had been gradually getting worse and worse, SADDER and SADDER, to the point it's beyond a joke, instead of talking about meaningful matters like how much people are trying to make a difference and help each other, or how kind people selflessly talk to people in need of friends and help, where has all the nice stuff about the marvellous salvos helping people gone, why don't we hear about people being generous and giving donations, or helping with volunteer work?!?!

The media won't allow it, because we seem to be thriving more and more on negativity as a whole, and it's a viscious cycle that will not end until something in the balance breaks.
The media thrive on destruction and peoples anguish and hurt, otherwise they wouldn't flash graphic images, to try and guilt people for no apparent reason, just like if the media as a whole, was more productive and empowering, showing more positive stories (and no I'm not talking about little 16 yr old Suzy going overseas for Olympics) stories, such as people helping each other find homes, helping feed and dress each other, or even just people showing their will banding together for peaceful protests for things that mean something more then just materialistic values, MAYBE then the world wouldn't be in such a huge state of unrest and dis-repute.

here's a story from a dear friend of mine I've grown up with, she's recently moved to the other side of Australia, and someone told her she was
"SOOO white it's almost UN-australian" WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?! she's more Australian then me, and they r telling her she can't be because she's very fair skinned, now see what the media has denoted us to? All the way down to the point, we cannot celebrate Christmas in catholic schools, a majorly consistent concern is of peoples race or ethnicity rather then the problematic things.

How have we found ourselves up the proverbially without a paddle, to the obscene point, that unrealistically I might point out, SOMEHOW, metal, is more valuable then a human life, REALLY....
Something is going to give soo and when it does soooo much is going to CHANGE.
Like I said I'm none too fussed on change myself, but that's because I haven't seen very many positive changes, the media is worried about racism, sexism, gender re-assignment, and everything, that humanity as a whole should not be worrying about, shouldn't we be more worried about how many children we are UN-able to get off the streets at night, and be positive about the ones that we can strive to make an improved difference for, why do we need to be foolish and poke holes through each others religions, or make a big fuss of other cultures being different or "wrong" because it doesn't adhere to our ideals and beliefs, instead, why don't we embrace it and say, sure it's not my belief or what I know, but hey that's what they know, and it's working for them, just like my beliefs are working for me...

so REALLY PEOPLE why do we value metals and stones at a much higher level then human life? this is the high reason for the point of many peoples distaste, and aggression towards society and humanity, and then we go and encourage this terrible rawkus behavior by plastering it ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE, ad sticking it in everyone's face, this is doing nothing but causing more chaos, rather then alleviating any of the pressure in many many ways, what about putting weaponry money, into improving the quality of ALL human life, and the left overs (which would still be tenfold) into areas that need it, such as food supplies, rather then shipping rubbish food from everywhere, laiden with chemicals, and genetically modified strains, into farming, and stop building high rise buildings, they only set us up for destruction chaos and they r no good for ANY ONES HEALTH, humans re-act better with a variety of scenery, and it's twice the benefit and joy for our health having more flaura and fauna around, aesthetically AND emotionally!!!

We all walk around like zombies, rushing, running "socializing" online, do we even have 5 minutes to sit and have a coffee with friends and ACTUALLY take a deep breath?!?!
the way our modern day world is going, we'll be making "allowances for man made chemicals to keep us awake, just so we can WORK at night, all for what? to watch life pass us by?

like they say, life is what happens when ur making other plans!!!!

So next time you feel upset or worried about a trivial minimal thing like your hair/nails or make-up, try worrying about millions of suffering children, or how we can put more value on scrap metal then precious beings that only care to live a HUMANE life, which should be a basic right, but isn't, and then weigh up what you think is REALLY a global matter!!!

Think about it people think about it...
and please, make a CHANGE, BE NICE TO ONE PERSON, OR HELP SOMEONE ACROSS THE ROAD, don't be a cruel heartless bastard that thinks they can change things just by reading my blog, or or procrastinating!!! because if all of us decided to put things off till later, then for everyone who WANTS FAITH IN HUMANITY, there couldn't be any hope!

so if you take ONLY one message away from this, please remember, we really really need CHANGE
otherwise we'll regret not trying to reach out to others and at least TRYING!

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Question about Tams...

By Leah "Paddish", 2011-10-09

I tried to ask in chat but it seems everyone is busy at the moment so ya....

Is there a material that is 2nd or equal to wool for a tam? I cannot get wool at the moment and I have tried to find some in my home to no avail. I have found several old robes I don't use but they are 100% acrylic. They look and feel like wool (except not itchy) but I dont wanna go hacking up clothing if it's not going to help. Just wondering if anyone knows....thanks in advance...

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By Leah "Paddish", 2011-10-08

It's only been a few days since I took Soaring Eagle's advice and stopped fussing over my hair and I can already tell the difference. While my dreads are a bit frizzy and unkempt, some are starting to dread now. Especially the ones at the back of my head. I will never touch a crochet hook again. I just started my dreads 7 days ago and stopped messing with it 3 days ago (the only thing I do now is lightly twist my ends together so I don't look so crazy when I go out lol) Thank you all for the awesome advice. I can't wait to see what my hair looks like after 1 month, 2 months and so on.

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occupy the earth

By ☮ soaring eagle ॐ, 2011-10-08

occupy the earth and live free

there are so many "occupy" events happening globally its about time we just occupy our earth as one people united against greed, war, and the "occupying forces" that claim rulership over our lands..we the people occupy this earth in numbers in the billions yet we turn over our power to a handful of greedy individuals well its about time we occupy our planet for ourselves

why do we still expect corporations and governments to rescue us and fix all our problems?

its time we gather together within our communities and find solutions to global problems on local levels

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By Leah "Paddish", 2011-10-07

Yesterday my 6 year old son said he wanted to grow his hair out so I can give him dreadlocks too. It was too cute! <3

Today, I took my youngest son to the dr (poor thing has an awful ear infection) and as we were waiting these 2 pre teen/teenage boys with their mother decided to talk shit about my dreadlocks. I don't mind when adults do it, but damnit people! Teach your children about acceptance and love instead of hate and intolerance. It is ridiculous! My children are already used to people being different. Their grandfather is disabled (has an artificial leg) their extended family takes care of all sorts of people with various disabilities and their mother has had hair the colors of the rainbow and in several different styles. Their "uncle/aunt" (not by blood) is gay, so they have experienced enough differences to not belittle people or dislike them based on outward appearances. ugh....that just bothers me.

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The personal, becoming not so personal =\

By Nichole Currier, 2011-10-07

Just to start, is it weird that I'd rather look to other people, than to the people who love and care about me in real life? Oh well here goes =\

A lot of crazy shit has happened in the past few months, between, my "father" being a scumbag, my uncle being a scumbag, finding out I'm having another baby on the way, and a bunch of shit that I wouldn't even know where to start on explaining it all. But that isn't what this is about, it's only the start of it.

When I was 10 I like many other people have been diagnosed with a bunch of crazy things. Ranging from Depression, to OCD, to bulimia, to schizophrenia. I have been in and out of inpatient programs from the ages of 10-17. I've recovered a TON since I had my first daughter, minus random panic attacks, and freak outs.. until recently. I've been blacking out for.. I'm not sure how long, but I've been aware that something has been wrong for about a week now. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed, but I'm afraid to talk about it to my family, and fiance. I'm afraid they're going to make me go back to therapy.. Well I'm not so much afraid of therapy, but afraid they will take my daughter away, and my son when he's born. My moms side of the family is sensitive, I wouldn't say psychic, but we feel strong spirits, when they want to be felt, and pick up on strong energies. My daughter is 1 and a half, and when I was pregnant with her, everything was a lot more intense. She's very open to my great grandmother who passed when I was no older than 4. I'm not sure if since I'm pregnant again, that's why all of this is happening, and I'm just more open, and I'm feeding off other energies, or if it's my illness sneaking back up on me again. I've never been afraid of picking up on spirits, but this is scaring the SHIT out of me. I obviously don't know how I act when I black out, but it's been obviously bad enough that I've been hospitalized many times over it. My biggest fear is losing my children. I'm afraid of opening up and talking about it, or even writing in a journal, out of paranoia, and fear that someone else will read it, and confront me about it. I don't like talking about it, which is why I'm quite baffled I am writing about it now. Especially to a bunch of people who don't know me, but I think that's why I can post it here.. Because none of you really do know me. I don't have to worry about being judged (good or bad) by a bunch of strangers, because I couldn't change the way any of you felt about me, cause you don't feel anything for me. Not sure if any of that made sense, and I think I'm writing this more for myself, than any of you, so I don't really care if any of this made sense. I'm not looking for pity, or consoling, but raw off the record advice, or for people to let me know if they've been in a similar situation, and what they do/did. I'm lost at this point, I'm afraid of myself, I'm afraid for my children, and I don't know where to go from here. I've been sitting here looking at this after it's all been typed (exception for this sentence) wondering if I should even press send, but decided I have more to gain, than to lose.

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1 year!!

By Dolly, 2011-10-06

Truly hard to imagine it's been one year. It's been a loooooooooong year of crazy hair, and at the same time, it's gone really fast (everything in hindsight does, right?)!!! Thanks to all of you who are on here, posting pictures and encouragement ... it is SO helpful to those of us just stepping onto the path of dready love! Shanti! :D

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Locks in the Office

By Drew W, 2011-10-06

My Locks' 3rd Birthday is coming up this month. I've given up crochet for around about a year and have been using the baking soda method for about 6 months and things are generally going pretty good.

I had a little issue recently when starting a new job. They were cool about my Dreads when I was interviewed and I asked if it would be possible to wear a head scarf or headwrap and they told me it was ok. They usually don't allow any head gearwhere Iwork. I find that I have a lot of loose hair and that a simple head band, scarf, or head wrap makes me look more tidy and presentable in an office environment too.After the first couple of weeks I was told to takeoff my head wearby the HR manager. I have since spoken tothe HR departmentand explained that the reason I grow my hairthe wayI do, and the reason why I cover my head (crown in particular)in public or crowded places(except sometimesoutdoors, orwhen relaxing) is due to spiritual reasons. That has appeared to do the trick and they have left me alone... for now at least.

I try to keep the scarves etc a neutral colour (Black, grey or white) so that they look professional and don't draw attention to themselves. I am considering making a black tam for winter and am wondering if they will allow this with it being an actualhat. It remains to be seen, but hopefully they'll dig it.

I was wondering if anybody else out there has had any similar experiences with Locks and the workplace? or if anyone has any tips for fellow Dreadies on Rockin' the Locks at work?

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Dear Non-Cooperative Lock

By Hans Miniar Jónsson, 2011-10-06

Who told you you could be a rebel?

Who said you could go out of line?

How ironic is it that now that I've stopped pretending to be someone I'm not and decided to do what I feel is right for me in my life without paying attention to the prescribed notion of how to be, who to be, where to be, what to wear, what to say, what to do, how to keep my hair, what tattoos and piercings are acceptable and what love I'm allowed that I find myself frustrated by you, that one lock that refuses to do what I tell it to do, that refuses to stay where I put you.

Never the less, you frustrate me.

All the other locks are fine with being out of my face by either laying back across my head or to the sides, but not you.

You insist on falling forward, over my face, into my line of sight, and no matter how many times I shove you back or to the side, tucking your end in under other locks to try and keep you there, as soon as I turn my head to leap forward to that same spot, over my face, into my line of sight.

Have I offended you?

Have I angered you?

Why do you keep doing this?

Please, I beg of you, stay where I put you.
I'm blind enough already without you blocking my view.

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What I've learned in three months...

By Dillon N, 2011-10-04

I've learned a lot about myself from doing dreadlocks. It's taught me about strength and courage, that I am " a lion", and most importantly how to observe growth and change in something that is quite literally very close to me. I've been told many things about my hair and my choice since that July afternoon, some good some bad. People have judged and yet I refuse to be brought down by negative comments even by aunts cousins etc... , But for every one person who dislikes my choice three step up and complement it and encourage me. I've picked up some interesting nicknames and been asked some very unorthadox if not odd questions. Everyday I have my locks is another day I grow with them. I nuture, wash, and even sometimes use them as a cushion in bed. They are very special to me and I have enjoyed them wholeheartedly. It will be three months since I've started my journey in seven days. I'm not totally sure how to end a blog so ....

With love and peace,

Dillon :)

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