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dreadlocks shampoo


What is Channeling?

By jazzymomma, 2013-01-17


Channeling is a form of communication between humans and other beings, usually from higher dimensions. These beings could be angelic beings, nature spirits, spirits of departed loved-ones, extraterrestrial entities, or even animals and pets.

A channeler can choose who or what they want to channel. If the other party has an interest in communicating, the link is made and the channeling can begin.

There are different ways of channeling. ET beings, and the channeling of a mother with the spirit of her departed son in Nirvana (Heaven).

In order to channel, the medium usually doesn't have to go into a deep trance state, or surrender their body and/or mind to the entity. They just focus their senses and attention on the entity they are channeling. But there are also channelings where the soul or spirit of the medium either steps aside or leaves the body. This makes room for the other energy to enter and use the body for a specific period of time. This shift of energy can take seconds or minutes, and those capable of seeing auras, can see the shift.

Some people fear channeling because they dont understand the process, or they think that a negative or dark entity can come in. But the channeler always has the choice of who or what they want to channel. The channeler can insist on knowing the name and origins of any entity who wants to communicate with them.

Experienced channelers understand that just because an entity wants to communicate doesnt mean the entity is necessarily enlightened. The channeler should discern for themselves the level of enlightenment of the entity, and the value of their information. Some entities just like to chat, others can have an agenda. But many are of the Light, and also have a desire to provide enlightened guidance and counsel.

On rare occasions, a channeling with higher beings can be interrupted by Hatonn. He is a commander of the Galactic Federation of Light and he's in charge of overseeing all information that is shared during the process of Ascension that we are now in.

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Spiritual resources

By jazzymomma, 2013-01-16

check these out :) happy spiritual journeys my dreaded friends:)

subscribe to monthly spiritual newsletter called The Monthly Aspectarian


Montgomery media enterprizes

assistant director cts intitute for spirituality and wellness

Mart Montgomery

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Radical Acceptance.

By bells, 2013-01-16

There was a wall of worry, and i ran headlong into it. There i sit, dazed from the impact, blinking up at the looming height, a cliff of my own making in my mind. A breath, and then i begin my ascent. Patience, i tell myself, is all i need, but my hands scrabble for purchase as fears and insecurities tangle my feet under me.

There's some that are unraveling, and more disconcerting, some that aren't. There are some that cause me doubt, and some that simply seem "wrong" to my eyes.

My frustration with the seemingly insurmountable obstacle of my own uncertainty sends me catapulting to the bottom of the wall, shaken. i need to change my approach. i can't go around, it stretches for miles, closing off the horizon. It's set deep, i can't tunnel under. All avenues exhausted, i finally stop searching for a solution. It's okay, wall, i can wait.

This anxiety and unease will cease if i stop worrying about not worrying. Instead of fighting against my fear, i will recognize it for what it is, and allow it to pass me by.

It crumbles before my eyes.

The state of ambiguity - that messy, greasy, mixed-up, confused, and awful situation you're living through right now - is enlightenment itself.
- Brad Warner

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salt water spray

By marisue, 2013-01-16

well tomorrow is day 5 and I think I can see my hair kind of seperating into thier own little worlds, although feeling a little greasy but soft at the same time ...dont ask cant explain. Anyway I just ordered a shampoo bar hopefully it will be here soon.Ive washed my hair with sulfite shampoo seemed to work out alright but I am interested intrying out the b/s wash so I will do that in a couple of days but what I want to know is the salt water spray. how much salt to I put in a spray bottle of water. do I spray my whole head and how long do I keep it on my hair before I wash my hair with the b/s solution. Is it true that the b/s wash helps your hair dread better? Thanks hopefully Ill be able to take pictures of how its coming along so I can get some feedback.

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Two months in

By Tyrik smith, 2013-01-15
I am two months in and can use a bit of feedback
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Cant add photos to my blog

By Tyrik smith, 2013-01-15
I've been trying to post pictures of my baby dreads all week but for some reason I can't ... Is there a special way to do this? Also I am two months in and wanted a bit of feedback but with no picture how can I get feedback?
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Real food blog

By Zoey, 2013-01-15

I found this site today and i was amazed at how much great information it offered. I just thought i would post and share with everyone. :)

100 Day of Real Food

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hmm..nearly 16 months neglect. Reflection.

By Castaway J, 2013-01-14

Namaste! Reading my first few blog posts..Its amazing how much i have changed and grown since then. My locks are doing great, i am feeling fanfuckingtastic! Not to brag or boast but locks really do effect life for the better! It has made it much easier to determine whos real and whos not, not to say it was difficult before, its just instantaneous you could say... the real people come to me now; with open conversations its something that was a rarity before dreads. And i love it. One person on the bus told me that i have a very humbling look with the beard and dreads, and i couldnt agree more! After all lead by example right?
One of the reasons that i began dreading in the first place is because it is natural. To further that point it is a daily, constant, reminder of the natural and truly organic life that i have been crying out for inside for..What seems my entire life.
When i first began, my dreads tested me and i failed. Sure, say its coincidence, but there is no such thing in this universe. Everything happens right when it should how it should, and doors open or thankfully close if you are open to it. We all have our battles to work out within and growing dreadlocks really assists you in bettering yourself. They have me.
No longer do i have to keep things to myself. I can say what is on my mind at that moment, and though it is related to the conversation, i say things in a way to get people to think more. Deeper.
Anyway, about my dreads. As they grow and develop, so do i as a human. Meditation has become a part of my life, a more dominant part anyway. Whether it be a ten minute session watching the sun rise which has become my favorite meditation practice, or trying to attain a meditative state throughout the day, I feel I can only thank my dreads for that. Ive always thought spiritually, but have not really practiced anything before, and when I did i was ridiculed. But I realize now that you cannot talk these things with people who have not strived to better themselves.. The great thing about having dreadlocks is that you do not care what anyone else would think if you told them you meditate, and are a spiritual being, whereas I used to hide it. at first people thought I was full of shit when i said Im dreading for spiritual reasons...all I can think about is "All you know about mes is what i sold ya" and it is so liberating to know that that is in the past!
On the way home tonight I thought about something and immediately knew it was my ego talking/thinking. Furthermore, I could literally feel my ego off to the side. Where it should be. This made me really happy, because for years my ego had a dominant say in everything, now it is a tiny voice that still has its opinions, but those are what society or Babylon has drilled into it. I simply say thanks for your input and it goes away. But I felt it in my mind like a tiny ball next to the mountain that is my awareness.
More and more I have been working on living in the NOW, the moment, and not think about the future for what may or may not happen. Always analyzing every possible outcome I can rarely lived in the now. Dreadlocks allowed me, over time, to let go more and more than ever before. Let go of concerns for money, making people happy, etc. never living in the moment at hand. Work does interfere with this as Im thinking about when I have to be somewhere, or when I can go home. I resent having a job. Its just playing the game. A game I have come to associate with less and less. Eliminating unnecessary, stressful bills and obligations. No longer do I feel SO tied down.

Thanks for taking the time to read if you do, everyone here is great peoples!

I could go on and on but Ill stop here :) peace!

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an exciting day !So hes going to come in every

By marisue, 2013-01-14

Man so excited today its day 3 and i was reading up on shampoos and the more I keep reading the more I get overwealmed my problem is worrying about bs/acv mix i would woory to much about if I mix things right or did i rinse enough blah blah blah so I decided to just go ahead and order shampoo that is already mix and ready to use online, so until then I will use some shampoo I had bought last week that is sulvite free until it arrives. Im just not sure if I wash my whole head or just the scalp and let the shampoo run through my hair and just make sure I rinse real good? I had an old employee of mine come in today and I told him i was starting on growing freads he was so excited and he told me he had dreads befor for a long time and I showed him my hair and he said that yup they look like they are doing what they are supposed to be doing and look really good. Man that made my whole day! he told me he was going to come in every few days and see the progress. So off shopping I go .

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4 months in and getting discouraged

By Marq Mutant, 2013-01-13

Although i'm getting loops and am enjoying the journey i'm starting to get discouraged i started with TnR they all came out typical i no but since then some areas have knotted and undone and repeat the process multiple times but the back hasn't made any progress and thats what bothers me i don't no i truly don't want to end my journey but at times i question continuing it anybody else going or gone threw it let me no

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