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the Barrellady
06/07/13 05:58:11PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community and to the best site on the web for healthy dreadlocks. Don't worry, the guys will get you all fixed up so your dreads will be the ones you always wanted...Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
06/07/13 05:31:21PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome lets takk and get u all fixed up but they would be better off if u nevefbackcombed

Baba Fats
06/07/13 04:55:54PM @baba-fats:


06/18/13 05:31:54PM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's good that you realized that about the ACV on your own. But once your head stops being oily, you can VERY SLOWLY reintroduce it. I can't emphasize how slowly. When the time comes that your head hasn't been oily for about a week, let us know, and we can try and introduce ACV again, so you don't over dry your hair and it becomes brittle

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
06/18/13 01:08:38PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Loki. You are right, ACV is not required for oily scalps, your natural oils balances back the hairs PH levels from using the baking soda wash. Hope you share a pic with us one day soon.....peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
06/18/13 01:02:15PM @soaring-eagle:


06/18/13 05:31:54PM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's good that you realized that about the ACV on your own. But once your head stops being oily, you can VERY SLOWLY reintroduce it. I can't emphasize how slowly. When the time comes that your head hasn't been oily for about a week, let us know, and we can try and introduce ACV again, so you don't over dry your hair and it becomes brittle

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
06/18/13 01:08:38PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Loki. You are right, ACV is not required for oily scalps, your natural oils balances back the hairs PH levels from using the baking soda wash. Hope you share a pic with us one day soon.....peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
06/18/13 01:02:15PM @soaring-eagle:


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