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dreadlocks shampoo
Michelle Bueno


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front side of 13 months
13 months of success
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three months
Photo uploaded on September 19, 2013
Photo uploaded on September 19, 2013
Photo uploaded on September 19, 2013
One month young
One month young


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
07/16/13 01:43:56AM @soaring-eagle:

awesome good to hear

Baba Fats
07/08/13 08:13:30PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. I know it may be tempting to use bands to keep your locks separated. But even if you only put them in loosely, they're elastic, so they will tighten over time, creating weak spots in your locks, which can snap eventually. Also, they tend to get sucked up into your hair, where they dry rot and grow mold and mildew.

the Barrellady
07/08/13 11:05:07AM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Michelle, glad you found this wonderful site. If you ever have quesitons, please feel free to ask us, not one is silly when it comes to dreadlocks, so ask away. This is a good posting from Soaring Eagle:

Not all shampoos and bars are good for dreads, some are too conditioning, so let us know what one you are using and the ingredients. Also, not all dread shampoos or bars work well in hard water, but in soft water they work great. Below is a map so you can see your water type. If you have hard water, we recommend , as their products works fantastic in hard water. The creator of those is also a member on this site, Her stuff is fantastic.

Enjoy your neglect journey, it is truly a fun an wild ride to grow dreadlocks....peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
07/08/13 10:33:35AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but take out those rubber bands right away they are nothing but trouble and cauee a dozen diferent serius issues makwe sure u get ever lil peice out

07/17/13 11:58:38PM @darkstar:


Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/17/13 09:28:24PM @tyler-chidester:

Hi Maryah, sorry I called you by the wrong name, silly me. Welcome again....peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
07/17/13 04:54:50PM @soaring-eagle:

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/17/13 04:35:25PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community naesha. Glad you joined the best site on the web that promotes healthy dreading. I too used the BS wash for my entire first year. but unless you have an extremely oily scalp, you should always follow it with an apple cider vinegar rinse to balance back the scalp and hairs PH levels. After you rinse out the BS wash, mix 1-2 capful of ACV to 5 cups water, pour this over your head and rinse out right away or within one minute. Keeps the hair and dreads nice and soft, not undoing any knotting process.

Enjoy the site and your journey...peace

If you have hard water, you should do one of two things for the BS to dissolve properly. Either use water jug water, I buy the cooler size..lasts forever and is cheap. Or, boil the water first, let the minerals sink to the bottom and pour out the good water, leaving the minerals behind....I am too lazy to boil

07/17/13 11:58:38PM @darkstar:


Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
07/17/13 09:28:24PM @tyler-chidester:

Hi Maryah, sorry I called you by the wrong name, silly me. Welcome again....peace

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