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dreadlocks shampoo


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the Barrellady
04/03/13 05:01:29PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Lauren...Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/03/13 03:22:48PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome living in the woods is even better

04/03/13 02:59:36PM @jazzymomma:


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/17/13 01:27:40PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome 1st stop palm rolling 2nd switch what u wash with 3rd dont worry bout them coming loose

wyatt walker
04/14/13 10:15:09PM @wyatt-walker:

WELCOME TO DREADLOCKSSITE MY DEAR. goodluck an peace an luv be with u

04/14/13 09:21:40PM @darkstar:

Welcome. I just have to warn you that palm rolling can be extremelydestructive. It really only does 1 of 2 things. If you don't do it much, it won't create any lasting knots. It does make them look neat for a few hours, but that's it. When you wash them, or wake up in the morning, they haven't progressed any more than they normally would. If you do it enough to see progress, it severely destroys the roots. It's a type of damage that doesn't show up for about a year. But when it starts to show, it's almost impossible to fix. I only palm rolled for the first 2 weeks (daily). And 6 years later I am still trying to fix the damage. It's not worth the risk

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/17/13 01:27:40PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome 1st stop palm rolling 2nd switch what u wash with 3rd dont worry bout them coming loose

wyatt walker
04/14/13 10:15:09PM @wyatt-walker:

WELCOME TO DREADLOCKSSITE MY DEAR. goodluck an peace an luv be with u

04/14/13 09:21:40PM @darkstar:

Welcome. I just have to warn you that palm rolling can be extremelydestructive. It really only does 1 of 2 things. If you don't do it much, it won't create any lasting knots. It does make them look neat for a few hours, but that's it. When you wash them, or wake up in the morning, they haven't progressed any more than they normally would. If you do it enough to see progress, it severely destroys the roots. It's a type of damage that doesn't show up for about a year. But when it starts to show, it's almost impossible to fix. I only palm rolled for the first 2 weeks (daily). And 6 years later I am still trying to fix the damage. It's not worth the risk

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