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Kitty Svarfdal


Location: Hafnarfjörður
Country: IS

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the Barrellady
03/22/13 04:38:43PM @the-barrellady:

Velkomnir Kitty to the community. Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/22/13 03:25:14PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome glad you threw away the hook the recovery might take a long time tho just trust in the process they will turn out fine in the end

Baba Fats
03/22/13 01:36:08PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. As your hair recovers from the crocheting, don't freak out when it gets super frizzy. It'll calm down in time

04/02/13 11:56:28PM @darkstar:

No problem. With the BS/ACV wash:

1/2 cup BS in 5 cups of water. Let it sit on your head for 10-20 minutes. Rinse with normal water. Then 1 tbls ACV in 5 cups of water. Rinse right away.

I'm just now seeing that your in Chicago. That may be a problem for this wash. You've got pretty hard water. The BS doesn't dissolve well in hard water. And you can't just do the ACV because it's an acid, and will make your scalp extra oil and itchy if used alone. You have to do both parts.

have you at least looked through the site yet? They have the best soaps that work great in hard water. I'd really recommend them. And as for frequency... Wash more than once every 2 weeks. Really, you should be washing no less than once a week. 2-3 times a week is best. But once a week will do you fine

04/02/13 10:55:31PM @darkstar:

I hear you. How often do you wash, though? I know it can be a pain to take care of, but dirty hair doesn't lock up well. And consistently putting gel on will leave residue that can and will cause mold/mildew to grow in your hair.

If you want the most hassle free method of washing, the baking soda/apple cider vinegar wash is a no-touch wash. You just pour the BS mixture on and let it sit for 10 minutes, rinse it off, and pour on the ACV mixture and rinse it off right away. If you need help with the ratios, let me know. it's the easiest method. But it doesn't work well in hard water. So find out if you have hard water, first

04/02/13 10:31:08PM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's good that your letting them do their own thing. Twisting over and over causes traction alopecia, which leads to premature baldness. I don't know what kind of gel you used, but most gels are known to leave tons of residue and actually prevent locking from progressing

04/02/13 11:56:28PM @darkstar:

No problem. With the BS/ACV wash:

1/2 cup BS in 5 cups of water. Let it sit on your head for 10-20 minutes. Rinse with normal water. Then 1 tbls ACV in 5 cups of water. Rinse right away.

I'm just now seeing that your in Chicago. That may be a problem for this wash. You've got pretty hard water. The BS doesn't dissolve well in hard water. And you can't just do the ACV because it's an acid, and will make your scalp extra oil and itchy if used alone. You have to do both parts.

have you at least looked through the site yet? They have the best soaps that work great in hard water. I'd really recommend them. And as for frequency... Wash more than once every 2 weeks. Really, you should be washing no less than once a week. 2-3 times a week is best. But once a week will do you fine

04/02/13 10:55:31PM @darkstar:

I hear you. How often do you wash, though? I know it can be a pain to take care of, but dirty hair doesn't lock up well. And consistently putting gel on will leave residue that can and will cause mold/mildew to grow in your hair.

If you want the most hassle free method of washing, the baking soda/apple cider vinegar wash is a no-touch wash. You just pour the BS mixture on and let it sit for 10 minutes, rinse it off, and pour on the ACV mixture and rinse it off right away. If you need help with the ratios, let me know. it's the easiest method. But it doesn't work well in hard water. So find out if you have hard water, first

04/02/13 10:31:08PM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's good that your letting them do their own thing. Twisting over and over causes traction alopecia, which leads to premature baldness. I don't know what kind of gel you used, but most gels are known to leave tons of residue and actually prevent locking from progressing

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