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dreadlocks shampoo


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Zipcode: 34240
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the Barrellady
04/01/13 03:56:04PM @the-barrellady:

Julian, you were asking about soap bars. Do you know if you have hard or soft water??? The Dreadlock Shampoo site makes shampoos & soaps that are designed to work with hard water. Many shampoos and bars will leave a residue behind if the water is hard, even a soap like Dr. Bronners.

If your water is soft, you have more options.

I have hard water and used the baking soda wash/acv rinse for an entire year before I purchased from the Dreadlock Shampoo site. I use the liquid shampoo instead of the bar, once my dreads are mature then I will switch to bars. These shampoos are wonderful, you wanted the best, I recommend these products. Peace

Baba Fats
03/31/13 10:16:56PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. Some of us just take longer. Give it time. Your hair may not be long enough to lock up yet. Or you could join Ixchel's and my club at being those freaks that take an age to see progress

the Barrellady
03/31/13 06:29:42PM @the-barrellady:

Don't know how long your hair is, but be patient if it is shorter than 6 inches. The sections will form, but the journey itself likes to begin with the hair around the 6" mark. I am stoked for your journey! Peace

the Barrellady
03/31/13 06:16:21PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Julian. Hear is a pic of Soaring Eagle, founder of this site. Wheelchair bound a the best head of dreads! Welcome again...Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/11/13 11:36:16AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome unfortunatle the wax you used was enough to ruin them forever if its not agressivly removed

read the wax removal info here

04/11/13 07:23:01AM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's great that you stopped using wax. But unfortunately that's not enough. The wax needs to be removed. It's a hydrocarbon, so it will NEVER come out in normal soap and water. You need a detergent to clean it out completely. sells a great wax remover. Or you can use a good "tough on grease" dish detergent. But the dish detergent is a bit of a pain to use, and takes longer and more sessions.

If you need help getting it out, let me know. I can give you a detailed way to do it. Or check out the dreaducation page for how.

Good luck

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/11/13 11:36:16AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome unfortunatle the wax you used was enough to ruin them forever if its not agressivly removed

read the wax removal info here

04/11/13 07:23:01AM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's great that you stopped using wax. But unfortunately that's not enough. The wax needs to be removed. It's a hydrocarbon, so it will NEVER come out in normal soap and water. You need a detergent to clean it out completely. sells a great wax remover. Or you can use a good "tough on grease" dish detergent. But the dish detergent is a bit of a pain to use, and takes longer and more sessions.

If you need help getting it out, let me know. I can give you a detailed way to do it. Or check out the dreaducation page for how.

Good luck

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