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dreadlocks shampoo
Joshua Edwards


Location: Little River, SC
Zipcode: 29566
Country: US

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the Barrellady
03/31/13 03:36:55PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Joshua. Your fantastic journey has begun. Enjoy the ride and all the changes in the next few months. Your T&R will come loose & maybe even completely fall out, but that is okay, they need to loosen in order to start their paths to mature dreads. Hang on and enjoy the ride...Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/31/13 10:43:36AM @soaring-eagle:

Baba Fats
03/31/13 07:35:53AM @baba-fats:


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/11/13 12:22:42PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome 1st off take those bands out right away!

let the tips come undone

wash as often as u want

04/11/13 07:16:52AM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's actually healthier for your locks to have those wispy tips. What they do is give your locks an easy line for water to drip from. So when you wash them, they dry faster. Blunt tips cause water to get clogged in your locks, and become stagnant. Blunt locks can take 2-3x as long to dry. this leads to mold/mildew potential

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/11/13 12:22:42PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome 1st off take those bands out right away!

let the tips come undone

wash as often as u want

04/11/13 07:16:52AM @darkstar:

Welcome. It's actually healthier for your locks to have those wispy tips. What they do is give your locks an easy line for water to drip from. So when you wash them, they dry faster. Blunt tips cause water to get clogged in your locks, and become stagnant. Blunt locks can take 2-3x as long to dry. this leads to mold/mildew potential

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