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dreadlocks shampoo
Jeremiah Johnson2


Location: Berryville, AR
Zipcode: 72616
Country: US

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Baba Fats
03/25/13 10:04:02PM @baba-fats:


the Barrellady
03/25/13 08:07:34PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Jeremiah, this is the best site on the web for all your healthy dreadie information. After using the BS wash, you should follow up with a Apple Cider Vinegar rinse, unless you have very oily hair. The ACV balances the PH in the hair from the BS wash, and is a safe conditioner for dreads. After rinsing out your BS wash, mix 1 capful of ACV to 5 cups water, pour over head and rinse within one minute. This will keep the hair nice and soft. You can add the essential oils to the BS wash if you like. Have a great journey. Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/25/13 08:03:03PM @soaring-eagle:

04/06/13 09:46:44PM @darkstar:

Welcome. In the meantime, you can start washing your hair as if you already have locks. As your hair grows out, it will begin to section itself.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/06/13 04:26:20PM @soaring-eagle:

04/06/13 09:46:44PM @darkstar:

Welcome. In the meantime, you can start washing your hair as if you already have locks. As your hair grows out, it will begin to section itself.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/06/13 04:26:20PM @soaring-eagle:

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