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dreadlocks shampoo
Isabel Young


Location: Newport
Country: GB

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ღHippie Loveღ
03/03/13 03:04:42PM @hippie-love:

Welcome and Happy Dreading.

Always, Hippie Love

the Barrellady
03/03/13 11:48:53AM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to your journey Isabel. Your twist & rip sections will loosen with time, please do not re-twist them or you will set back your journey. In order to become mature dreads, the T&R needs to loosen, to loop, to zig & zag & shrink, this is the process. Don't try to tidy them up when they are doing this, it is the way for them to form, so don't palmroll them or try to keep them tight. All you will need to do is keep them clean, separate any sections trying to form together, and enjoy the adventure.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/03/13 11:23:25AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but i dont think any aussie shampoos are ok and u shouldnt palm roll at all especialy not every day its too damaging

Baba Fats
03/03/13 08:24:01AM @baba-fats:

Welcome. But stop palm rolling. If you've only done it for a week, you may be ok. But palm rolling does nothing to create lasting knots if you don't do it much. If you do it enough to see progress, it will severely destroy your roots. I did it for my first 2 weeks and 6 years later I am still trying to fix the damage:

wyatt walker
04/27/13 06:00:52PM @wyatt-walker:

WELCOME TO DREADLOCKSSITE goodluck and peace an luv on ur journey

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/16/13 06:31:26PM @soaring-eagle:

hmm nmighgt not be too bad but the best is..aloe nithing but aloe

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/14/13 12:02:52AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome your off to a fine start i think
that aloes great (make sure its the 1 with no other ingredients at all)

03/13/13 11:11:34PM @darkstar:

Short hair is just going to unravel for a bit. It's not long enough to hold the knots quite as well as it will when it's long. My best advice would be to stick with it and try to ignore the patches that come undone. Get yourself some biotin and start taking that. It's great for helping your hair grow a bit faster. It takes about 3 months to kick in, but when it does, it really works.

When you hair starts to mat together, just pull the sections gently apart.

03/13/13 10:48:22PM @tony2:

Welcome and Happy Dreading.

Always, Hippie Love

03/13/13 10:23:36PM @darkstar:

Welcome. If you twisted once to start, that's just fine. But retwisting will only cause problems. If you can see your scalp in between your sections, that is a sign that you are causing balding.

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