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holly wilson


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ღHippie Loveღ
03/23/13 11:16:13PM @hippie-love:

Welcome and Happy Dreading.

Always, Hippie Love

Baba Fats
03/21/13 10:54:19PM @baba-fats:


the Barrellady
03/21/13 09:34:07PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Holly. I envy your job. Should your ever get "creatures" again, don't brush your dreads out, there is a fantastic, guaranteed recipe to get rid of them and keep your locks. Have a great journey. Peace

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/21/13 06:37:35PM @soaring-eagle:

04/02/13 02:30:46PM @darkstar:


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/02/13 12:49:55PM @soaring-eagle:

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
04/02/13 12:38:35PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Thecrowing and to your two week journey. I see you did the twist & rip (T&R). So did I, so I can tell you a little of what to expect....In the next couple of months your hair will go frizzy, don;t worry, it does not last long. Hopefully your sections were not done tightly. They are the blueprints to your dreads (not actual dreads right now), and they need to loosen, sometimes even falling out completely, and then they will dread. They will loop, zig zag, and shrink and at the end of all this you will have awesome healthy dreads.

So don't worry when they maybe fall out, don't worry when they look a mess, just don't worry at all, ya gotta sit back and enjoy the ride for sure.

Keep them clean by washing 2-3 times a week in the beginning and keep those sections separated from each other. That is all you need to do to grow dreads.


04/02/13 02:30:46PM @darkstar:


☮ soaring eagle ॐ
04/02/13 12:49:55PM @soaring-eagle:

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
04/02/13 12:38:35PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Thecrowing and to your two week journey. I see you did the twist & rip (T&R). So did I, so I can tell you a little of what to expect....In the next couple of months your hair will go frizzy, don;t worry, it does not last long. Hopefully your sections were not done tightly. They are the blueprints to your dreads (not actual dreads right now), and they need to loosen, sometimes even falling out completely, and then they will dread. They will loop, zig zag, and shrink and at the end of all this you will have awesome healthy dreads.

So don't worry when they maybe fall out, don't worry when they look a mess, just don't worry at all, ya gotta sit back and enjoy the ride for sure.

Keep them clean by washing 2-3 times a week in the beginning and keep those sections separated from each other. That is all you need to do to grow dreads.


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