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dreadlocks shampoo
Héctor Pereira


Location: Bogota
Country: CO

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Héctor Pereira
03/29/13 11:32:16PM @hctor-pereira:

Thanks for the posts! Peace!!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/27/13 05:37:21PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome good thing ypu stopped crochet that does extreme hard and will delay dreadibg by 6 months

Baba Fats
03/27/13 04:42:58PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. It's great that you stopped crocheting. If you still have the hook, either toss it, or learn to crochet. That would be the better option. No crochet hook in history, not even ones sold on site that proclaim to know a thing about locks, are made for locks. They are made for arts and crafts. And, while beautiful locks can be a work of art, it's just not the same thing

the Barrellady
03/27/13 03:16:50PM @the-barrellady:

Bienvenido to the community Hector...Peace

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
04/22/13 10:35:09PM @tyler-chidester:

A belated welcome to the community Amanda. Each person is different in the length of time it take to grow mature dreads. Lucky ones get them in about a year, for others it can take 2 years, like myself. So be prepared for a soul opening, crazy, wild ride, you will love the journey, no matter how long it takes for you....Peace

04/08/13 02:34:19PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Locks do take some decent commitment. In fact you can't "get" them. They need to grow. Even with starter methods they will take about a year to mature.

Since you are a spiritual person, the mostfulfillingmethod is let them happen. All you need to do is throw out your combs and brushes and just wash your hair with a non-residue soap. As the knots start to accumulate, you just separate them into the size section you want, and let the knots keep forming. That's all locks are. An insane amount of intricate knotting.

There are starter methods like TnR and back combing. TnR is the least damaging of those 2. What you need to stay away from are salons, art supplies like Crochet hooks and latch hooks. NEVER use wax in your hair. Wax is meant to water seal things. You want your hair to get wet. In fact, you should wash between 1-3 times a week. The more you wash and let your hair air dry, the more and faster knots form.

Check out the dreaducation page first. Then look through the timeline forums to see what the coming weeks/months will look like

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
04/22/13 10:35:09PM @tyler-chidester:

A belated welcome to the community Amanda. Each person is different in the length of time it take to grow mature dreads. Lucky ones get them in about a year, for others it can take 2 years, like myself. So be prepared for a soul opening, crazy, wild ride, you will love the journey, no matter how long it takes for you....Peace

04/08/13 02:34:19PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Locks do take some decent commitment. In fact you can't "get" them. They need to grow. Even with starter methods they will take about a year to mature.

Since you are a spiritual person, the mostfulfillingmethod is let them happen. All you need to do is throw out your combs and brushes and just wash your hair with a non-residue soap. As the knots start to accumulate, you just separate them into the size section you want, and let the knots keep forming. That's all locks are. An insane amount of intricate knotting.

There are starter methods like TnR and back combing. TnR is the least damaging of those 2. What you need to stay away from are salons, art supplies like Crochet hooks and latch hooks. NEVER use wax in your hair. Wax is meant to water seal things. You want your hair to get wet. In fact, you should wash between 1-3 times a week. The more you wash and let your hair air dry, the more and faster knots form.

Check out the dreaducation page first. Then look through the timeline forums to see what the coming weeks/months will look like

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