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Forum Activity for @midread

04/11/10 01:26:00PM
187 posts

Light Beings, UFO's, Star Gates and Encounters of All Sorts

General Talk

Never have seen any "moving stars" or UFO's and really don't believe in the "little green men" theory. If anything, I believe they are a demonic force sent to "confuse." On the lighter side though, I did have a solid pewter horse figurine start to melt in my room when I was a kid. It just started getting soft and mushing down right in front of me. I totally freaked out. It did not completely melt and when I picked it up it stopped. Although, I do kind of remember it being very warm or hot to the touch. It was always warped after that. It bothered me so much that I think I threw it away. Don't know if it was a "supernatural" occurence or not, but it sure was freaky!!!! Never could figure out what caused it.
04/29/10 06:36:31AM
187 posts

For those with conservative spouses & family..

General Talk

Yay!! Hubbies seem to be the first to come around. My son was watching a Youtube video about using his new "wah pedal" for his guitar. The guy had dreads. My son said "See mom? He has dreads!" Then he saw my forum page and said "Oh cool - you can customize the page - maybe I'll have to get on the forum." LOL! Bonnie Hazen said:
So tonight my husband (we race remote control together, but I was sick and stayed home) sends me a text telling me I missed the guy with the dreads who stopped by the track. I msg'd back "cool" and he said "down to his knees, had them 15 years" so I said "I take it you talked to him, then?" and he said, "yeah" I said "did you tell him that I'm dreading" and he said "yes"! This is HUGE progress for him...he said he HATED dreads, but he's having conversations with dreadies and also admitting that I'm dreading. Wow. Never thought it could happen. YAY!
04/24/10 08:56:08PM
187 posts

For those with conservative spouses & family..

General Talk

Well, it would be kind of hard for my husband to be a total ass about it all the time. After all, he does have to live with me - that and he would miss all the sweet lovin' he gets!!!! LOL!
updated by @midread: 07/23/15 06:57:27PM
04/06/10 07:00:41PM
187 posts

For those with conservative spouses & family..

General Talk

Just had to share this today because it meant so much to me. For all of you out there who have seen my posts and know that I have an "uber-conservative" husband and you have a family member at home who is the same - have hope!!! I put a few beads in my hair the other day (found some beads in the garage my husband uses for fishing of all things) and pulled it back to run out and do a few errands. My husband saw the beads and casually asked "you didn't pay for those did you? - because I have some just like that in the garage!!!) I laughed and said "I know" and winked at him and of course he got the joke and smiled at me. Then later in the house he pulled me aside, hugged me and called me his "little rastafarian". Now my husband has lived and travelled all over the world so he knows, of course, that having dreads has nothing to do necessarily with being rastafarian. However, in his own "dorky" way, he was letting me know it was o.k. and he loves me no matter what. it meant so much to me, especially since he has expressed his extreme distaste for dreads in the past. I just wanted all of you to know that minds can be changed, and myths about dreads can be expelled. So for all of you dealing with doubting relatives and spouses - keep at it and stick to your guns, because if I can convert my husband??? - I have hope for everyone. Now, for my mother.... ;)
updated by @midread: 02/04/18 01:55:38AM
04/06/10 03:04:48PM
187 posts

Not having a full head of mature dreads, I don't have any personal experience with this, but don't dreads kind of combine on their own if you don't keep them seperated? It seems from what I have read on this forum that there are a lot less "invasive" ways to combine dreads because they naturally join. This would kind of eliminate the need for the term "congo" wouldn't it??????
04/05/10 12:14:51PM
187 posts


Introduce Yourself

Welcome to the forum! You will be glad you found it! People on here are great!!!
04/08/10 04:55:15PM
187 posts

I have some (yeah!!!) - Now what???

Dread Maintenance

O.K. pics for reference - this is what I have going on now!!!
04/05/10 06:27:13AM
187 posts

I have some (yeah!!!) - Now what???

Dread Maintenance

Breeze, I got a little side tracked on the soap. The little one and I were recovering from a couple nasty cases of bronchitis, so I had to back burner that one for a little bit. Planning on ordering supplies this week hopefully (spring on the farm usually results in us having a lot of extra expenses too!!) I haven't forgotten about you!!! :) breeze said:
Great! I am still waiting on some of your homemade soap!

Peace & Love

updated by @midread: 07/10/15 03:08:36AM
04/05/10 06:25:15AM
187 posts

I have some (yeah!!!) - Now what???

Dread Maintenance

Well, right now I think they are baby, baby, baby dreads. However, when I try to run my finger through one it snags up halfway down. They are REALLY loose, but they are there!!!! :)
04/04/10 04:58:13PM
187 posts

I have some (yeah!!!) - Now what???

Dread Maintenance

I suspected.... soaringeagle said:
luckily im not a mere mortal..muhahaha

MiDread said:
HA! HA! That is EXACTLY what they look like! I meant "Medusa" when I said it!!! :) And believe me, in the morning after I get up - it IS enough to turn mere mortals to stone!!! LOL!!

Baldr said:
Yay! baby snakes!
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