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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @d

10/29/09 03:22:15PM
44 posts

What's up!

Introduce Yourself

Welcome! Hope you find everything you're looking for.
10/29/09 11:57:16AM
44 posts

number of locs

General Talk

113 last count...

Ian Provo said:
lol. thanks man
10/28/09 05:38:29PM
44 posts


Introduce Yourself

Just so you know it's normal to have a half of an inch to an inch of hair at the root of your locks so don't sweat it. I found that with time my roots locked up closer and closer to my scalp. Don't try to back comb the roots you'll only set yourself back and try to let them go... My natties are 100% natural and urned out just fine. Have a great week! James Gillim said:
also i was wondering if and when i might be able to put beads in.
10/24/09 11:22:42PM
44 posts

Dreads and the parents

Dreads in the Family

There is actually a group for this if you look around... When talking to your parents make sure you speak to them like an adult and if they start getting heated or raise their voices just tell them that you don't want to fight and ask them if you can talk about this again when everyone wants to behave and speak like mature adults. If you stay calm and they start overreacting it will only drive home the point that you are mature enough to make your own decision. Good luck!
10/24/09 11:11:18PM
44 posts

Things to help hair dread

Dread Maintenance

All of those things will help. I wash my hair every two to three days and it never seemed to slow the locking process... just don't rake your hand through you hair and you should have some nuggets in no time. I now you want your locks now but just give it some time and before you know it you'll have your first baby locks.
10/11/09 08:01:03PM
44 posts

How many dreads do you have... Do you have a favorite?

General Talk

Iain said:
A few are combining, but still around 47-49 when originally starting with 50

my favorite one was on the top of my head, it was the first to really look like a dread and it formed a really cool tip that looks kinda like a tentacle
I like the ones with their own personalities and my favorites have nice tips too.
10/11/09 07:58:41PM
44 posts

How many dreads do you have... Do you have a favorite?

General Talk

soaringeagle said:
everytime i try to9 count i get tangled up
at 1 point i think 250 (30 were babies) after a year and 3 months zero maintenance alotta congoing i think im down to 80ish? no idea i have several favorites the craziest most uniquue ones ofcourse the flat ones the ziggy zaggy ones the forked ones the ones that defy description..
I really love the zig zag loccks on the back of my head they also have the oundest ends.
10/11/09 06:20:59PM
44 posts

How many dreads do you have... Do you have a favorite?

General Talk

I've been asked by a number of people how many dreads I have so I'm asking everyone if they know how many locks they have and if they have a favorite. I either have a 123 or 122 locks and even though I love them all I do have my favorites. So I thought it would be cool to see what you all thought and if you have a favorite lock(s) why?
updated by @d: 03/17/21 07:38:46PM
10/12/09 12:26:29AM
44 posts

Hi, new dready from florida.

Introduce Yourself

Welcome; if you have any questions about your locks hit me up.
10/08/09 02:09:32PM
44 posts

Hi all!

Introduce Yourself

D! from Colorado here, love to share and learn and thought this would be the perfect place to talk to like minded souls... I've been letting my hair lock since March of 08 and they are doing well without any crazy products or wax! Lots of love!
updated by @d: 01/13/15 08:28:05PM
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