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Forum Activity for @matt-herring

Matt Herring
04/17/13 02:45:06AM
4 posts

sour smell too

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

I have like three dreads that have a sour smell to them and i can feel that tords the middle the seem damp so i re-blow dryed them and still nothing this seems to be happening after my washes and drying the all seem completely dry then the next day 3 of them get this Oder . same washing habbits as ive been useing backing soda and sea salt rines then castles soap bar then towl dryed and blow dryed any thoughts the sooner the better

updated by @matt-herring: 01/13/15 09:51:11PM
Matt Herring
05/22/12 01:08:36PM
4 posts

just a question

Help! Save My Dreads

Thanks for the replys i o wear a tam because i work in a restaurant and if this is just a stage then i will continue to just let them be and do my normal res free soap bar wash and backing powder and sea salt rinse bout every two weeks and just let time do its thing.

Matt Herring
05/22/12 03:28:48AM
4 posts

just a question

Help! Save My Dreads

I have had my dreadsfor about 8 months now wow didnt realize its been that long needless to say there starting to worry me the problem is that they start as backcombed dreads but as time went on let them do there own thing witch turned out really cool bumps loops the works but now it seems like there not doing anything at all in fact they got looser and not much new growth is going into the dreads. could this be from having to have them up in a hat for work most of my dreads are now flat and thin except the back bottom on thicker and flat at the end is there anything i can do or is this just anther phase.

updated by @matt-herring: 01/13/15 09:26:33PM
Matt Herring
04/02/12 02:52:27AM
4 posts

congo proublem solved ?

General Questions

ok so i had this massive Congo that took over the top back of my head the olive oil and other stuff didn't work the thing was huge so i took the knife to it and got quite a few of the little dreads free from it but the massive two wont budge so i cut away at the holding hair but when done the holding hairs couldn't support the big dread that was left so i cut it out now it feels like there's a empty spots but there's little dreads there will this be ok i hope so maybe 6 months in on natural dreads

updated by @matt-herring: 01/13/15 09:23:04PM
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