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sour smell too

Matt Herring
11 years ago
4 posts

I have like three dreads that have a sour smell to them and i can feel that tords the middle the seem damp so i re-blow dryed them and still nothing this seems to be happening after my washes and drying the all seem completely dry then the next day 3 of them get this Oder . same washing habbits as ive been useing backing soda and sea salt rines then castles soap bar then towl dryed and blow dryed any thoughts the sooner the better

updated by @matt-herring: 01/13/15 09:51:11PM
Baba Fats
11 years ago
2,702 posts

Hmm. You're a bit south west ofHarrisburg. So there's a chance that your water is a bit too hard for the BS wash or castile soaps. If you could call the water department, you'd be able to find out for sure.

With hard water, castile soaps leave tons of residue. And BS doesn't break down well. It will leave some BS behind. Can you see if there is any white stuff in those sections that smell?

What ration of BS:water are you using? That could also be an issue.

The only reason I'm not jumping right to mold is that mold doesn't smell sour. It smells musky. Unless it's growing in a old cup of orange juice that's been sitting around for a while (trust me. I've done it). Sebum, however, does have a bit of a sour smell. But I need to know how you're washing to get a better idea

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