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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @natalie-bohemian

natalie bohemian
01/29/12 06:44:37PM
8 posts

Washing every other day okay?

General Questions

i've been washing mine just as much as i washed my hair (just no more conditioner!) before i started my dreadies (4 times a week). i have been using residue free shampoo and it seems as though it almost expedites the process! plus, it keeps my scalp and my hair clean and happy!

natalie bohemian
01/28/12 10:57:04PM
8 posts

Hi everyone!

Introduce Yourself

definitely gotta love john waters! :)

Erin said:

OMG you look almost exactly like my sister. And the dreads in your profile pic look a lot like mine! haha twilight zone!

Anyway - Baltimore is a cool city. John Waters makes the best movies in history, in my opinion. Rock on.

natalie bohemian
01/24/12 10:20:06PM
8 posts

Hi everyone!

Introduce Yourself

I actually did with the first few but my other babies are all twist and rip. I learned my lesson. And on this post, I was talking about yarn :)Also, I have no clue why, but it seems like my intro was posted twice. Sorry lol.:)

kyle R. said:

i hope you dont crochet your hair>crocheting is bad for your dreadies, checkout some of the crocheting recovery forums, bad news bears for real

natalie bohemian
01/24/12 02:49:06PM
8 posts

Hi everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Oops. I lied! I meant 4 weeks!
natalie bohemian
01/24/12 02:47:50PM
8 posts

Hi everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Hey guys! I'm somewhat new here (2 weeks or so). Figured I'd say hi. My little babies are almost 4 months old and I'm loving my journey so far. They have little curls in them. Tons of personality!I'm from Baltimore, MD and I'm a musician. I also love crochet and beading. Say hi back! <3 Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
updated by @natalie-bohemian: 02/05/18 06:02:10AM
natalie bohemian
01/24/12 02:47:50PM
8 posts

Hi everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Hey guys! I'm somewhat new here (2 weeks or so). Figured I'd say hi. My little babies are almost 4 months old and I'm loving my journey so far. They have little curls in them. Tons of personality!I'm from Baltimore, MD and I'm a musician. I also love crochet and beading. Say hi back! <3 Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
updated by @natalie-bohemian: 02/07/18 08:03:31AM
natalie bohemian
01/24/12 03:11:02PM
8 posts

The easiest way to get beads on?

Dread Products

I've been making my own peyote stitch sleeves and the best way I've found to put them on my dreads is to kind of twist/palm roll one of them and then fold up the wispy end, then I just thread it through. It keeps frizz from gathering around the outer edges of the bead/sleeve.
natalie bohemian
04/07/12 07:06:18PM
8 posts

silly locticians

General Talk

wow, those look like complete garbage...not to be judgmental or anything... but let's be honest.

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