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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @peace-shalom

Peace Shalom
07/27/18 09:54:26PM
44 posts

becoming Vegetarian

Dreads and Diets

Thats great you are going vegetarian and working towards vegan!

I started the same path about a year ago. I was vegetarian for about a year and have been a full on vegan now for about 2 weeks or so. It feels great!

In order to best help you, it kind of depends on where you source your food. I live in Washington State USA, and I do most my shopping at Costco, Fred Meyer, and Wal-Mart, and local health food store. If you have a local health food store go check it out and ask questions.

When you first make the transition it takes a lot of time to search the store and check the ingredients. It takes time to learn where plant based items are. Dont get discouraged though.

Fred Meyer has a lot of vegan options. Vegan Pizza,Vegan Ice Cream, Vegan Mac and Cheese, Vegan Cheese etc.

I personally like to buy "Coconut Bliss" dark chocolate ice cream. And "Tofutti" cream cheese for putting on bagels. "Annie's" brand has lots of items like pizza and mac and cheese, etc. You have to look in the frozen section.

I personally try to avoid any products that have MSG in them or artificial sweetners or any of their derivatives. It is unfortunately put in a lot of foods.

Today for lunch i ate mixed nuts and healthy penut butter and raspberry jelly sandwiches and had bagel for breakfast. I'll probably have vegetable yakisoba (from Costco) for dinner or a vegan burger patty with salad.

A lot of products say vegan on them so look for that too.

Hope that helps.

Also, go through your current food and throw out all your meat/dairy products. This will help you commit to it and draw a line in the sand and don't look back!
Peace Shalom
07/18/18 08:50:36PM
44 posts

Help mold?

Help! Save My Dreads

Hmmm. Not sure. Maybe keep trying it if it is improving at all? Maybe change up the essential oil.
Did you ever put wax in your hair or anything that it could be sticking to??
Peace Shalom
07/18/18 05:25:48PM
44 posts

Help mold?

Help! Save My Dreads

How about maybe using tea tree oil? Mix a solution of tee tree oil and water with at a ratio of 1 tsp tree tree oil to 1 cup water. And soak it in there good.


There is also oregano, thyme, cinnamon, and rosemary, oils too which probably all combat mold too.

updated by @peace-shalom: 07/18/18 06:12:00PM
Peace Shalom
07/11/18 03:28:56PM
44 posts

27 year old dreadlocks maybe too long now

Member Journals and Timelines

Been thinking about what you said about needing to get them dry....
Is there anything we can do if we expect to be in rainy/wet conditions for extended periods of time? What kinds of protections are there to keep dreads healthy? Not everyone lives in a dry climate; so are dreadlocks just incompatible with wet climates or is there still hope?
Peace Shalom
07/07/18 06:55:46PM
44 posts

27 year old dreadlocks maybe too long now

Member Journals and Timelines

Wow! Thats is scary. Be careful. Don't let them be the death of you. Sound like it could have been close to a lot worse!

I am glad you are okay!

<3 U M8

updated by @peace-shalom: 07/07/18 07:01:15PM
Peace Shalom
07/05/18 11:12:29AM
44 posts

i'll be gone a month and server will be upgraded soon (moderator needed too)

General Talk

I think there is an issue with the site where some posts don't show up for some reason. I noticed this on another thread too. Soaring eagle might be able to fix it. It might be a settings thing. Not sure.
Peace Shalom
07/05/18 12:48:18AM
44 posts

I got called a Rasta the other day

General Talk

Yes it is dumb to assume someone's beliefs just based on their outward appearance. It is prejudice. Prejudice = pre judging For example I am Jewish but I don't believe the mainstream Judaism. I believe God never really desired or commanded the sacrifices of animals, just that he temporarily allowed it as a stepping stone for coming out of Egyptian idol worship blood sacrifices. I am vegan and believe we need to treat all animals with love and respect unless the animal has done a murder or something. I believe in accepting truth and light wherever it may be found and letting it continually change my beliefs and views. To stereotype anyone is wrong. We need to get to know people. So many people have a hate for people they have never even met. Anyway. Rasta or not, may the crown of your head be blessed with dreads of glory! :)

updated by @peace-shalom: 07/20/18 01:25:18PM
Peace Shalom
07/03/18 10:50:00PM
44 posts

What exactly went "wrong" the first time around? Just never seperated at all?
Peace Shalom
07/03/18 06:54:20AM
44 posts

I got called a Rasta the other day

General Talk

By a stranger? What did you do/say?
Were you called it in a good or bad way?
Peace Shalom
06/30/18 08:10:29AM
44 posts

Does only dry hair form dreadlocks?

Dreads Hair and Scalp Health

I think it is good to wash, unless you want your hair full of dead skin building up overtime. Your scalp sheds thousands of skin cells every hour! Within about 1-2 months all of your outer skin layers of skin will be shed and be replaced with new skin. And all of that skin on your head will come off and stick into your hair if you don't wash it out regularly. Your skin produces sebum next to your hair (sebum is kind of a fatty wax like substance) for protection and health, and sebum production depends on your hormones and environment and nutrition etc. Basically, "You" have to figure out what "you" want to do and what your hair and scalp will accept. Learn what's best for your own body and do that. Don't focus on the dreadlocking "speed" so much that you compromise your own skin and hair health! Concentrate on what is healthiest for your hair and scalp. A healthy hair and scalp will produce strong hair, healthy skin, and hair won't be falling out and breaking all over the place. Imo, this means good nutrition and vitamins.  You need vitamins so eat more natural things like nuts and seeds and fresh fruits and vegetables, not processed microwaved food, with plastic or canned old food. That being said, keep in mind that it takes time for your body to adapt to anything new in its environment. For example if you don't shave for a long time or never have shaved and then you all the sudden start shaving everyday, your skin is probably going to feel very strange and possibly inflamed. Or if you are used to shaving with a straight edge and then switch to an electric shaver, it is going to take probably several weeks to adapt to it. Any change to a hair routine takes time. You have to wait for your new skin being formed to adapt to the environment and to reach the surface of your scalp. If you are used to showering with shampoo everyday and you suddenly switch to only water, it may take months to adapt. Your scalp and skin get used to secreting oils and sebum and such at a rate consistent with its environment. You have to give your body some realistic expectations of time to adapt. Maybe gradually phase into a new method. 1 method probably doesn't work for everyone with all skin and hair types. And also consider the water you use is going to be different from place to place. I personally have a water filter attached to my showerhead so it filters out a lot of chlorine and fluoride and other bad things from the water. I can seriously tell the difference to how my hair and scalp feels with filtered water. Because I don't shampoo, before I used the showerhead filter, my head and skin would smell like chlorine and chemicals and I couldn't stand it! Now, my hair & skin smells good/natural/clean when I get out and my skin and hair are healthier. I also find I can give it longer and better soak and rub before any irritation or damage would occur. Therefore, the right/best thing to do probably depends on your water quality, and personal beliefs, and skin and hair adaptability. I am not a skin doctor or anything, just my personal experience.

updated by @peace-shalom: 07/05/18 11:04:46AM
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