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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @mikhail-ceballo

Mikhail Ceballo
03/26/13 09:54:35AM
20 posts

Just wondering..

General Questions

So i get the impression that one of the main concerns of people with mature dreads is giving them enough drying time between washes. Im only six weeks into neglect so the thought of it taking so long to dry baffles me. One of my questions for those of you with mature dreads is how long does it actually take them to fully dry? If its measured in hours, do you just let your hair get wet during the showers where you're not washing your hair? And i have a hard time believing it but if its measured in days, do you shower cap it during showers in-between hair washes? Can someone shed some light on my confusion? =]
updated by @mikhail-ceballo: 02/14/15 06:12:00AM
Mikhail Ceballo
03/22/13 10:50:03PM
20 posts

Yet another drying question..

General Questions

Im pretty sure thats a brilliant idea. Shamwow's got a new advertising gig now. Thanks for the advice =]

the Barrellady said:

Here is another tip for you. Purchase a couple of micro fiber towels, like a Shamwow ( one place to find them is auto sections in stores) These will reduce your drying time so much. Use one to absorb the excess water from your hair, it will suck up so much, and use the other one to put on top of your neck brace/under your hair...this will absorb the water still coming out.

Still use a towel too. Here is a tip for a towel. Dreads love lint, can't avoid it, so use a towel the same color as your hair so that the unavoidable towel lint won't be as noticed.

Here's to a speedy recovery...Peace

Mikhail Ceballo
03/22/13 03:53:18PM
20 posts

Yet another drying question..

General Questions

Thanks man! that helps a lot. And hopefully this won't be a problem much longer anyways, i should be out of this collar soon.. goin on over three months now so lol. Thanks again.

Baba Fats said:

If you have thinner locks, you can squeeze them, but don't wring them out like you are wring out a towel. Wrap a towel around a few locks, and squeeze excess water out. Then get a dry part of the towel and do it to another few locks. Continue until they are all squeezed.

You can use a dryer in short bursts on the cold setting. Hot will only cause heat damage to your hair. Even prolonged cold hair can fry your hair. If you dryer has an ionizer setting, turn it off. For health reasons, and to aid drying.

What I have found to work well, is to lean forward and drape the towel over your head so that your hair is hanging in front of you, and the towel is too. It'll act like a backdrop. Use the blow dryer and constantly move it around blowing against your hair. With the towel trapping the air, it'll help spread out the moving air evenly. It's help me a whole lot with drying a bit faster. But don't do this for more than a few minutes at a time.

Mikhail Ceballo
03/22/13 03:25:09PM
20 posts

Yet another drying question..

General Questions

The background is I've been going freeform/neglect for about 5 weeks now. Im still in a neck brace and air drying can be frustrating as its hard to stop the cushions in the brace from staying dry and they retain water FOREVER lol. One of my friends who has dreadlocks says he squeezes his with a towel and then lets them air dry. My first question is: Is squeeze drying some hair ok? i know they say towel drying is bad but i don't see how just squeezing could be bad. If thats not okay i guess i could use my girls blow dryer. I usually just use it as an alien blaster ray gun so needless to say i have no experience with hair dryers =p Second question: Are hair dryers ok, and if so hot or cold air? Any responses are greatly appreciated, Namaste~
updated by @mikhail-ceballo: 01/13/15 09:49:37PM
Mikhail Ceballo
02/27/13 02:58:47PM
20 posts Product Experience

Dread Products

Thank you Amanda. More reason for me to alternate. And then i can start to get an idea what works well for me and what doesn't. Thanks for the input <3

Mikhail Ceballo
02/27/13 02:34:50PM
20 posts Product Experience

Dread Products

haha that sounds like a pleasant smell. Yea in retrospect i think alternating will be better. Definitely easier and it'll be nice to add some good smells to my head lol. I think i will also go with the bar. Thank you very much for the advice <3

Mikhail Ceballo
02/27/13 01:24:24PM
20 posts Product Experience

Dread Products

Yea i got you. Well i think I'm just gonna stick to the baking soda and apple cider vinegar and wash like twice a week. I think it will definitely work better than what I'm doing now. And id rather just avoid buying any expensive shampoos all together. Thanks again for looking out <3

Mikhail Ceballo
02/27/13 11:06:03AM
20 posts Product Experience

Dread Products

Thank you so much, that's very helpful. How often should i do this? and should i replace normal shampooing with it completely?

Mikhail Ceballo
02/27/13 08:47:58AM
20 posts Product Experience

Dread Products

I was looking to purchase either the dreadlocks shampoo bar or liquid soap from this website and was wondering if anyone has experience with them that they could share. A recommendation on wether to go with the bar or liquid soap would be nice too. I am just starting my dreads and am using a pure castile soap right now but it feels like my hair and scalp always have some stuff left on them. Also i know lots of people soak their dreads in a mixture of stuff every once in a while to clean them. Could someone please recommend a mixture and how to go about soaking and rinsing. I would like to do this before i switch shampoos also because i feel like my hair still hasn't gotten a true good clean. Thanks for any responses, Namaste.
updated by @mikhail-ceballo: 01/13/15 09:47:52PM
Mikhail Ceballo
02/26/13 01:57:10PM
20 posts

Semi-mature dreads feeling softer

Dread Maintenance

SE would you recommend the bar or liquid shampoo from that site? Specifically for someone who is just started their dreads.

soaring eagle said:

thats fine tho the salt will still dry em out so should be uneacary in mature dreads except when you over condition for awhile and they get too muych loi9seness at the scalp

u certainly dont need salt often at all

just leave out the lemon and stop palm rolling and see if that doesnt help

the squeeky green a few have used successfully but not sure its the best the soaps are really the best u can get

so maybe rry those for a month or so and see
i think most lilely stopping the palm rolling and lemon will do the trick
Arden Tenjou said:

Thank you for your quick reply!

I use Squeaky Green from Lush, and I wash every few days, just whenever they feel greasy. I like it because it seems to be the only shampoo that gets the greasy feeling out, and my dreads feel tighter after I wash them.

What if I remove the lemon juice from the tonic, so it was just rosemary and salt?

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