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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @oscidreads

02/01/13 06:25:04PM
2 posts

Dreads look messy? Want them to be neater.

General Questions

I mean, I understand I shouldn't twist them a ton.. But I really want my hair to look smoother? I've basically left the dreads alone for 2 years, but they don't look how I want them to.. So I was just wondering what I can do to make them rounder, and neater? .. I don't want the natural, messy look, but I also don't want them to be perfect.

Thanks for your insight.

02/01/13 05:52:50PM
2 posts

Dreads look messy? Want them to be neater.

General Questions

Hey, guess this is sort of my introduction.. I'm Alex, HI!

Anyways, I know dreads are supposed to just be kind of left alone, and you're supposed to just go with the flow, but I want my dreadlocks to look more neat, and tight.. I see other people with dreads and they look nice and clean, mine don't quite look the part..

I've had dreads for about 2 years now, my mother started them on my head (Didn't do a great job, so I had to have someone else go in and "fix" them) Then they were actual dreads, and I kind of just took care of them myself after that..

Well, I'm tired of them looking all messy, when she first did them they looked so nice..

I went to a salon today, and had them re-twist the dreads, so now they are pretty tight to the root I'd say.. But the dreads themselves look kind of messy and flat at some parts, and then kind of lumpy at other parts.

Should I palm roll them everyday, or what? I hear crocheting is bad, so I don't want to do that.. Palm rolling doesn't seem to do much, but maybe I'm not doing it right, or maybe I should do it while my hair is wet, I don't know.. I just want them to look smoother and tighter :/

Also, not sure if anyone has experience with this, but if you pay a salon for a re-twist, are they supposed to just twist the roots and that's it? or do something with the actual dreads as well?

Thanks in advanced.. You guys will probably just tell me to leave them alone, but having them look neater is my personal preference.. I don't want them perfect or anything, just nicer than they are.. Will post pics if necessary.

They are about shoulder length, by the way.

updated by @oscidreads: 01/13/15 09:45:30PM
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