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dreadlocks shampoo
Emily Dawn Reynolds


Location: Stoneville, NC
Zipcode: 27048
Country: US

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the Barrellady
07/30/13 09:25:15PM @the-barrellady:

Hi there Emily, welcome to the community. Glad you learned about all the terrible methods out there, it really is a shame that they are available. Did you ever get the wax out of your dreads? It does stay in for life if not removed, we can help you if you need it.....Hope you share a pic of your 4 year old dreads, love to see them...peace

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
08/11/13 07:24:38PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Stacy. Looks like you have experience with just about all the dreading methods there are. Now its time for you to just let them be to rock on all on their own. I too did some negelct, some T&R to get mine started. Enjoy the site and all the great members on here. Hope you share a pic with us soon of your dreads.....peace

08/09/13 06:03:34PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Eagle's right about crocheting. You can do it so you may not hear the ripping. But, unlike popular belief, there is no "safe" way to crochet. Every pass of the hook rips hundreds of hairs into smaller and smaller pieces. This weakens your locks considerably. In time, it will make them weak enough to snap under a slight tug.

As for palm rolling, don't bother. It only makes them look neat for a few hours. If you do it enough to see progress, it is doing severe damage to your locks. I'll let this video speak for itself:

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/09/13 04:33:15PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but theres no such thing as gentle crochet all crochet is brutal and extremely damaging

plus delays progress a ton

oh and palm rollings totaly poinless

Gabriel Audet-Bourgault
08/11/13 07:24:38PM @tyler-chidester:

Welcome to the community Stacy. Looks like you have experience with just about all the dreading methods there are. Now its time for you to just let them be to rock on all on their own. I too did some negelct, some T&R to get mine started. Enjoy the site and all the great members on here. Hope you share a pic with us soon of your dreads.....peace

08/09/13 06:03:34PM @darkstar:

Welcome. Eagle's right about crocheting. You can do it so you may not hear the ripping. But, unlike popular belief, there is no "safe" way to crochet. Every pass of the hook rips hundreds of hairs into smaller and smaller pieces. This weakens your locks considerably. In time, it will make them weak enough to snap under a slight tug.

As for palm rolling, don't bother. It only makes them look neat for a few hours. If you do it enough to see progress, it is doing severe damage to your locks. I'll let this video speak for itself:

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/09/13 04:33:15PM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but theres no such thing as gentle crochet all crochet is brutal and extremely damaging

plus delays progress a ton

oh and palm rollings totaly poinless

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