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the truth about crocheting dreadlocks

SIster Soljress
14 years ago
4 posts
Again, thank you... I really needed to hear that. I am going to stay strong and maintain on my own. Crocheting is not for me, all that snapping from the hairs breaking is very traumatizing. Can't wait to get back...Peace and blessings to you soaringeagle said:
oh geez yea thats crocheting for u
it will recover but u may get extra fuzzy for a bit from all the broken hair

crochet really is just terible for dreads..but since it was just once they'll bounce back without too severe of issues

just from now your own maintenance..

Corrine said:
I will try lying in Bed that sounds good! So you will see how flat and exposed the scalp got, I feel naked I hope they bounce back. Miss my fluffy-ness. Some got really skinny. :(

soaringeagle said:
u could post em but if your embarrasssed yea u can email em too

seperating dreads shouldnt take too much work you dont even gotta do em all at once id do it just a few at a time without thinking..sometimes lying in bed (lesss stress on arms i guess) but even if u just seperate a few now and then you'll probly seperate almost all monthly and that should be fine ofcourse if theyre really reatting eachother u might want to be more thourough awhile

Corrine said:
Thank you. I will send pics, I just email them to you? It's kinda embarrassing. My arms get really tired and I can't see what I am doing. I will check out your guide I am a new member as of today. So I will read up.
soaringeagle said:
why cant u rip to your rooys? its simple see the ripping/popping guide in links to the right
all maintenance u can do yourself in fact thats the only maintenance worth doing
but it should be done often enough to keep from being too difficuly

lets talk and gimme picyures
im sorry you had to go through that

updated by @sister-soljress: 07/22/15 12:07:16PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
i really dont recomend anyone ever crochet dreadlocksits severely damaging makes them way too tight skinny and weird looking

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
3 posts
Crocheting is a very distructive method of making dreadlocks.Mine were made with crocheting and backcombing and I can tell you that it is a real hassle.This is what I've learnt about the method:The first couple of months you have to crochet the loose hair strains back in the dread about once every 4 days and it is also recommended not to wash your dreads too often,cause more hair gets loose from your dreads and you have to crochet them back in.After about 2 months,dependig on your own type of hair,you can crochet the dread once a week,and after about6 to 8 months,you can stop crocheting them.If you overdo with your crocheting,you could end up with very tight and stiff dreads.Also,since you break a lot of hair in the process,some of it will come out of the dread,making it thinner in that area,wich will eventually break,shortening your dread.This isn't a very easy method to do yourself,if you don't know what you are doing,because all of the above mentioned problems may accure.It is also a painfull way to make dredlocks,because sometimes your hair gets mangled around the crochet,and you end up pulling the root of the hair,too.The only advantage ,if you can call it that,is that you don;t need to use dread wax,or other products.But I wouldn't recommend this method,especially as a do-it-yourself.I used it because it was the only method available in my country,and there aren't a lot of dread-heads around to ask for help and advice.In fact,in my town there are 2 people who have dreadlocks:me and my sister :P She used the same method,but she was luckyer,I didn't crochet her dreads as often as I did mine.Hope this helps anyone who is facing the same problems I was.Dread safe :)and best use natural dreading method,like SE advises.
14 years ago
6 posts

so this doesn't actually surprise me. sticking a needle in and out of a dread and disrupting the natural process and breaking damaging the hairs doesn't seem like it would work well over time

but i'm wondering... what about just for starting dreads? it does seem like it could speed things up initially

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts


but they need a good 6 months to recover and loosen up enough to begin actual dreading meanwhile theyget extremely fuzzy due to all the broken hairs
u might even loose alot of hair

its just not good to do ever in any way for any reason

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
217 posts

DO IT! and post a link so I can watch. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just really want to see this. I also believe you can use a crochet hook without permanently damaging your dreads, it's just difficult to do.

Micah Mapes said:

You're figures are wrong. You can't act like what you wrote are facts with no actual experience. You are just reiterating things people have told you and assigning it as a truth for all people who crochet dreads. If I talked to on neglect person and then say that all neglect methods are like this, I would be wrong. You can crochet without breaking a single hair and I'm about to post a vid on how to do it.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts

you cannot crochet dreads without breaking hairs its a impossibility metal is stronger then hair the tiniest hook ever made is a hundred times thicker then a hair its impossible and the facts are obhservable and repeatable

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Trina Sandress
14 years ago
87 posts

It seems to me that it is just another short cut to getting instant locks. We live in a time where everyone wants it perfect and want it now! Getting back to nature,for me, is about taking your time and enjoying the journey of life. Including the awkward stages. Crochet hooks,wax,combs all are one in the same in my humble opinion. But people must go down their own path and learn.Soaring Eagle you are doing a wonderful job with this site by putting forth information based on your own observations and plenty of experience and you speak from your heart and soul. Bright Blessings to you and yours! :0)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts

yea i agree with u and theres not a single shortcut that doesnt have its drawbacks and with crochet its literaly handfulls of broken hairs

ppl who took out crochet dreads the very next day after having them done by a "pro" lost almost 1/2 of theyre hair in the process itrs not only that it breaks a few hairs but it breaks a hell of alot of hairs

and physics would prove its impossible to not break hairs when u do it

i mean can u bend the laws of nature to pound a nail through a board without creating a hole? no u cant

when you push metal through hair 1 or the others got to give way and hairs are very easy to break metal isnt ((although that crazy salt lady broke a metal hook in a guys dread)

micah acts like hes an expert having 2 weeks experience and having dreads that look horribly abused from crochet hes just got a massive ego and must always be right despite the fact that it makes no sense and u can see and feel the damage and literaly hundreds of ppl can verify by theyre own experiences

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts

no he was banned for harrassment for drama whoring for basicly being an asshole and i had to block him on youtube too cause he kept on harrassing me he basicly just is a huge attention whore who feeds off of negative attention..basicly a troll

theres alotta ppl who have difereuing opinions but dont need to cause constant drama just to get a negative attention fix

micah likes to play the martyr get ppl to go against him so he can whine about poor me im being attacked its a passive agressive way to get freinds when u have no other way to do it..playing the pity card

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