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Leah "Paddish"
13 years ago
16 posts

SE, I just have to say I applaud you for being so patient and kind to people when it is not always deserved. It's very hard for me to always be nice when people are so ignorant. Most of the time I can stay nice but there are the few times i can't control my frustration.

I am somewhat amazed that I did not become racist. My parents are a bit on the racist side, I don't really think they notice it. They grew up in a different time (which is not an excuse) so certain things have stuck with them. (Like interracial dating) I never understood it. I have always looked at people as people and not black,white,purple,pink...etc. I just wish more people could see it the same way. There may be insignificant differences, but that is not always race related. Everyone is different in the sense we all require different care with our bodies. Whether it is maintaining a certain diet for health reasons or using a different soap because our skin is drier/oilier than others. It's not specific to race, it varies from person to person.

I'm just glad my children are not exposed to a lot of racist or discriminatory things. My younger 2 will notice that some peoples' skin is different and they will ask and I will explain that they are different for the same reason some people have blonde hair or brown hair, green eyes or blue eyes... etc. My 6 yr old noticed my little cousin has darker skin. He was confused because we are all lighter skinned. He has never seen the babies father so he didn't know he has darker skin (Puerto Rican). It was actually amusing because he just looked so puzzled. As soon as we told him the babies father has darker skin he just said "Oh" and left it at that.

I am tired, so I ramble lol...sorry =D

updated by @leah-paddish: 07/23/15 06:42:55PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

yea most kids grasp things so easily but they can be tought wrong easily too

but hey..this psychos at it again

i dont get how he can call me a cracker and a racist in the same statement since crackers kinda a racist statement

but i think my reply to him was good but i doubt he can see through the hate cant think about what others think

ppl just get blinded by predjudices

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

whoa this guys a psycho yea gonna have to block him

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Hans Miniar Jónsson
13 years ago
74 posts

He does have "one" point though...

Not all locks are "dreads". (Been actually meaning of writing that as a semi-article style blog entry, but NEED to catch up on homework FIRST!)
In Rastafarianism dread has a specific meaning, it refers to fear of YHVH. The "dreadlocks" are grown in relation to that context by those that are Rastafari.
Rastafarianism, as such, is a Christian sub-religion.
I'm not christian, I'm heathen.
As such, I am not comfortable referring to my locks as "dreads" in any way as that term's not "relevant" and actually, I've been trying to find some term which would be more "accurate" for my locks than just... locks even.

There are other words specific to this form of keeping one's hair, but these other words are again associated with specific cultures and religions and specific cultural or religious statuses, and while there's one term that refers specifically to European locks I'm not sure I want to use that term either cause historically it was seen as a "disease" in most central European countries.
Though, I may still grow fond of it because the country that term's associated with saw locks as "lucky". They were considered bringers of fortune, good health, and even greater wisdom.
The term I'm referring to is "Polish Plait".
King Christian the fourth of Denmark had a single lock that he kept and let grow long from the side of his head. He was the longest reigning Danish monarch in history and he is remembered fondly as a popular, proactive, and ambitious king who did the best he could to restore a country from the brink of ruin through reform and many projects.

(getting a touch rambly now aren't I? Should really get the homework done so I can comfortably write the article I want to...)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

shealspere also wrote about fairy locks or weas it elf locks i think elf locks

they were said to be creatted by elfs or fairies in your sleep and it was unlucky to comb them out

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Castaway J
13 years ago
585 posts

i wonder what the response at work would be SE if they told me to comb my hair, and i said that thats what i believed lol

new dreddie
13 years ago
75 posts


My folks taught me to love all and judge a person by their character, white, black, etc. I am so thankful to God that my parents taught me right. Racism begins at home (grandparents, friends, cousins, tv, etc)in my opinion.
Special K said:

You are so right.. My parents taught me that we are all God's children and He loves us all the same. They taught me that I should not see color, I should see people. and I do, I'll never bring up my future children to hate or discriminate. Its foolish.

soaring eagle said:

i dont understand isms at all racism sexism any descriminations

its funny ive never ecven concidered asking someone bout their race till starting this site and realizing the diferent hair types require different treatments and really thats what race boils down to different skin and hair caee diferent susceptibilities to certain diseases different genetics ..the personality differences are taught and learned

we make the differences seejm huge when we dwell on the differences whenj we let them define us

but really rthe differences are subtle and unimportant

t Special K said:

SE, man people are so ignorant, stubborn and act so infantile sometimes. My entire life I have fought being different and now I have learned to accept it. I really do not understand people who are racist or are so closed minded.. It just doesn't compute.

soaring eagle said:

it can be the way hes raised i mean in philly we have "the church of the black jesus" which is all good i mean he probly was black or arab but these ppl stand on street corners with megaphones screamming about the white devil and all that but 1 day we had a rainbow picnic in the park were out there drumming and next to us is anouthee picnic with a bunch of african americans drumming a couple with dreads so we invited them to join us and drum together and they respond "we don't integrate" and that was that they would not say another word to us

very shocking really

we jus went bacjk to drumming and ignored it but in this decade u just dont expect that

new dreddie
13 years ago
75 posts

Don't let them get you down soaringeagle. They aren't worth a drop of your energy! :) Keep rockin' your dreads man, I like them. :)

Karrington <3
13 years ago
94 posts

I couldn't agree more.. And the thing about it is people's grandparents think its cute until it manifests and then turns into hate crimes and then they have no clue who is at fault.. Its a shame really..

new dreddie said:


My folks taught me to love all and judge a person by their character, white, black, etc. I am so thankful to God that my parents taught me right. Racism begins at home (grandparents, friends, cousins, tv, etc)in my opinion.
Special K said:

You are so right.. My parents taught me that we are all God's children and He loves us all the same. They taught me that I should not see color, I should see people. and I do, I'll never bring up my future children to hate or discriminate. Its foolish.

soaring eagle said:

i dont understand isms at all racism sexism any descriminations

its funny ive never ecven concidered asking someone bout their race till starting this site and realizing the diferent hair types require different treatments and really thats what race boils down to different skin and hair caee diferent susceptibilities to certain diseases different genetics ..the personality differences are taught and learned

we make the differences seejm huge when we dwell on the differences whenj we let them define us

but really rthe differences are subtle and unimportant

t Special K said:

SE, man people are so ignorant, stubborn and act so infantile sometimes. My entire life I have fought being different and now I have learned to accept it. I really do not understand people who are racist or are so closed minded.. It just doesn't compute.

soaring eagle said:

it can be the way hes raised i mean in philly we have "the church of the black jesus" which is all good i mean he probly was black or arab but these ppl stand on street corners with megaphones screamming about the white devil and all that but 1 day we had a rainbow picnic in the park were out there drumming and next to us is anouthee picnic with a bunch of african americans drumming a couple with dreads so we invited them to join us and drum together and they respond "we don't integrate" and that was that they would not say another word to us

very shocking really

we jus went bacjk to drumming and ignored it but in this decade u just dont expect that

13 years ago
61 posts

Now, I couldn't quite make that out. Something along the lines of dreading to be "different" and a lack of culture or something... But, uh, SE, for future reference, I wouldn't take any Youtube comments into heavy consideration. Youtube comments are literally some of the dumbest, most ridiculous text you'll ever read online. They get much worse than what you got. And about the eggs... What moron would actually think that's a good idea? I just don't know anymore.

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