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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

lost a dread!

JESSICA EVA (Eva Lovelocks)
11 years ago
217 posts

just running my fingers through my hair and gently playing with a dread when WHOOP there it was! in my hand... umm, i have plently to spare, but is his somewhat normal? it came off a little above halfway down. really thin one.

my dreads are around 3 year old now. should i condition them with something... or something??? or what?

updated by @jessica-eva-eva-lovelocks: 01/13/15 09:48:22PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

aloe or jojoba when too dry

but have u ever




tied a knot to repair a weak spot


excessive palm rolling

i dont think u did just making sure

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
1,291 posts

eva!! nice to see you again! oh wow. so it just came off? i've never had that happen. could be that your hair is too dry. what are you washing with?

JESSICA EVA (Eva Lovelocks)
11 years ago
217 posts

i never did anything weird to them. i think they must be a little crispy right now. a while ago i started washing with a little regular shampoo and mixing it with a hunk of baking soda. they seem pretty dry :-/

and nice to be back! i should get some new pics up sometime within the week for an update!

11 years ago
1,291 posts

i find baking soda very drying when not used with the acv. maybe skip that part.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts


when u wah with bs do u use acv after?

id try bars awhile

ypur hair will be alot healthier after just a couple washes

cant wait for the updates

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
393 posts

I had a portion of one of my thin dreadlocks fall off also. However, in my case, the dreadlock fell off because the hair surrounding the core shed off like normal hair would do. I grabbed the dreadlock and pulled gently and that was all it took. Thankfully the the rest of the dreadlock is still there and it looks like nothing happened.

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