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Y'all can call me Mars:)

Mars McFarland
12 years ago
6 posts

Well hi. I'm obviously new. I stumbled upon this site accidentally somehow, googling something or other. I think it was actually after I had noticed my hair started dreading all on its own, and I wanted to dye it (I keep my hair black because I used to dye it crazy colors and recently decided to grow it out from being half-shaved, and my natural color is too weird to match), but didn't really want to lose the little babies that were forming on my head. So I googled stuff and found this site, and got lost in it. I decided to actually make an account because I feel like this is a place I might actually belong at.

A little about me, I grew up in a small town in Georgia, that's my home, but these days I work as a tattoo artist in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, I've got a boyfriend who I've been with for 6 months or so, and a cat I recently adopted from craigslist haha. She didn't have a name when I got her, her owner just called her 'M'. I call her Lua and spoil the living fuck out of her.

Obviously I like cats.

Don't know what else to say here much, if you wanna know all my info just look at my profile, don't really feel much need to retype all of that.

So, in conclusion: Hi, I'm the new kid. Hope to make some friends :)

updated by @mars-mcfarland: 02/14/15 08:04:47AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

u already made friends welcome mars

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Tara C
12 years ago
644 posts

Nice introduction :) welcome to the site!

Steff A Roo
12 years ago
25 posts
Welcome Mars :)
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Welcome. I'm glad you stumbled on us not even looking for info about locks. What luck. Well you're here now. Drink the cool-aid.

Mars McFarland
12 years ago
6 posts

I'm always game for drinking kool-aid from strangers, after all, what's the worst that could happen! ;)
Thanks for the welcome you guys. :))

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

I grew up always having a cat or 3 in the house. Since I moved out I found out that I am allergic to them. I found a cute baby kitten on top of my awning a few months ago, but couldn't keep him. It was so sad. I had to find a no-kill shelter. I have no doubts that some kids would beg their parents to adopt it. It was the most adorable cat I've ever seen. I must have weighed 3 pounds but ate 2 full cans of tuna and a full can of cat food that a neighbor brought over. He was probably out on the street for days without eating.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

yeah. At this point in my life I am thinking about getting a dog. My girlfriend like both, but she love big dogs, and I always wanted a hound. So we'll probably get one sometime soon and then get a cat after that to keep it company.

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Blood hounds are my favorite. My neighbor has one that's 6 months old. He's the cutest and biggest puppy I've ever seen.

I love bully breeds, though. I want a hound first, but if not, then I'd love a Doberman, orRottweiler.

Mars McFarland
12 years ago
6 posts

I saw a straySiamesecat last night and I swear to god I almost cried. he was just frolicking around the parking lot and I called out to him, and he looked back at me and stared for a good 10 seconds or so before scuttling off. I wished I could rescue him sooooo badly but I already have a cat that I have to keep a secret from our room mate, so holding on to two would be really difficult. There are several strays around our neighborhood, I leave food out for them when I can. I leave food for the bunnies too :)

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